Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 21
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 4
________________ CONTENTS. PAGE K. SRIKANTALIYAR :A Folktale about the Komattis ... ... ... 93 Eclipse Customs in Madras ... Superstitions as to Crows in Madras Bad Omons in Madras ... ... ... ... Good and Bad Omens in Madras ... ... Social Customs in Madras ... ... ... Social Customs in Southern India ... Superstitions as to Snakes in Madras Superstitions about Animals in Southern India ... 994 Snperstitions in Madras ... 252 Superstitions about Animals in Madras ... ... 276 Spirit Haunts in Madras .. ... 279 Miscellaneous Superstitions as to Animals in 21dras ... .. .. . .. ... .. 318 224 MAJOR R. C. TEMPLE, I.S.C., M.R.A.S.: Offerings to Godlings in Bengal .. . An English Inscription at Moulmein ... ... 52 Glimpses into a Bhil's Life ... ... .. Sanskrit Words in Burmese ... ... ... .. 193 THE ORDER OF SUCCESSION IN THE ALOMPRA DYNASTY OF BURMA ... ... ... . 304 V. V.:Notice on the Vedanta-Siddhantamuktavali of Prakasananda ... ... ... ... .. . 48 L. A. WADDELL: Tibetan Folklore, 1. Cats ... ... ... .. PUTLIBAI D. H. WADIA : PARSI AND GUJARATI HINDI NUPTIAI, SONGS ... FOLKLORE IN WESTERN INDIA : No. 17.-The Princess Malika-Jarika ... ... 160 N. SUNKUNI WARIAR : Kallil, a famous Shrine in Southern India ... 95 Antiquities of Malabar ... ... Malabar Coast. Unlucky Actions and Lucky Actions ... ... ... ... .. ... 194, 379 PROE. A. WEBER, BERLIN : See Dr. W. H. Smyth. TAW SEIN-KO: Sanskrit Words in the Burmese Langungo ... 94 Origin of Alompra ... ... ... ... ... 252 Notes on the National Customs of the Karennis... 317 NOTES ON AN ARCHEOLOGICAL TOUR THROUGH RAMANNADESA (THE TALAING COUNTRY OP BURMA)... ... ... ... ... ... ... 377 MISCELLANEA. Miscellaneons Dates from Inscriptions and MSS., Taila II., by J. F. Fleet ... ... ... .. . 167 by F. Kielhorn ... ... ... ... ... 47 Two Further Pandya Dates, by Dr. E. Hultzsch ... 843 An Early Kadamba Rock Inscription, by J. F. Tibetan Folklore-1. Cats, by L. A. Waddell ... 378 Fleet ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 93 A Note on the Tashon and Baungshe Ching, with A Folktale about the Komatis, by K. Srikantaliyar. 93 remarks on their Manners, Customs and Agricul ture, by D. Ross... ... ... ... ... ... 190 Notes on the Manners, Customs, Religion and Notes on the Chinboks, Chinbons, and Yindus, on Superstitions of the Tribes inhabiting the Shan the Chin Frontier of Burma, by Lieut. E. M. States, by W. R. Hillier ... ... ... ... 116 Rainey, I.S.C.... ... ... ... . ... 216 Materials for Calculating the Date of Sandara Notes on the Traditional and Mythical Men and Pandya, by E. Hultzsch ... ... ... 121 Beasts of the Malagasy, by C. P. Cory ... ... 256 The Date of the Græco-Buddhist Pedestal from Notes on the National Customs of the Karennis, by Hashtnagar, by V. A. Smith ... ... ... ... 166 T. S. K. ... ... . .. ... ... ... 317 NOTES AND QUERIES. Offerings to Godlings in Bengal, by R. C. Temple... 28 Social Customs in Madras, by K. Srikantaliyar ... 193 Au English Inscription at Maulmaiu, by R. C. Sanskrit Words in Burmese, by R. C. Temple ... 193 Temple ... ... Malabar Coast, Unlucky Actions and Lucky Similar Passages in the Bhagavatapurana and Bhaga Actions, by N. Sunkuni Wariar ... 194, 279 vatgita, by J. E. Abbott Social Customs in Southerc India, by K. Srikaa. Sauskrit Words in the Barmese Language, by Taw taliyar ... .. ... ... .. ... ... 224 Sein-Ko ... ... ... .. Superstitions as to Snakes in Madras, by K. SrikanKallil, a famous Shrine in Southern India, by N. taliyar ... .. ........... 224 pkuni Wariar... ... ... ... ... .. 95 Superstitions about Animals in Southern India, by Antiquities of Malabar, Paral, by N. Sunkuni K. Srikantaliyar ... ... ... ... ... 92 Wariar ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 95 Superstitions in Madras, by K. Srikantaliyar Eclipse Customs in Madrar, by K. Srikantaliyar ... 123 Euphemisms in Bengal, by Gaurdas Bysack... Glimpses into a Bhil's Life, by R. C. Temple ... 123 Origin of Alompra, by Taw Sein-Ko. ... The Evil Eye in Persia, by S. J. A. Churchill ... 168 Superatitions about Animals in Madras, by The Evil Eye in Bihar, by Sayyid Khairayat Srikantaliyar ... ... ... ... ... Ahmad ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 168 Spirit Haunts in Madras, by K. Srikantaliyar Superstitions as to Crows in Madras, by K. Srikan Miscellaneous Superstitions as to Animals in taliyar ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 168 Madre, by K, Srikantaliyar ... . ... Bad Omens in Madras, by K. Srikantaliyar ... ... 168 "No" as a Word of nl-Omen in Bengal, by Good and Bad Omens in Madras, by K.Srikantaliyar 192 Gaurdas Bysack ... ... ... .. . 89


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