Book Title: ISJS Jainism Study Notes E5 Vol 03
Author(s): International School for Jain Studies
Publisher: International School for Jain Studies
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control their death environment in such a way, even though there may be great resistance to this novel approach.. Grief can be experienced in an anticipatory way, also during the death either in the same location as the death or not, and after the death has occurred. Who is around the dying person and when is entirely up to the individual. They may want family and grieving in their presence until the moment they are dead. However, they may not. In such a case, if a person does truly have the best interest of the dying loved one at heart, it must be considered that their desire to grieve around the dying person against their wishes might be a self-centered act that actually will disturb the death-process by triggering feelings of attachment or aversion in the mind of the dying person and make it more difficult for them to leave smoothly.
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