Book Title: ISJS Jainism Study Notes E5 Vol 03
Author(s): International School for Jain Studies
Publisher: International School for Jain Studies
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Besides, the entire ethical doctrine of Jains is given in details in various treatises of ācāras, like Ācārānga, Mūlācāra, Ratnakaranda-śrāvakācāral etc. Overall there are more than 1000 texts written by Jain ācāryas, sādhus, laymen, practitioners etc.
I am neither a Jain scholar nor an expert in bioethics; I have tried to make a sincere effort to bring few points for purpose of discussion on this topic. 1.1 Bioethical Issues, which need Attention as per Jain Ethics
Artificial Insemination Artificial Womb
Assisted Suicide
Blood/blood plasma (Trade) Cloning Contraception Euthanasia (human, animal) Gene Therapy Human Cloning Human Genetic Engineering
Infertility (Treatments)
Life support • Life Extension • Organ Donation • Population Control • Procreative Beneficence
Procreative Liberty
• •
Sperm & eggs (Donation) Stem cell Suicide Surrogacy
Ratnakaranda-śrāvakācāra, Verses 202 to 221
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