Book Title: Mysteries of Life and Eternal Bliss
Author(s): Anantprasad Jain
Publisher: Tirthakar Mahavir Smruti Kendra Samiti Lakhnou UP
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This is a small example which can be quite clear to any person knowing the elements of chemical science or to all others who can concieve, and believe in such things or such phenomena taking place actually.
Vibration and revibration are instrumental in all reactions. We have seen that sometimes when two substances are brought together they may not combine or mix. In such cases brisk stirring or boiling is done, Vibrations do this work too. Inflow of Karmic-Pudgala towards the Soul (within the space occupied by the Soul) is caused by the vibratory activity of mind, speech and body. If the vibratory activity is with passion, the Inflow leads to bondage of Soul by Karmicmatter, Pudgala matter is flowing in this body all the time, and this body is coincident with the Soul; which means inflow of matter in the body which is inflow within the Karman body i.e. in the Soul. Pudgala or matter particles are continuously being released from internal molecules due to action and reaction; and Pudgala is entering the body by food, drink, breath and light etc. But changes or reorientation in those molecular settings, which affect our actions (of mind, speech