Book Title: Mysteries of Life and Eternal Bliss
Author(s): Anantprasad Jain
Publisher: Tirthakar Mahavir Smruti Kendra Samiti Lakhnou UP
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Page 1 to 50 Some Fundamental Principles; Soul and Matter, their interaction; Change is eternal; Conscious Soul and nonconscious Material Body: Soul can become Param-Atma or God: Two methods of Analysis-1. Real or Ideal and 2. Pratical or Wordly; Pudgala is the finest elementary particle of Matter Viz:electron, proton, neutron, etc.
Vargana or Molecule; Karman Vargapa; Similarity of electric machine and the body of a living being;
The Six Primary Dravyas-Jiva (Soul), Pudgala (matter), Dharmadravya (something like ether), Adharmadravya (Counter Ether), Akash or space and Kalanu or Unit of time; Delusion is caused by Pudgala; Examples of Water and Mirror; Omniscience; Mental concentration; Self concentration; Men, beast, worms, birds etc. all have Atma or Soul; Ignorance can be removed by learning and Practice; Power of any body is Limited by the structure of his body; Part II Eternal Vibration:- Page 51 to 63
Sun; mass of burning substances; Souls burning in the Sun; effects of Solar eclipse; Everything vibrates; Everything is shooting out Pudgala particles; These affect human