or any part thereof belonging or in apy-wise appertaining or with the same or any part thercof now or at any time heretofore usually held. userl. occupied or enjoyed or reputed to belong or be ap. pertenant therete), and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever lwth at Law and in Equity nf them the said Panaland Ilirchand, Manekehand Hirachand, Navelchand Hirachand and 'rouchini Motichand in to or upon the said piece or parcel of lant or growd hereditaments anil premises and every part thereof, To Have and to hold the said picke or parrel of land (or ground hereditanxeits and promises breby granted and assured or expressed so tolye unto the trusts and the survivors and survivor of them and their anellis successors and assignis to the use upon the trusts and for the s, intents and purposes and with under and subject to the lowers, provises, charges, declarations and agreetneuts, lerinafter limited, decired and contained of and concering ihe same that is to sty that the said trustees or trustce for the time being of these presents shall hold and stand possessed of tie vaid lan lureitainerits and premises herein before described and slall collect and ret ti rents and protits thereof and shall pas thereout all the rates and taxes payable to the Government of Bombay and the Municipality of Bombay and shall spend such portion thereof as shall lw requisite or necessary for the purpose of keeping the said hereditants and premises in the iud rep:uir and condition and f keeping the insured and for the purposes of managing the said trust and shall out of the residue of the rents and profits set apart at least five percent of the net annual income towards forming a reservert fund to be used on Occasions of urgency, emergency is accident as the trustees niay think proper and out of the residue the trustees shall set apart a sum of Rupees twenty five permonth for the purposes of the maintenance of a Dera (temple) to be hereafter erected on a position of the said land such as paying as a Poojari and lighting the temple and keeping Pooja articles such as besar & and out of the residue shall pay the salary of il proper superintendent and shall appoint a proper person as superintendent to look after the boys or youngpen to be adınitted tu the Barling House ander or by virtue of this settlement with power to remove him and to appoint another in his stead and shall appoint a managing Committee for the managemeut of the said Boarding House with power to remove the same or any