Book Title: ISJS Jainism Study Notes E5 Vol 03
Author(s): International School for Jain Studies
Publisher: International School for Jain Studies
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always is burning in it. A mind permeated by goodwill and friendship is a free from these flaws. Such a mind knows no fear.
A person imbued with the spirit of goodwill may at times cause suffering to himself, but he never causes pain to others.
True meaning of enmity and friendship Enmity does not only mean that you hate another, and friendship does not only mean that you love another. Enmity means ignoring one's own duty and finding fault with another person's discharge of his obligations. This is kind of enmity. We develop enmity even against a stone, a vessel. An earthen vessel is filled with water to the brim. We try to lift it with one hand and it falls on the ground and breaks. We are not interested in seeing the truth that an earthen vessel full of water, if lifted with one hand, is likely to fell down and break, instead we complain, 'the vessel was not properly baked that is why it burst. Thus the attempt to escape one's responsibility is a kind of enmity towards other. The other may be animate or inanimate.' The Jainism suggests avoiding hating others whatever may be the provocation. Do not despise a man but hate his bad deeds, they add.
Similarly the meaning of friendship is not only love. Love is also friendship. But the real thing is friendship, goodwill - to accept another person just as he is, never to try to impose one's personality upon the other. This is friendship. The universal of law of friendship is that we should seek the truth and develop friendship with all.
Jain religion puts a significant emphasis on the thought process of a human being. A person's behavior and his actions are the reflection of his internal thoughts, day in and day out. They are reflections upon the fundamental facts of life, intended to develop purity of thought and sincerity in the practice of religion. Preaching Maitrī Bhāvanā, prescribed for spiritual uplift of aspirant, Lord Mahāvīra says, 'Think to be a friend of all beings in this universe. Once you are a friend you cannot think badly of anyone, but rather you'd wish to make their life easier. The feeling of friendship brings love and respect for others. It also, initiates a feeling of brotherhood among all and in turn leaves no room for harm, deceit or quarrelsomeness with anybody.
If we contemplate on Maitrī Bhāvanā our thoughts, words, and actions will not be harsh, and we will not hurt anybody. On the contrary, we will support and protect everybody. Friendship will lead us to be tolerant, forgiving, and caring for one another. Therefore by developing a
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