status to be self-willed like this, and that she should learn from my own. tale which runs thus.
553) Note the form भणिज्जासु, with the Imperative inflection. 554) भण्णसि = भण्य से is apparently a form of the Passive. Construe : [ हे माधवानिल, त्वम् ] भण्यसे, or [ हे माधवीलते, त्वम् ] भण ; the latter involves some repetition ( note भणिज्जासु in 553 ) and would give active sense to भण्णसि 555) At a second thought I find that जाणसि = जानासि, and a word like जाया or समुप्पण्णा 'born' is understood after कुले. कं stands for किं. It is possible to take वय-विहवा = वयोविभवाचारशीलानाम्. 556 ) Better ता एसो - तस्मादेष. अणुसरिस worthy, matching ; the expression अण्ण may be rendered thus: 'the existence or presence of mutually matching understanding and affection.' The second line is practically identical with that of 413 above; so better render, as : discussed above, पुण्यमतिकानां केषामपि etc. 558) Grammars note only तुम्हे; but here we have तुम्हि, corresponding to 3 of the 1st person. It is rather interesting that P notes a variant for a portion of the first line which is not self-sufficient and hence not clear. It is just possible that P is noting it from some Ms. A word like मयं or समयं will have to be understood after अंबम्ह. In using the word पइणो, either माधवीलता means her own master, or if she means husband' ( of महानुमति ), the usage is anticipatory, because they are not married as yet. 559) According to Pp-gloss परतिय = परिवर्तित, but I would equate it with परावर्तित and explain its change on the analogy of आवर्तमानः - अत्तमाणो etc., under है ० VIII. 1. 271; Pischel 8165. Has परत्तिय anything to do with परत्र +इक, giving the sense of पराच् ? 560 ) तत्तो = त्वत्तः; for the same we have here तइंतो, not recorded by the grammars which, however, give तइत्तो and तर्हितो. कुणिज्जासु Imp. 2nd p. sing. 563) मुहुत्तमेत्त is the object of णिवाहिऊण. 564 ) तए = त्वया, also at 567. The p-gloss अल्पाधिकं is redundant. अप्पाहियं = संदिष्टम्, see notes on 507 above so read the chāyā न किंचित् संदिष्टं वचनम् 1. 565 ) Is it that the author uses पि without any specific force, but just as a meaningless appendage; note here अण्णं पि किंपि [ = किंचि ? ]. Note the use of future with I. 'May not anything befall him, anything which is more critical even than this (जं इमाओ वि सविसेसं ) 566) Note Loc. sing. मलयसेलम्मि वचम्ह. Better वचम्ह = व्रजावः अप्पणो is perhaps a scribal slip for अप्पणा. Lit. सह - राजू, है ० VIII. iv 100 567 ) The variants of K are: न, हिअअं, अं, जीयं omitted, निसुअं, चिअ; K reads मयण 569 ) A verse nearly indentical with this occurs in the story of अगडदत्त found in Devendra's com. ( A. D. 1123 ) on the Uttarādhyayana: पेरिज्जंतो उ पुराकएहि कम्मेहि केहि वि वराओ । सुहमिच्छंतो दुल्लहजणाणुराए जणो पडइ ॥ ३८ ॥ 570) पेच्छिरो = दर्शनशील: ? Compare in this context what सागरिका says in the रत्नावली, Act II; हिअअ, पसीद पसीद । किं इमिणा आआसमेत्तफलेण दुल्लहजणप्पत्थणाणुबंधेण । अण्णं च । जेण एव्व दिद्वेण दे ईदिसो संदावो णं वद्दृदि । etc. Also verse 1 in the same Act : दुलहजणअणुराओ etc. 571) दयितः a beloved, lover; here दइयं = दयितम्, does this mean प्रेमनू ? Compare Vajjalaggam 339 which runs thus : ताव विअ होइ सुहं जाव ण कीरइ पिओ जणो को वि । पियसंगो जेहि कओ दुक्खाण समप्पिओ अप्पा ॥ 573) According to है ० VIII. iv. 74 and 132, झूर = स्मृ and जूर = खिद्; here the sense is that of the latter. Or even शुभाशुभ for सुखासुखम् 575) Compare भगवद्गीता १७ - ३७ : यत्तदग्रे विषमिव परिणामेऽमृतोपमम् । तत्सुखं सात्त्विकं प्रोकमात्मबुद्धिप्रसादजम् ॥ 577) Generally धूया but here धूवा which may
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