Book Title: Essays Lectures on Religion of Hindu Vol 02
Author(s): H H Wilson
Publisher: Trubner and Company London

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Page 433
________________ TRÜBNER'S BIBLIOTHECA GLOTTICA -- continued. of the labours of Vater, Barton, Duponl- est un des livres les plus ntiles qui aient ceau, Gallatin, De Souza, and others, but jamais été rédigés pour faciliter l'étude also of the MS. sources left by the mission de la pbilologie comparée. Le premier aries, and of many books of which even tome de cette grande bibliographie linthe library of the British Museum is de- guistique comprend la liste textuelle do ficient, and furnish the fullest account of tontes les grammaires, de tous les dicthe literature of no less than 525 lan- tionnaires et des vocabulaires même les guages. The value of the work, so ne- moins étendus qui ont été imprimes dans cessary to the study of ethnology, is les différents dialectes des deux Amériques; greatly enhanced by the addition of a en outre, il fait connaitre les ouvrages good Index." --- Berliner National-Zeitung, manuscrits de la même nature renfermés 22nd Nov. 1857. dans les principales bibliothèques pu bliques et particulières. Ce travail a dû “The name of the author, to all those nécessiter de longlies et patientes rewho are acquainted with his former works, cherches; aussi mérite-t-il l'attirer tout and who know the thoroughness and pro- particulièrement l'attention des philologues. found character of his investigations, is Puissent les autres volumes de cette bia sufficient guarantee that this work will bliothèque être rédigés avec le même soin be one of standard authority, and one et se trouver bientôt entre les mains de that will fully answer the demands of the tous les savants auxquels ils peuvent present time." -- Pet:holdt's Anzeiger, Jan. rendre des services inappréciables." —Re1858. rue Américaine et Orientale, No. I, Oct. 1858. “The chief merit of the cditor and publisher is to have terminated the work “To every fresh addition to the bibliocarefully and Incidly in contents and form, graphy of language, of which we have a and thus to have established a new and most admirable specimen in this work, largely augmented edition of “ Valer's the thoughtful linguist will ever, as the Linguarum totius orbis Inder", after Pro great problem of the mnity of human fessor Jülg's revision of 1847. In order speech approaches towards its full soluto continue and complete this work the tion, tum with increasing satisfaction and editor requires the assistance of all those hope. who are acquainted with this new branch But Mr. Nicolas Trübner, however, has of science, and we sincerely hope it may perhaps, on the whole, done the highest be accorded to him."- Magazin für die service of all to the philologer by the Literatur des Auslandes, No.38, 1858. publication of "The Literature of American Aboriginal Languages". IIe lias, with "As the general title of the book in the aid of Professor Turner, greatly endicates, it will be extended to the lan larged, and at the same time most skilguages of the other Continents in case fully edited, the valuable materials acit meet with a favourable reception, which quired by his deceased friend II. Ludewig. we most cordially wish it." - A. F. Poll, We do not indeed, at this moment, know Preussische Jahrbücher, Vol. II, part 1. any similar work deserving of full con"Cette compilation savante est sans parison with it. In its ample enumeracontredit, le travail bibliographique le plus tion of important works of reference, and important que notre époque ait vu surgir careful record of the most recent facts in sur les nations indigènes de l'Amérique." the literature of its subject, it, as might - Nouvelles Annales des Voyages. Avril, have been expected, greatly surpasses 1859. Jülg's “Vater", valnable and trustworthy thongh that learned German's work un"La Bibliotheca Glottica, dont M. Ni- doubtedly is." - North British Review colas Trübner a commencé la publication, No. 59 (February 1859). The Editor has also received most kind and encouraging letters respecting the work from Sir George Grey, the Chevalier Bunsen, Dr. Th. Goldstücker, Mr. Watts (of the Museum), Professor A. Fr. Pott (of llalle), Dr. Julius Petzholt (of Dresden), Hofrath Dr. Grasse (of Dresden), M. F. F. de la Figaniere (of Lisbon), E. Edwards (of Manchester), Dr. Max Müller (of Oxford), Dr. Buschmann (of Berlin), Dr. Jülg (of Cracow), and other linguistic scholars.


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