Book Title: ISJS Jainism Study Notes E5 Vol 03
Author(s): International School for Jain Studies
Publisher: International School for Jain Studies
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स्वाध्याय परम तप
bodied living beings as well. All living beings want happiness; nobody wants pain; Living beings help each other.1
That which is non violence, self restraint and austerity is Dharma (spiritual values). It is by virtue of spiritual values that supreme spiritual beneficence results. To him whose mind is (absorbed) in spiritual values, even gods pay homage?
Trinity of right belief-knowledge-conduct is the path to attain liberation/bliss
Exertion (Hard Work) to earn and consumption with caution is essential to sustain the success.4
Sharing surplus/charity for sustainable development (Aprarigraha). 5
Self improvement first before helping others to improve.6
In an unprecedented way Mahāvīra defined Ahimsa in Acarariga' as:
'None of the living beings ought to be killed or deprived of life, ought to be ordered or ruled, ought to be enslaved or possessed, ought to be distressed or afflicted and ought to be put to unrest or disquiet.'
Himsa can be performed knowingly or unknowingly by activities of mind, speech or body by a person himself or asking others to do so or admiring those who perform such violent activities. Himsā affects the doeri.e. himsaka more than the himsya (the victim)
1Parasprograho jivānām, Tattvärtha Sūtra by Umāsvāmi, Sūtra V.21
2 'Dhammo mangala mukkhittham, ahimsa sanjamo tavo..., Samana Suttam by Jinendra Varni, Daśavaikālika, verse 1
3 Samyagdarśanajnānacāritrāni mokṣamärga, Tattvärtha Sutra by Umāsvāmi, Sūtra 1.1
4Six essential daily religious duties includingcharity, Pujanapatha Pradipa by Hira Lal Shastri page 9.
5 Mithyadarsana-avirati-pramada-kasaya-yoga, Tattvärtha Sūtra by Umāsvāmi, Sūtra VIII.1 'Bandhahetavah'.Perverted faith, disinterest in the vows, laziness, passions (anger, pride, deceit and greed) and activities of mind body and speech are the causes of pain (bondage).
"Acārya Tulsi "If the man improves himself, the family will improve; if the family improves the community will improve; if the community improves the country will improve; if the country improves the world will improve" 7Ācaranaga, 1/2/3/4
8 Purusārthasidhyupaya by Ac. Amritcandra Suri, Published by Shrimad Rajchandra Ashrama, Agas. Verses III.60; 1-82
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