and articles of food, as boiled rice, or sometimes even dressed flesh are offered with the customary prostration, and with the repetition of other Mantras.
A similar course is followed in the other three periods, with a modification of the formulae, and the articles used to bathe the Linga with. Then in the second, it is bathed with curds, with the Mantra, "Haun-reverence to Aghora;" and the mantra of the Argha is "Reverence to the holy Śiva, the destroyer of all sins; I offer this Argha at the Sivaratri, do thou with Umá be propitious*." In the third, the bathing is performed with ghee, with the Mantra "Haun, reverence to Vámadeva;" and the Argha-mantra is, "I am consumed by pain, poverty, and sorrow: oh Lord of Párvatí, do thou, oh beloved of Umá, accept the Argha I present thee on this Śivarátri**!" In the fourth watch the Linga is bathed with honey, with the Mantra "Haun, reverence to Sadyojáta;" and the Argha-prayer is, "Oh Sankara! take away the inany sins committed by me, accept, beloved of Umá, the oblation I present thee on this the night of Śiva*** " At the end of the watch, or daylight, the ceremony is to be concluded with the radical mantra, "Siváya
[ नमः शिवाय शान्ताय सर्वपापहराय च । शिवरात्रौ ददाम्यर्धे प्रसीद उमया सह ॥] [दुःखदारिद्र्यशोकेन दग्धो ऽहं पार्वतीश्वर । शिवरात्रौ ददाम्यर्घ्यमुमाकान्त गृहाण मे ॥]
[मया कृतान्यनेकानि पापानि हर शङ्कर । शिवरात्री ददाम्यर्घ्यमुमाकान्त गृहाण मे ॥]