Book Title: Mysteries of Life and Eternal Bliss
Author(s): Anantprasad Jain
Publisher: Tirthakar Mahavir Smruti Kendra Samiti Lakhnou UP
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Now we will come here directly to see how the exponents of this rational, scientific and wisdomful faith of the Great Jinas have dealt it all in their special, novel, simple and straight forward and systematic way or manner. As Souls and Pudgalas (matter) are found coexistent everywhere intermingled, intermixed and over-lapping in spaceOccupied by them they have vibrated and fevibrated and acted and reacted on each other, influenced and reinfluenced each other in such a way that all sculs are found only in the impure state contaminated, polluted, mixed and covered up by and with Pudgalas.
These Pudgala particles and their formations fill up the space occupied by any particular Soul. They (the Pudgalas) are constantly vibrating and they have strong tendency for mutual attachment. Their presence and vibrations cause vibrations in the spheres of the soul too. These vibrations and sympathetic or counter vibrations have been acting and reacting in such a way that the particles of matteer, present or coexistent in the whole space occupied by a particular Soul, constitute themselves into a particular formation of compact mass and shape and