Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Samabhâva-(AHra) Equanimity. Samabhirûdha (naya) (AAFAAC) (779) Specific
(point of view). Giving a word one fixed meaning out
of its several meanings. Samachaturasra samsthāna (समचतुरस्र संस्थान)
Perfect proportion of the physical body. Samâdâna (
F GTA)Neglecting the taken vows. Samâhita (FHIES)--Concentrated. Samanaska (Anahti) — Rational; possessed of a mind.. Sâmânika (ATHITT) - Celestial beings of equal status.
Next in grade to Indra. Samantâpâtana-(HHFARMIG)--Call of nature at
public places. Sâmânya (arhiret) ---A padârtha or category of Nyâya. Sâmânya guna (HHT TU)--Common attribute. Samartha kâraņa (
F ICU) -- Efficient cause, where the circumstances which hamper the effect are non-existent and those which produce the effect are present. It immediately precedes the effect produced.
Only one or more circumstances cannot produce the effect desired, unless they are united with other circums. tances to make up the efficient cause.
There are universally two efficient causes:
(1) (54157) upâdana, primary or material cause, i.c., the thing which undergoes the transformation into effect;