Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Prathamopasama samyaktva (ATHUTH
prohra)-The first subsidential right belief. It may arise (1) in a soul which has never had right belief, by the subsidence of the four error-feeding passions and wrong belief, i.e., the four anantārubandhikasaya and mithyatva, or (2) in a soul which has had, but has lost, right belief, by the subsidence of the above five and the two following: (1) Samyaka mithyatva, mixed right and wrong belief, and (2) Samyaktva prakriti, right belief
clouded by slight wrong belief. Pratijîvi guņa (arasiilayu)-Attributes which
merely indicate the absence of their opposite. Pratijñâ (ulaşi)-The proposition which is to bé
proved: as there is fire in this mountain. It contains
the qe (pakşa) and the tea (sâdhya). Pratikramana (arianhu)-Self-analysis and repent.
ance for faults. Pratikramana Prakirnaka. (प्रतिक्रमण प्रकीर्णक)
The 4th part of Añgavâhya Scriptures. Pratimâ (AFIT) One of the 11 stages of a layman's
life. Pratinârâyapa (GSARTIU)-The king of halft of
Bharatkşetra and predecessor of Narayana. Pratipatti (ufaula)-Dharana (g.v.). Pratirûpaka vyavahâra (udah ti SMAETT)