Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Vaiyâvritya (T)—Service (of the Saints and worthy people).
Vaiyâvrityakaraṇa (Serving the
Vajra Nârâcha (Samhanana) [aga (Ága)) -Adamantine ligatures and bones.
Vajra Risabha Nârâcha Samhanana (ऋषभनाराच संहनन ) - Adamantine character of the bones, etc. A kind of physical constitution of the human body. There is Amphiarthrodial articulation, of joints; the bones are slightly moveable and united by an intervening substance,
Vakusa (a)-A possession-less Saint who has some consideration for his books, body and disciples. Vâmana Samsthâna (A)—Dwarf. Vanaspati Kâya (4)-Vegetable King
Vandanâ Prakirṇaka (1)The 3rd Anga Bâhya Śruta of Jaina Scriptures. Vardhamâna(a)-(1) Lord Mahavira, (2) Increasing (Visual knowledge).
Varga (a)—A Varga is one of the karmic atoms with an equal avibhāga pratichchheda (q. v.)
Varganâ (u)-—-Group of Vargas. Varsa (Division ; year.