Book Title: Mysteries of Life and Eternal Bliss
Author(s): Anantprasad Jain
Publisher: Tirthakar Mahavir Smruti Kendra Samiti Lakhnou UP
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molecular-setting or the Kramic--body enveloping the Soul, and together constituting the living worldly being. Due to these actions, reactions and cosequent changes taking place, the structure, formations and the combinations of the Karmic molecules also change. These changes mightily affect the body internally as well as externally and the mind and the Soul. Every action of a livingbeing is directed or produced under the direct influence of a particular set of Karma-Pudgala or Karmic-molecules or Pudgala setting.
Certain excretions, also come from the body-such as sweat, urine, stool and breath; and we are aware about formations of blood bone, flesh, hair etc. and the changes in these, or growth and decay and other allied substances of the human body as a whole; of which some are visible and felt; some are invisible or not felt. These are all due to molecular change or change in the Pudgala formations. Thus we see that all kinds of changes keep taking place, within the body all the time, producing various perceived or unperceived changes with due effects of various durations and intensities and of good or bad natureA detailed study of Jain