Book Title: Mysteries of Life and Eternal Bliss
Author(s): Anantprasad Jain
Publisher: Tirthakar Mahavir Smruti Kendra Samiti Lakhnou UP
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Similarly it can be seen, conceived or believed that though we find all kinds of different shapes, sizes, forms etc. of different embodied beings yet the omnipresent Atman is the same or similar in each and every respective case whether it is ant, a fish, a goat, a snake, a bird, an elephant, a whale, a monkey, a worm, a male or a female or a man or any other form of animate or living organism, Atman in any living being is one, separate and independent.
The Atman in all these bodies are of the same quality and similar in every respect of knowledge and possessing all the attributes and potentialities in full all the time. inherent in itself-nothing less nothing moreexcept as may be limited by the nature and capacity of these different forms and bodies in each case respectively.
Life or consciousness is "Soul" and non-life or non-consciousness is "non-Soul". Whereever there is consciousness the Soul, the Atman or the Self must be there with all its primary, fundamental and original qualities, magnificence, splendour, attributes and