Jaina Gein Dictionary.
Puruşaveda (gràc)-Masculine inclination. Puşkaravara ( 967 ) -Name of the 3rd continent
and ocean. Puşkarârdha (goFTT -The half of the 3rd conti.
nent Puşkaravara dvipa.
Râga (TTT)Love. Rahobhyakhyana (R O )---Divulging the
secrets of man and woman. Rajata (2016)--Silver. Râjâ ( Todor Rajjî (TEST) th of the total
height of the universe. Raktâ (770)-A river in Airâvata. Ramyaka (277) ---The 5th division of Jambûdvipa. : Rasa (TF)— Taste. Rasa parityâga (TA FRITT) --Daily renunciation of
one or more of the six delicacies, namely, clarified butter,
milk, curd, sugar, salt and oil. Rasa fiddhi (TR ) Capacity of an evil eye and
its opposite, etc. Rati (fat)— Indulgence, Ratna prabhâ (
T HT)---Name of the 1st earth in hue-like jewel.