Book Title: ISJS Jainism Study Notes E5 Vol 03
Author(s): International School for Jain Studies
Publisher: International School for Jain Studies
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Agni Purānas. Ahimsā, speaking the truth, non-stealing, celibacy and non possessiveness are the five rules / vows which result in both liberation and auspicious life. Matsya Purāṇas. Ahiṁsā is one of he vows/ethical rule of the monks. Practice of Ahimsa generates many times more merit/ punya than the serious study of all the four Veda or speaking cultured language. Author of Brhamapurāņa says that the person who does not commit hiṁsā on any one is definitely goes to heavens.
Nārad Purānas. Those are the true words which do not condemn any one and does not harm any living being. This is the true representation of ahiṁsā. By contemplating and practicing this ahiṁsā, the wishes of the practitioner all become real. In Nārad Purānas ahiṁsā is the first vow (yama). Śiv Purānas counts ahimsā as a punya meritorious act and hiṁsā as a sinful/de-meritorious act. The person who is engaged in de-meritorious acts is destined to hell. Brhaddha Purāma says that faith/surrender to God, serving the guest, treating everyone like one treats oneself, purification of the soul are different ways to be ahiṁsā. Karma Purāņa also considers affable speech, non-cruelty as ahiṁsā and worthy of practice by all the four classes of human beings. In Bhāgvata Purāna, Nārad says to Dharma Rāj that ahiṁsā is the foremost characteristic of the twenty characteristics of religion. (Bhāgvata Purāņa chapter 1) “Jo ahiṁsā brhamacarya ca tyagaḥ svādhāya ārjavama, trillaksana vānrajnsarvātma yena tuşyāti" Thus ahiṁsā had been discussed at fifferent places in the Purāņa literature.
Besides these, in India three other religions which were based on prayers primarily viz. Jews (Judaism), Christianity and Islam, all preached and practiced ahiṁsā.
Ahimsā in Judaism: It is one of the main religions of the world. Their doctrine preaches 'Do not hurt self respect of any one. Do not insult anyone in front of others. To insult one is as bad killing of that person. They emphasize more on brotherhood and humane-ness. To enhance human-ness, they stress righteousness, celibacy, speaking the truth, devotion to God. They consider love and compassion as God. They encourage destruction of anger, indulgence in sensual pleasures, cruelty etc.
Ahimsă in Christianity: Founder of Christianity is Jesus Christ. This religion is spread in different parts of world. Jesus said “Tit for tat cannot produce the solution to the problem. It
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