Book Title: ISJS Jainism Study Notes E5 Vol 03
Author(s): International School for Jain Studies
Publisher: International School for Jain Studies
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Immediately the treasurer went to Vādirāja and told the entire episode to him. Vādirāja consoled the treasurer and asked him not to worry. At night Vădirāja composed the devotional poem known as Ekībhāva-stortra and had his body completely free from leprosy. Next day the king visited Vādirāja and was amazed to see the lustrous golden body of Vādirāja. He ordered the courtiers who defamed Vādirāja to be punished. However Vādirāja asked the king to forgive all by introducing the king to the Jain doctrine of karma, devotion, right faith etc. The king became a firm believer of Jain doctrine and forgave all the culprits. Ekībhāva-stortra is to date also considered like a panacea for eliminating all the diseases including leprosy by Jains. I give below two stanzas which talk about leprosy.
Ananda ānsu vādana dhoyen jo tuma citānel Gadagada sura son suyasa mantra padhi pūjā thānaill
Tāke bahuvidhi vyādhi vyāla cirakāla nivāsī! Bhānjen thānaka choda deha Bombai ke vāsii
Your thoughts pervading the mind, the tears of happiness and happy recitation of the mantras during the prayers result in the departure of deeply entrenched dreadful diseases and leave the body healthy and happy.
Prabhutana parvata parasa Ura nibahain hai/ Tason tatachina sakala rograja vahira hai//
Jake dhyānāhuta baso ura ambuja māhin/ kona jagata upakāra kārana samaratha so nāhin//4
The touch of the wind (flowing after touching Lord's body) causes all the diseases from the body disappear. When the mind is meditating on Thee, there is nothing impossible which cannot be cured.
3 Ekibhāva-stortra, 3 4 Ekibhāva-stortra, 10
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