Book Title: Essays Lectures on Religion of Hindu Vol 02
Author(s): H H Wilson
Publisher: Trubner and Company London

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Page 432
________________ TRÜBNER'S BIBLIOTHECA GLOTTICA-continued. formation; and under each dialect is an to the bibliography of American languages account of any grammars or other works has been executed, both by the author, illustrative of it." - The Bookseller, Jan. Mr. Ludewig, and the able writers who 1858. have edited the work since his death, is “We have here the list of monuments spoken of in the highest terms by gentlestill existing of an almost innumerable men most conversant with the subject." series of languages and dialects of the - American llistorical Magazine, Vol. II, American Continent. The greater part No. 5, May, 1858. of Indian grammars and vocabnlaries exist "Je terminerai en anonçant le premier only in MS., and were compiled chiefly volume d'une publication appelée à rendre by Missionaries of the Christian Church; de grands services à la philologie comand to Dr. Ludewig and Mr. Trübner, we parée et à la linguistique générale. Je are, therefore, the more indebted for the veux parler de la Bibliotheca Glottica, great care with which they have pointed ou vrage devant renfermer la liste de tous ont where such are to be found, as well les dictionnaires et de tontes les gramas for enumerating those which have been maires des langues connnes, tant impriprinted, either in a separate shape, in més que manuscrits. L'éditeur de cette collections, or in voyages and travels, and précieuse bibliographie est M. Nicolas elsewhere."-Leader, 11th Sept. 1858. Trübner, dont le nom est honorablement "I have not time, nor is it my purpose, connu dans le monde oriental. Le preto go into a review of this admirable work, mier volume est consacré aux idiomes or to attempt to indicate the extent and Américaines; le second doit traiter des value of its contents. It is, perhaps, langues de l'Inde. Le travail est fait enough to say, that apart from a concise avec le soin le plus consciencieux, et fera bnt clear enumeration and notice of the honneur à M. Nicolas Trübner, surtout various general philological works which s'il poursuit son oeuvre avec le même treat with greater or less fulness of Ame- ardeur qu'il mise à le commencer."-L. rican languages, or which incidentally Léon de Rosny, Revue de l'Orient, Février, touch upon their bibliography, it contains 1858. not less than 256 closely-printed octavo' "Mr. Trübner's most important work pages of bibliographical notices of gram- on the bibliography of the aboriginal lanmars, vocabularies, etc., of the aboriginal 1 guages of America is deserving of all languages of America. It is a peculiar praise, as eminently useful to those who and valuable feature of the work that not study that branch of literature. The value, only the titles of printed or published too, of the book, and of the pains which grammars or vocabularies are given, but its compilation must have cost, will not also that unpublishell or MS. works of be lessened by the consideration that it these kinds are noticell in all cases where is first in this field of linguistic literature." they are known to exist, but which have -- Petermann's Geographische Mittheilundisappeared among the debris of the sap- gen, p. 79, Feb. 1858. pressed convents and religious establish "Undoubtedly this volume of Trübner's ments of Spanish America.”—E. G. Squier, Bibliotheca Glottica ranks amongst the in a paper read before the American most valuable additions which of late years Ethnological Society, 12th Jan. 1858. have enriched our bibliographical literature. "In consequence of the death of the To ns Germans it is most gratifying that author before he had finished the revisal the initiative has been taken by a German of the work, it has been carefully examined bookseller himself, one of the most inby competent scholars, who have also made telligent and active of our countrymen many valuable additions." - Imerican abroad, to produce a work which has Publishers' Circular, 30th Jan. 1858. higher aims than mere pecuniary profit, "It contains 256 closely-printed pages and that he, too, has laboured at its proof titles of printed books and manuscripts, duction with his own hands; becanse daily and notices of American aboriginal lan- it is becoming a cireumstance of rarer guages, and embraces references to nearly occurrence that, as in this case, it is a all that has been written or published bookseller's primary object to serve the respecting them, whether in special works cause of literature rather than to enrich or incidentally in books of travel, periodi- himself." - P. Trümel, Börsenblatt, 4th cals, or proceedings of learned societies." Jan. 1858. - New York Herald, 29th Jan. 1858. "In the compilation of the work the "The manner in which this contribution editors have availed themselves not only


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