.Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Sâdharmya (EEFT ) ----Anvaya dçisțânta (q. v:) . : Sâdhu (Arg--Saint of long standing. Sâduu samâdhi (atg FHITT)-Protecting the saints. Sâdhya (HTET)
That which is inferred from the observation, and the inference of which is me (ista), nafta (abâdhita) and most (asiddha), i.e., is sought, is irrefutable, and hitherto unproved to the man addressed.
Roughly it is what is proved; the conclusion. Sâdhyânyathânuppatti (FTEYTTELYFER )= .
Vyâpti (q. v.) Sadrisya pratyabhijnana (सादृश्य प्रत्यभिज्ञान)
Recognition of a thing by feeling (sensing) something similar to it. As thinking of the pudding of yesterday
by a similarity in the taste of the pudding of to-day. - Sadvedya (EET)—Pleasure-bearing Karma. Şadvikalpa (asfa469)–Of six kinds. Sâgara (FNTT)—10:x crore x crore of Addlâ Palyas
1. Addla Palya--a circular pit with a diameter of 1 Yojana, i.c., 2000 Kosas of an equal depth is filled with the ends of the downy hair of a lamb of 7 days, born in. highest Blogabhiimi. One end of hair is taken out in every 100 years. The time taken to empty the pit is a Vyavalâra Palya.
Innumerable Vyavahāra Palyas make one Uddhâra · Palya. Innunierable Uddhâra Palyas make one Addliâ Palya.