Book Title: ISJS Jainism Study Notes E5 Vol 03
Author(s): International School for Jain Studies
Publisher: International School for Jain Studies
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attitude of the enemy. However due to cowardice and folly, a number of rulers and ignorant people under the influence of self ego make the mistake of thinking practice of ahiṁsā as an act of cowardice.
Similarly Jainism which is basically a religion propounding 'giving up rather than support consumption', emphasize 'Live and let live; based on their ahiṁsā and non possession doctrines. The Jain principles have been established by Arhantas form the beginningless time, composed by gandhars, and now written by preceptors like prepceptors like Tulsī and Sānti Sāgarjī in four groups (anuyogas) of holy text. Reading and contemplating of these four groups of holy text, listening and delivering sermons, teaching and seeking explanations of the doctrines contained therein along with conducting discussion groups etc termed under the essential duty 'svādhāya of Jains. Ahiṁsā is the supreme religion. Detachment thrives on ahimsā, giving up worldly possessions, penance, self restraint, practice of the vows along with universal brotherhood, tolerance and coexistence. Such detachment is even being practiced completely by Jain preceptors like Muni Vidhyā Nandjī, Muni Vidhyā Sāgarjī, Mahāprajňajī and other monks and ascetics to advance in their spiritual purification process.
If we analyze the preamble to the constitution of India giving briefs on fundamental rights, directive principles of state policies and fundamental duties shows that ahimsā has being given important place in all of them. Clarifying the fundamental rights in the preamble, 10 the constitution vows to implement and extend to all citizens of India equality in social, legal, economic, freedom to act, equanimity, personality development and brotherhood. Is it possible to achieve all these without practicing ahimsā? Mahāvīra's doctrine 'Live and Let Live' is based on ahiṁsā and by practicing this doctrine can we implement all the above statements made in the constitution of India.
Fundamental Rights 11 (Articles 12 to 32) Constitution of India has provided certain fundamental rights to all citizens of India and foreigners living in India to lead a dignified life and free from fear of any kind. In all these rights concerning equality, freedom and right to live we find the basis as ahiṁsā only. Article
10 Constitution of India (preamble). Law Dept. Govt. of India. 11 lbid Pg. 8
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