Book Title: Mysteries of Life and Eternal Bliss
Author(s): Anantprasad Jain
Publisher: Tirthakar Mahavir Smruti Kendra Samiti Lakhnou UP
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bigger and smaller, enveloping or containing it, as the case may be.
The Pradesh (space) occupied by one single Pudgala unit has been accepted and taken as the primary unit of space for all purposes of calculation and representation of space and for all descriptive or explanatory purposes in Jain Philosophy.
Also the time taken by one Pudgala particle to cross one Pudgala-Pradesha has been reckoned or defined as the unity of the time or “unit time” in Jain Philosophy—this is called the “Kalanu” (Flaiyi) i.e. the smallest unit of time for measurement of time. This unit of time has still to be accepted and adopted by the modern scientists. This is the time taken by one “electron" or Pudgala particle to cross over the space occupied by it.
Any substance which occupies space more than one Pudgala-pradesha is said to have body- "Kaya” in Jain Philosphy.
Atman or Soul can occupy at any time the smallest space in the smallest body of the lowest microbe or any larger being occupying infinite numer of Pudgala Pradesh