Book Title: Lilavai
Author(s): A N Upadhye
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

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________________ -1333*1] 385 ends with 1310. = gatha quoted above from . Note the reading 4 of B. 1300) The above passage also refers to some jokes etc. by ladies. 1302). any Simhala lady; the com. takes it as with a remark guruÊ. 1303) This 1304) Note the reference to Hemacandra in the com. 1305) Apparently the bards are drawing the attention of the king to the scenes presented by the Simhala girl as she waves the आरात्रिक lamp. 1308) Cf. वेल्हाळ in मराठी 1308 *1) This is reconstructed from the Sanskrit commentary. Quite a worthy verse, but the context is such that it can easily admit such gāthās. That a verse like this was included in B is a fact, though one may differ here and there on the reconstruction. A gāthā, similar to this, occurs in the i--cfaà quent tes बालाएँ घोलिरो हारो । हिमगिरिवरसिहराओ खलिओ गंगापवाहो व्व ॥ ३०६ ॥ 1311 ) उत्सावलो. cf. उतावळा in मराठी 1315) Note the readings here and the root देणें in मराठी. Mas., but here Neu. 1317-19) (JP). These ga has are quite in their place in the recension of JP. 1318) ann, having given the blessings. 1319*1) (B). This gathā suits well in the recension of B. 1320) Rather fenfor forfor in the com. 1320*1-2) (B). These two gachās are quite fitting in the recension of B. As the commentator remarks, the word kalyana is an auspicious conclusion for the poem. 1321-33) (JP). These gathās are quite worthy of the author and be itting in this context. 1321). to proceed? 1322) f and y are territorial units: the former roughly corresponds to a modern district and the latter to a Taluka (see Altekar: Rashtrakutas and Their Times, Poona 1934, pp 36-37). Here somehow both the terms are combined. Does the term सभुत्तिविस mean within the territory under his possession'? 1323) In these four gāthās we have a description of the town of प्रतिष्ठान ; these gāthās are linked with शृङ्खलायमक, see notes on 353 1324) प्रतिमासंक्रान्तम् in the com.? 1325) थणहरेसु = थणहरेहि . 1327 ) 'भवणे ? 1328) सा and विहायचा will have to be taken in the Acc. CONCLUSION NOTES 1329-33*1) Thus the story is narrated, says the Author, in short for his beloved, in Maharastra-desi-bhäṣa, and it deserves to be welcomed by the worthy judges of poetry. This Lilavati Katha contains 1800 verses according to Anustubh calculation. 1329) Hemacandra spells it . 1330) The author clearly mentions here that the language used in this poem is ig Jayasimhasūri (Samvat 915) in his fa, p. 4 (ed. L. B. Gandhi, Singhï Jain Series 28) praises # in one of the Prakrit stories in this manner: - पथसंचारा पयडियमयणा सुवण्णग्यणिला । मरहद्रयभासाकामिणी य अडवी य रेहति ॥ The variants of Kare : भणिअं पियअमाए इमी कहाए. 1331) णं = ननु ? 1333 ) अनुष्टुभ्-संख्या is an unit of 32 letters. 1333*1) (P). A later addition even in P, as the MS, clearly shows. It is a later addition on the margin. Requesting the reader to understand pramana and siddhanta in a broader sense, I would only conclude thus in the words of Mallisena : प्रेम सिनविरुद्धमत्र यत्किंचिदुक्तं मतिमान्यदोषात् मात्सर्यमुन्साय तदार्यचित्ताः प्रसादमाधाय विशोधयन्तु || Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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