from the physicians, that the flesh of kine is difficult of digestion, and the cause of many disorders.
A number of fire worshippers, who arrived from Nausárí in Guzerat, gained many converts to the religion of Zerdusht. The emperor was, to a certain extent, amongst them; and he committed the charge of maintaining a sacred fire in the palace night and day to Abulfazl. He also assisted at the Homa, a species of fire worship, which was performed daily in the inner apartments by those ladies of the haram, who were of Hindu descent.
On the new year's day of the 25th year, the emperor worshipped fire in public, and in the evening, when the candles and lamps were lighted, all the court stood up in reverence. On the eighth day after the sun's entering Virgo in this year, the king came into the audience chamber with the síká, or mark, on his forehead, and the Brahmans present tied a string of pearls round his wrist, a ceremony which they suppose secures good fortune'. The omrás then presented the monarch with gifts suited to their station, and having gone through the same ceremonial of tying bracelets round their wrists, took their leave.
In all these innovations Abúlfazl conformed to the emperor's fancies, and was affected with a similar malady. He used to revile the faith of Mohainmed, and hold disputations with the head Kází and other
This is called the Rákhi bandhana, and is still observed by the Hindus of the Upper Provinces of the full moon of Sráraña. [See Glossary of Indian Terms. p. 136. and Elliot, 1. 1., p. 250.]