Jaina Gem Dictionary:
Râtribhukti (TTT) The 6th Pratimâ, not taking
- anything at night, Raudra dhyâna (hiç yra)-Wicked concentration. Riddhiprâpta (Figung)— With supernatural powers. Rijumati (Forfat) -Simple mental knowledge. Rijusâtra (F EET)-Actual (point of view) referring
to present condition. Rişi (TTT)-A saint with miraculous powers. Ritu (c)-A season of 2 months. Rohita (CiAT)- A river in Haimvata. - Rohitâsyâ The rear) -A river in Haimvata. Rukmi (o )-The 5th mountain dividing Ramyaka
and Hairanyavata. Rûpa (4)-(1) The quality of mattei'. ... (2) Body, one of the five Skandhas of the
Buddhists. 'Rûpa gatâ (ang TAT)-- The 4th Chủlika in the 12th
Añga of the Scriptures. Râpânupâta (aqlanma) --Making signs for persons .. beyond the limit.
Rûpya-kûlâ (atrat) --A river in Hairanyarata.