Jaina Gem Dictionary
Pramatta samyattasya (4) saint of 6th stage, called Pramatta Samyatta.
Pramatta virata ( faca)—The 6th Spiritual stage; imperfect vow.
Pramatta yoga (7)—Passionate vibrations. Prameya (¤¤)—A category of Nyâya. Prameyatva (a)—Know-ability. Prâņa (T)—Vitalities.
Práná pána paryapti (प्राणापान पर्याप्ति ) - Completion of capacity to develop respiratory activity. Prâṇata (Яua)—The name of the 14th Heaven. Prânâtipâtikî (unfaчma)—Depriving of vital
Prâṇavâda (ul)-The 12th Pûrva of the 12th Añga of the Scriptures.
Praśna vyâkarana (
1)—The 10th Añga
of the Scriptures.
Prathaktva vitarka vichara ( प्रथकूत्व वितर्क
Absorption in meditation of the self, but un
consciously allowing its different attributes to replace one another, the 1st pure concentration.
Prathamánuyoga (प्रथमानुयोग)
(1) The 3rd division of the 12th Añga of the Scriptures; (2) Biographical portion of Jaina literature.