Book Title: Mysteries of Life and Eternal Bliss
Author(s): Anantprasad Jain
Publisher: Tirthakar Mahavir Smruti Kendra Samiti Lakhnou UP
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of man; What you think so you become. Part VI The Three Jewels:- Page 184 to 211 Right Faith, Right Knowledge and Right conduct.
Right knowledge about Soul and all other things influencing the actions of man. Soul is matterless and formless; contemplation of Soul will lead to the final GoleLiberation or Moksha.
Right Faith--Soul has the self tendency to become pure and to rise up to Parmatmahood.
Right Conduct-Man must have the highest aim to attain Godhood or Moksha; Renunciation; Absence of desire; taking of vows etc; Good can come out of good only; Liberation from suffering & pain etc-Moksha or Eternal Bliss; Every moment of life is most valuable-dont waste it.
One has to do Karmas and must bear its fruits also.
Samadhi and Moksha:
Page 211 to 213 How to achieve Samadhi (Self absorption). Concentration of mind;
Caution:Page 213 to 216 Note:-Every line of the book is important, Therefore reader is requested to read and study every line of the book, seriously.