Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Samayaprabaddha (74925)--The maximum and
minimum of the number of molecules which the soul binds to itself in one instant. Samaya, i.e., instant, unit of time, i.ctime talsen by an atom of matter in passing
from one kâlâılıb, i.Co, one point of time to the next. Sâmâyîka charitra (Arhifi FIFT)--(1) Right
(2) Equanimity, Sâmâyîka prakîrņaka (HIHITIS gasituati)
The first Angavâhya part of the Scriptures. . Sâmâyîka pratimâ (ETHIRUS ATAT) --The 3rd
Pratimâ, faultless meditation three times a day. Sâmâyîka vrata (ATHIFOR --Vow for
Sâmâyika or self.contemplation. Samhanana ( 97 ) --Physical constitution or osse
ous structure. Samiti (
a f ) - Carefulness. Samkhyâtabhậgahân! (FourT ATTEIT)
Decrease in or by numerable division or part. Samkhyâtabhậgavriddhi (Firena TT&
Increase in or by numerable division or part. Samkhyâtagunahậni ( Ta usta)
Numerable fold decrease. Samkhyâtagunavřiddhi (Fleura TUTIS)
Numerable fold increase.