Some of their friends rushed to Alakā: and there arrived the Yaksa Nalakūbara accompanied by the Vidyadhara king Hamsa and his wife. Through Vijayānanda, Nalakūbara and Hamsa bestowed on Hala the boon of akşaya-nidhi, i. e., Inexhaustible Treasure, and conveyed to him that the wedding of Madhavānila would be immediately berformed but that of his with Lilavatı, after the arrival of king Silāmegha. On instructions from the king, both of them ( Madhavānila and Citrāngada) accompanied by Vijayānanda went forth in pomp, offered their respects to Nalakūvara who welcomed them and expressed loving words to their respective beloveds. The wedding of Madhavånila and Mahānumati was duly celebrated; and Citrärigada took his seat, with his eyes fixed on the face of his beloved. A messenger was sent by Lilavati to her paternal home. .
1227) Rather dahaEU etc. 1230) Lit. gef =995: 1231) g. 28930T, see notes on 142; or does it mean here IFI, sitting together, having sat down ? 1234) (PB). The context needs this gāthă. It is not unlikely if the copyist of j has lost it haplographically; but one cannot be dogmatic. The reading ay is to be preferred as required by the context. 1235) The author is quite resourceful in selecting his similes. se: 253 above. 1236) Rather भवतीनाम् or युष्माकम् for भवतः in the com. 1237) Lit. चिरकालसंचितोद्रर्धितानि. Rather Taf. 1238) Perhaps tho com. presupposes otso (therefore, 11) for gū157 = al. 1240) Lit. gara-giataMaig. 1241) EA, enough, long. 1251) Rather igneagrastate oziqlant in the com. 1254) = Rom. 1255) उवलक्खाविऊण in the sense of उवलक्खिऊण. 1256) The com. presumes पवेविरंगुलि. हत्थालणहस्तभवेन, see है. VIII. ii. 163. 1258) Rather रमितेव क्रीडायां नियोजितेव in the com.
1261-82) At the close of the wedding festival, the Yaksa ladies arranged a drinking party in which various couples took part presenting different amorous scenes ( Described 1262-75). Thus when the gathering of Siddhas, Gandharvas and Yaksas was happily enjoying its time, there arrived Silamegha with his wife. They went to Lilávali's residence. due cordial ceremonies, Sarat-sri received her daughter on her lap; and she became free from the curse of Ganesa in the presence of all those gathered there, at this stipulated moment.
1263) Either for forget fo7° or fortfarzafiqyo; note the com. takes for77 = forstan. 1264) The various readings of K are: #731r, que, ils, a . 1265) Instr. Abso. 1266) To illustrate that of becomes 100T, Hemacandra (VIII. i. 102) gives an expression quotes which occurs here too. This illustration is not found in Vararuci's grammar. 1268) 964= 43, y = 15
o VIII. iv. 75 and 100. 1270) IT = 9:, and not #31 as in the com. 1271) Lit. g ra. 1273) Rather glatafi in the com. 1275) TATTO: or Taftsta, so any way Neu. for Mas. 1278) FEFESE. = airge, see notes on 1231. 1280) AIATI = 419, joined, adhered closely, therefore embraced ? 1281) The condition of the disappearance of the curse is thus fulfilled, see 302-3 above. 1282) Are we to read faeig = fang, perhaps meaning termination of curse:? Note the phrase fagal at 303.
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