Book Title: ISJS Jainism Study Notes E5 Vol 03
Author(s): International School for Jain Studies
Publisher: International School for Jain Studies
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A new era of preventive medicines.
OK if other Inferiority Therapy and living complex, Genetic beings are experience Engineering not used for pain and treatment debility to
lead a normal life.
Economic Mal Observe and
practices to ethicoemotional enhance spiritual impact on body conduct. family features for
sheer beauty Maintain or criminal equanimity purposes.
and lead a normal a life as possible. Undergo medical treatment
New insights to treat patient as a person, having a unique genetic profile
Supports furtherance of spiritual development.
a. The rightness /wrongness of the act is dependent on state of the unborn and the person
(mother) involved b. The rightness /wrongness of the act are dependent on state of the dying person, family
status, legal and medical issues of unborn and the person (mother) involved.
All the above cases and many more not discussed here are indeed complicated issues which cannot be answered as simply YES or NO but needs detailed analysis on case by case basis. The final outcome about the righteousness depends on justifying the criteria of maximizing non violence and benefit to the persons involved and ethics of medical practitioners ( as per the Hippocratic Oath taken by them when graduating as a medical practitioner) along with the immediate-medium-long term impact of the decision taken.
Soul and body are two different but inter dependent entities. Emphasis is on observing rules for spiritual and physical wellness as indicated in table earlier so as to prevent occurrence of ill health or incidences seeking controversial solutions. UN defines of wellness i.e. of the trio of physical-mental-spiritual wellness is the key as per Jain ethics. However when confronted with bio-ethical problems, the following principles are to be
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