point of view of action. jāti (kalpanā) (4.9)—-sophism. kşayopaśama (4.4;6.8,13; 7.5, jātiśabda (23.8)-root word.
17)- cessation and subsidence of karmic veil. jigisu kathā (13.15)— a
debate which is held for ksipra (matijñāna) (5.7,12;
victory. 6.20)-quick. kşetra (7.14,16)—territory.
jijñāsā (19.21)—curiosity. gajanimilikā (22.11)-closing jina-nāma (26.28)-name of of eyes like an elephant.
Jina. gañadhara ( 7.19 )-direct Jinasthāpanā (26.28)-image
disciple of the Tirthan- of Jina. karas.
jīva (2.9)—Jiva. gamika (śruta) (7.2,18)-scrip
tures containing repetitions. jīvatva (28.20) -soul. guņa (28.21,22)— quality. jñana (1.6)---knowledge. guņa (kalpanā) (4.9)-quality. jñānanaya (23.24)-point of guņa-sabda (23.9-word view of knowledge. indicating quality.
jñānanayābhāsa (25.6) --false guņi-deśa (kāladigata) (20.
point of view of know16,22;21.2,3)-territory of ledge.
object. gau (23.9)--Cow (animal) or tarka (8.29;10.23,28)-reducthe action of going.
tio ad absurdum. grahaņa (4.1; 12.3,4)—cogni- trilakṣaṇa (12.9)—three chation.
racteristics. grāhya (4.1)--cognitum.
trairūpya(19.27)-triple chaghatanāma (27.4)-name
racteristic. of pitcher.
dandin (23.13)-one who carghätikarman (8.23)-destruc
ries a staff. tive karmans. cakşurūdijanita (2.20)-effec- darśana(1.6; 6.5)-indetermi ted by eyes etc.
nate intuition, faith. caritra (23.25,27)—conduct. dārśāntika (16.15)-thesis. citrajñāna (9.16)—knowledge dọṣta (10.2)-perception. of the picture.
dsstānta (16.6, 8,11,12,15) cyavamina (3.29)—negligent. -example, chadmastha (3.29; 8.26)—in dặstānta-dosa (19.3)—fallacy the world.
of example.