or 37:quit, see . VIII. i. 26. 737) Rather 914 for garant in the chāyā. Is 'aci Loc. pl. as in Apabhraṁsa? 738) Or Ag = ? 740) The de crip'ions of flower-collection and of subsequent bathing are found in other poems too, see fagrieza chs VII and VIII 742) Tarifass fauca (v I. faza)
Sat 9 :, o aro VII 33 745) Literally #ifaa #: in the chāyā. 747) Or literally x 154 = . 748) Better faza : or 'azizafa. 750) समाण = समाप, है. VIII. VI. 142; both समणिय and समाणवि are the forms of the Gerund, the latter allowed in Apabhramba. 751) R = Aftr. 752) Or
ga Tag in the chāyā. 753) 49354 = B FI, cf. Marathi FIATT. 757. FA ET +39 = FA +39ft or it? 758) Literally 841217 = 871717. Read THATTI: for #21: in the chāyā. We want something like age for gig for a better sense. 759) Hemacardra equates HAT with : (VII. i. 244 ); it is interesting to note that Sanskrit L-xicographers note a word Hat, m., a bee. Rather of R1014571: for onagajalg: in the chāyā. 762) faifi qfafar, or sifatidar 766) attracts: see 17359 367. Or we may expect some such reading : 468 कुमरीएँ for हरइ कुमारी एं? 767) Note मज्नएस is Neu. 768) Lit. निर्वोनगाभोग... etc. ela, as i: stan's there, presents some difficulty. T is Mas. in Sanskrit, but here Neu. 769) Her limbs are being described, so we cannot supply in this context a subject सा for समुव्वहः: are we to read समुल्लसह for समुय्वहइ? Dr Raghavan observes :' In 769 the verb samudvahati need not be emended into samullasati; all that is necessary is to take the adjective expression anusadyśam in an abstract sense anusādrśyam which is not uncommon usage.' भुयाजुयलं, cf. भुआयतं illustrated by Hemacandra at है. VIII. I. 4. 770) कंधरा or 497:, the neck, 772) Are we to separate A ? 773) FETTI + aus. 774) Literally az=2131 VIII iv. 100. 775) forct is to be taken in the sense of PER ? Literally fainalaifalanif974. 776) For gis see 766 above. In describing the charming personality of stargat, the author begins with her feet ( 764 ) and going upwards he stops with the description of the ATI (776). 777) The reading of J is 84T; note the expression as ag and cf. Marāthi geol. 778) Or Rafaqit erfen as discussed above. 779) With this and the next gatha compare: अस्याः सर्गविधी प्रजापतिरभूच्चन्द्रो नु कान्तप्रभः, शृङ्गारैकरसः स्वयं नु मदनो मासोनु पुष्पाकरः। वेदाभ्यास जडः कयं नु विषयव्यावृत्तकैतूहलो, निर्मातुं प्रभवेन्मनोहरमिदं रूपं पुराणो
a: 1 fatiaft, I. 8. The various readings of Kare : , faqaz, 369 37to; K reads 27. 780) Most of these find a place in the list of jewels churned out from the ocean, see the notes on 174 above. Literally fala affeat in the chāyā. 781) Agāthā partly resembling this occurs in the tale of अगडदत्त-किं एसा अमरविलासिणी उअह होज्ज नागकन्न व्व । कमल व्व किं नु एसा सरस्सई किं व पञ्चक्खा ॥ ३०॥ 783, हल for the usual हला. Read इदं for इमां. 784) जो standseither for जा or serves the purpose of i. Bafiz Inst. pl.
787-801) 'The famous king Silāmegha, the lord of Siṁhala, while returning to the capital after strenuous hunting, saw a terrific boar before him. He chased it on horse back and was led into a thick forest. The boar entered a deep lotus lake, and the king halted on the bank with dismay. Suddenly stood before him an attractive girl with a garland in her hands requesting him to accept her in marriage. On his hesitation she narrated to him her family story.'
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