Book Title: Aspect of Jainology Part 3 Pandita Dalsukh Malvaniya
Author(s): M A Dhaky, Sagarmal Jain
Publisher: Parshwanath Vidyapith

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Page 463
________________ 138 M. A. Dhaky & Sagarmal Jain प्रतिलभ्य ज्ञान-दर्शन-चारित्रवन्तं धर्म प्रतिलभ्य तीर्थकरोपदेशाद् जमालिवद् आत्मोत्कर्षदोषाद् विनश्यन्ति, गोदामाहिलावसानाः सर्वे निवाः आत्मोत्कर्षाद विनष्टाः बोटिकाश्च । (Ed. Muni Sri Punyavijayaji, Sayagadangasutta, Prakrit Text Society Series No. 19, Ahmedabad 1975, pp. 90, 92, and 219.) 17. पुणो विसेसो जिणदेसिते, ण बोडिग णिण्हगादिसच्छंदगाहे ॥ (Ed. Muni Punyavijaya, Dasakaliyasuttam, Prakrit Text Society Series No. 17, Ahmedabad 1973, p. 256.) Cf. Harsacarita v; also see v. S. Agrawal, Haryacarita : Eka Samskrtika Adhyayana (Hindi), Patna 1964, pp. 90. 109. Agrawal identifies the nagnāțaka of Bāna bhatta with Yāpaniya monk. Earlier than Bāņa, in Visakhadatta's Samskrta play, the Mudrārākyasa, similar hateful attitude toward the kşapanaka (nude Jaina monk) is evinced as noted by Agrawal : (For the text, cf. Kane, fifth edition, Motilal Banarasidas, Varanasi 1965, p. 20.) 19. As the name suggests, the work deals with the refutation of the Botika (monastic) practices. 20. This is the view of Pt. Dalsukh Malvania he expressed during a discus sion with the first author. We have not seen this work. 21. For details see in this volume the article in Hindi on this subject by Pt. Malvania. 22. Ibid., pp. 68-73. Gujarat Vidyapith, 5th edition, Ahmedabad 1967. 24. Ibid., p. 109. 25. During a personal discussion with the first author. 26. "आह-जइ एवं अप्पबहुअणुथुल्लचेयणाचेयणदव्वआदाणातो परिग्गहो भवति तेण जे इमे सरीर मित्तपरिग्गहा पाणिपुडभोइणो ते णाम अपरिग्गहा, तं जहा--उदुडग-बोडिया(य)-सरक्खमादि तेसिं अप्पादिपरिग्गहवियप्पा णत्थि, तं च [5]परिग्गहं भत्त (वतं) लद्धं सेसाणि वि वयाणि तेसिं भविस्संति, वलि(ति)त्ते य संजमो, ततो मोक्ख इ [ति । तं च ण भवति, जम्हा-एतदेवेगेसि महब्भयं भवति [सू० १५४] जे बोडियादि आउक्काया रसगादि तिविति (आउक्काय-उद्देसिगादि गिण्हेंति ?) तेसि तदेव सरीरं महब्भयं । जे वि आउक्काइयउद्देसियादि परिहरंति जावणिज्जाइणो ते वि अपडिलेहितं भुंजंति अपडिलेहिते य ठाणादीणि करेंति ।"--आचाराङ्गचूर्णि (Cf. Āyārāngasuttam, "prastāvanā" (Gujarāti), Jaina Āgama Series 2, pt. 1, Bombay 1977, p. 49) Ibid. 28. For the citation and the discussion thereof, of. Nathooram Premi, "Yapaniyon-ka Sahitya" (Hindi), Jaina Sahitya aur Itihāsa, Bombay 1956, pp. 68-69. G. S. Gai, "Three Inscriptions of Ramagupta," Journal of the Oriental Institute, Vol. XVIII, pp. 250-251. 23. 27. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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