Book Title: ISJS Jainism Study Notes E5 Vol 03
Author(s): International School for Jain Studies
Publisher: International School for Jain Studies
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स्वाध्याय परमं तप
(better known as reconciliation to the existence of opposite attributes simultaneously) and presupposes balanced and equitable thinking rather than from a position of strength or weakness.
Thus it would be wrong to equate Anekantavāda with such negativity, because, Anekāntavāda does not reflect negativity. It does not indicate the falsity or invalidity of any theory, but emphasizes the element of truth in every theory. Its focus is on pointing out the extent of acceptability of every view rather than bringing out the reasons for denial. And the reason for the emphasis on positivism is that, every theory, according to Anekantaväda, is only a partial description/exposition of reality. Hence, it cannot be regarded as the view that holds the capacity to 'tolerate' the other views, but rather it can correctly be described as that view which treats all other views, including itself, with equanimity. In holding such temper of equanimity, Anekāntavāda demands surrender of undue pride in one's own existence and supremacy and tend to develop humility and senses of respect towards other perspectives.
Applications of Anekantavāda:
Historically, Anekāntavāda developed through two theories, Nayavāda, i.e. the doctrine of standpoints, and Syadvāda, i.e. the three-valued logic, including the value of indescribability.
Through these two theories, Anekāntavāda throws light on the relativity in the use of language and the truth-values of the statements, and emphasizes the non-dogmatic approach in both the fields. Both these theories could be very helpful in solving the battles on the ground of metaphysics. The prime intention of Anekantavāda was to bring to an end the rivalry among various metaphysical theories by pointing out that every theory is a partial expression of Reality like every other theory.
In the present circumstances of communal disturbances and religious tensions everywhere, Anekāntavāda can be applied as a paradigm to solve these battles. It can be convinced to the classes and masses that all religions are different pathways to the same goal, and that there is no room for superiority or inferiority of any religion. All religious faiths are equally respectable. The theory can be applied to many spheres of life where there are battles arising out of misunderstanding. And it can be well understood that it is the theory advocating equanimity among and respect towards all the possible alternatives, rather than the ability to 'tolerate'. Similarly in our democratic form of government, doctrine of
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