Jaină Gena Dictionary.
Trasa nâdi (=th arct) -Mobile channel. That part
of the universe outside of which living beings with only :, one sense are found. Trasareņu (RU)
(1) Trasareņu=8 urdhvareņu. or Truti-renu. :: 1 Urdhvareņu or Truti-reņu=8 sanjņâsanjņâ. i 1 Sanjâsanjpâ=8 utasanjnâsanjņâ.
1 Utasanjņâsanjị â = Infinite vavhârika atoms. (2) It is the smallest visible particle in the sunbeam and this is called the tertiary atom. It is a technical term used for the explanation of the atomic
theory of the Vaisesika school. Triloka vindusâra (FECTA TarghTT)—The 14th . Pûrva of the 12th Aõga of the Scriptures. Tuşita (aro )-The 6th class of Laukântika heavenly
beings. . , Tyâga (2010)--Renunciation.
Uchcha gotra (CE 113) —High family determining ... Karma. . Uchchhâdana (2016)--Concealing. Uchchhvâsa (Fonte)-- Respiration. Udadhikumara (ECTETSATT)-The 8th class of re
sidential order of celestial beings,