four conditions of existence, namely, hellish, sub-human, human and celestial.* + : The different states of existence are the different modifications of Jīva brought about by Karmic conditions which are the real causal conditions that lead to the soul to manifest itself in a particular form of birth or death. The soul is neither born nor dead but due to its Gati-nāma-Karma it assumes different forms. 45 Here we find different grades of existence. The Arhats and Siddhas have no sensuous activities; nor they experience any sensuous pleasure. They enjoy infinite knowledge and happiness without the help of any senses. 46
The above view about the conditions of existence is almost a religious dogma, All ancient systems of thought, eastern or western, have postulated same patterns of existence. This scheme is combined with a religious schedule of reward and punishment. Apparently all this looks quite preposterous, but . there is nothing inherently impossible in the conception of these forms of living beings, who live, think and feel can and change their bodies at will, as described by Milton in his “ Paradise Lost. "47 The state of liberation (Siddha-Gati) is free from birth, dotage, death, fear, miseries, feeling, diseases etc. 48 It is also the state of omniscience or the ideal state of existence. [C] Gradation of Functions (Mārgaņā) of the Jīvas
and Omniscience Märgaņā (Soul-Quest)49 is the means for the identifica.
44 Ibid., 146. There is a detailed description of the characteristics of
each Gati along with the size, shape, number, characteristic cognisability, etc. (Gomma fasāra Jiva Kanda), 147-162) Kundakunda also thinks that the different Gatis are caused by their respective Nama
Karma-Prakytis (Pañcastikaya Sāra, 61). 45 Kundakunda, Pañcāstikāya Sara, 19, 60, 61, 46 Nemicandra, Gommatasarā (Jiva Kanda), 174. 47 Ibid., p. 52 (English Introduction of J. L. Jaini). 48 Ibid., 152. 49 J. L. Jaini's Translation.
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