Book Title: Illuminator of Jaina Tenets Author(s): Tulsi Acharya Publisher: Jain Vishva Bharati View full book textPage 7
________________ CONTENTS PUBLISHER'S NOTE PREFACE INTRODUCTION xiii ABBREVIATIONS XXXV LUSTRE I DETERMINATION OF THE NATURE OF SUBSTANCE. QUALITY AND MODES 1-25 The five astikāyas 1, kāla (with note on astikāya) 2, dravya as the substratum of guna and paryāya 3, dharma (the auxiliary cause of motion) 4, adharma (the auxiliary cause of rest) 5, akāśa-as doing act of accommodation (with note on dharma and adharma) 6, loka and aloka 7, loka comprises six substances 8, multiform relationship between fīva and pudgala 910. threefold relationship-action, body and auxiliary powers 11, fourfold layers of loka 12, aloka (with note on space, cosmic and super-cosmic and the function of dharma and adharma) 13, pudgala having properties of touch, taste,, odour and colour (with detailed note on matter) 14, eleven attributes of padgalāstikāya 15, atom and aggregated compounds 16, atom-an indivisible particle (with detailed note on atom) 17, skandha, integration of atoms 18, skandha produced by disintegration and redintegration of skandhas 19, snigdha and rūksa atoms 20, their conglomeration 21, time classified (with note on time) 22; time to be inferred from duration, change, action, priority and posteriority 23, dharma, adharma, ākāśa have no motion (note appended) 24, innumerable pradeśas in dharma, adharma, akáša and jīva and other material bodies 25-27, atom and time have no pradeśa 28-29, deśa-a fragment of an entity 30, pradeśa-the indivisible unit of a substance 31, dharma and adharma pervade entire cosmic space (note appended) 32, spatial extension of pudgulas and jīvas 33-34, time exists only in region of time (with note on samayakşetra) 35, guna defined 36, guna-generic and specific (with a note on agurulaghu) 3739, mode defined 40, twofold modes-explicit and implicit 4145, six distinguishing characteristics of modes 46. LUSTRE II ASCERTAINMENT OF THE NATURE OF SOUL 26-46 Nine tattvas (with note on categories) 1, consciousness-the Jain Education International For Personal & Private Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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