Book Title: Aspect of Jainology Part 3 Pandita Dalsukh Malvaniya
Author(s): M A Dhaky, Sagarmal Jain
Publisher: Parshwanath Vidyapith

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Page 475
________________ 150 Y. S. Shastri from the misunderstanding of the word Ātman by the Buddhists. One can easily make out from the critical survey of conception of non-soul theory of the Buddhist texts, that Buddha himself is greatly responsible for this misunderstanding. Principally, there is no difference between the Ultimate Reality of the Vedāntins and the Buddhists. Due to this misunderstanding created by Buddha, they sans raison fought with each other on the philosophical battle field. C.D. Sharma haj rightly pointed out that : "had Buddha refrained from committing an error of commission in degrading the Upanişadic Ātman to the level of the empirical ego and also an error of omission in not identifying his Bodhi or Prajñā with the Upanišadic Atman or Brahman, the age-old battle regarding the Nairātmyavāda fought without any reasonable ground by the Buddhists and the Vedāntins on the soil of Indian philosopny would have been surely avoided."82 Notes & References 1. T.R.V. Murti, The central Philosophy of Buddhism, p. 17. 2. Oldenberg, Buddha, p. 218. 3. Samyukta-Nikāya, p. 54. 4. Kevalo paripuro baladhammo, Majjhima Nikaya, 11.2. 5. Basic conception of Buddhism, p. 7. 6. Murti, Central., p. 7. 7. M.K. X-15. 8. M.K. XVIII-4. 9. M.K. XVIII-7. 10. Bodhicaryāvatāra, IX-75. 11. Bhrama esa tu utpanno yeyamātma-dřstiḥ, MSA, VI-2, Com. 12. Tasmānnāstyātmā, MSA, VI-2, Com. 13. Na catmadpstiḥ syayamātmalakṣaņā na cāpi duḥsamsthitatā vilaksaņā. Dvayanna canyad bhrama eşa tāditah tataśca mokṣo bhramamātra samkşayaḥ. MSA VI-2. 14. Katham jano vibhramamātrāśritaḥ paraiti duḥkhaprakstim na santatām. MSA, VI-3. 15. Katamoyamidssastamaḥ prakāro lokasya yadvidyamānamr pratityasamut pādamavipaśyannavidyamānamātmānam niriksate. Sakyam hināma tamasā vidyamānamadrașțum syānna tvavidya mänam draşthumiti. MSA, VI-4, Comm. 16. Anarthamayātmadrstih. MSA, XIV-37. 17. Sarve dharmā anātmānaḥ. MSA, XVIII-101. Satkāyādsstih klesalaksaņo hyeșa samkleso, yaduta aham mameti. MSA, XVIJI-92. Comm. 19. Parikalpita ātmā nāsti. MSA, XVIII-81, Comm. 20. Ayatnamokṣaḥ sarvesām, na mokṣaḥ pudgalosti vā. MSA, XVIII-103, 18. Satkay Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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