of loka and penetrates into countless number of cycles, past and present. Only it cannot know all the modes, which can be known only by the omniscient. In between the lowest and the highest type, lies the middle type (paramāvadhi).
The clairvoyance of the following' type is further classified into three (i) that which follows to the other place kşetrānugāmi) (ii) that which follows to the other birth (bhavānugāmi) and that which follows to the other place as well as the other birth (kşetrabhavānugāmi). We get the three subvarieties of ‘non-following' type by taking the opposites of the above three.
There are some more types of clairvoyance. One classification is into that of stable (avasthita) and unstable (anavasthita). The stable stays till the whole of life-time or till attainment of omniscience. The unstable continues to increase or decrease after its genesis.
Another classification is into that of one-symboled (ekakşetra) and many-symboled (aneka-ksetra). Sometimes, some symbols like that of srivatsa etc. (cluster of hair of a peculiar form) appear in the upper part of the body with the emergence of clairvoyance. These symbols are many in cases of gods, denizens of hell and Tirtharkaras, and one in case of others. Hence this classification.
Thus we have four more types. Added with the six, given in our text, the total number comes to ten. In case it is due to birth, out of these ten, only five, viz. stable, unstable, following, non-following and many-symboled, are possible. In case it is due to merit, all the ten types are possible. In the lower form, all the ten types are possible. In the middle form, all types except decreasing, extinguishing and one-symboled, are possible. In the highest form, only the following five types are possible: following, non-following,stable, non-extinguishing, and many-symboled. In the cases of middle form and highest form, non-following means not following in the other birth, because those possessed of these two forms get emancipated and do not get re-birth.
P. 8 L.7-8. Here mind stands either for objects thought by the mind or modes of mind. According to Umāsvāti (Tattoārthasūtra-bhāsya, 1.24) telepathy knows the objects thought by