Book Title: Mysteries of Life and Eternal Bliss
Author(s): Anantprasad Jain
Publisher: Tirthakar Mahavir Smruti Kendra Samiti Lakhnou UP
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into account. If even a whole sea is taken out from the Pacific ocean, the water level will still remain the same and this deficiency may not be felt or perceived at all.
Even if this earth of ours or many such earths had not existed, or get disintegrated or changed to something else, it will not atall make any difference in the vastness of the universe.
So the staggering vastness or the numerical countlessness of Pudgala-particles is difficult to grasp for a human being with limited powers of conception and knowledge.
Similar is the case with the immensity, vastness and countlessness of Souls too. They also can be termed as being of the order of "infinity to the power of infinity” (oo ), which means that if infinite number of souls are taken out ceaselessly for an infinite number of times over an endless period i.e. since eternity to eternity or infinity, even then the balance remaining will be the same infinity for all practical and comparative considerations,
This is the state of affairs which the