Lord Mahavira To Lord Dharamanath, we fifteenth reckon, And Lord Shantinath, Sixteenth known,
Enable me to protect the Religion. Lord Kunthunath, we seventeenth name, And Lord Addarnath, we eighteenth name,
Keep me off from all the shame.
Lord Mallinath, we nineteenth count, To Lord Munisuvrata, we twentieth mount,
Keep me off from all the wordly account.
Lord Naminath at twenty first comes, Lord Aristnami, we twenty second term,
Make me recite all the Agmic-Hymns.
13. Lord Parshwanath is given the twenty third seat, And Lord Varadhaman be given the twenty fourth seat,
Pacify me off all my greed and heat. 14. Beyond all the Karmik-filth, All these ascetics are.
Founders of the sacred fords, Keep the dotage and death afar.
Thus, O'ye twenty and four Tirthankars! Bless me. 15. Admired by me, Adorned and worshipped in the world
O'ye, highest ordered saints! Advance me Rose - health, Admit me to the Right thought Bestow upon me the meditation - wealth.
Purer than the Luna herself, More radiant than Apollo self,
Deeper than the Oceans that lie,
O' such saints! Why don't you, me to liberation tie?