Book Title: Aspect of Jainology Part 3 Pandita Dalsukh Malvaniya
Author(s): M A Dhaky, Sagarmal Jain
Publisher: Parshwanath Vidyapith

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Page 569
________________ 244 Roger Jackson 14. says the great reclues" (ye dhammā hetuppabhavā tesāni hetum tathāgato āha / tesañ ca yo nirodho evarn vādi mahāsamano). Knowledge of arising and ceasing is central to the tevijja, and is, too, what is at stake in the four noble truths. It and its commentaries are considered by most Tibetan scholars to be the most important elucidation of Buddhist path systems as they are implicit in the prajñāpāramitā sūtras. It is one of the fundamental topics of study in monasteries of the dGe lugs pa tradition. 15. The definition is commentarial, and is drawn from rGyal tshab's rNam bshad snying po rgyan, 2a/1-2. It is translated by E. Obermiller, Analysis of the Abhisamayālamkāra, Fascicle I, Calcutta Oriental Series, no. 27 (London: Luzac & Co., 1933), p. 3. Cf. also A. K. Warder, Indian Buddhism, second revised edition (Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass, 1980), pp. 407-413. 16. rGyal tshab, op. cit., 2a/4, trans. Obermiller, p. 5. 17, rGyal tshab, op. cit., 26/2, trans. Obermiller, p. 5. 18. Charlene McDermott, “Yogic Direct Awareness as a Means of Valid Cogni tion in DharmakIrti and rGyal-tshab," in Minoru Kiyota, ed., Mahāyāna Buddhist Meditation. Theory and practice (Honolulu : The University Press of Hawaii, 1978), p. 146. The parallel with the essential" and universal” omnisciences described by Singh is clear. 19. rGyal tshab rje, rNam 'grel thar lam gsal byed, vol. I (Sarnath : Pleasure of Elegant Sayings, 1974), p. 226. rGyal tshab holds the pramānasiddhi chapter to be the second; other Indian and a few Tibetan commentators hold it to be the first for a discussion of the controversy, cf., e. g., F. Th. Stcherbatsky, Buddhist Logic, vol. I (reprint, New York : Dover, 1962). pp. 38-39. 20. pramanyanca parokşārthajñānam tatsadhanasya ca / abhāvān nästyanustānamiti kecit pracakşate ll jñānavān mrgyate kaścit taduktapratipattaye / ajñopadesakarane vipralambhanaśankibhik // tasmādanuşte yagatam jñānamasya vicāryatām/ kidasarnkhyāparijñānam tasya naḥ kvopayujyate || heyopadeyatativasya sābhyupāyasya vedakah / yah pramānamasāvisto na tu sarvasya vedakah // dūram paśyatu vā mā vā tattvamiştam tu paśyatu / pramānam dūradarsi cedet grdhranupāsmahe // in Swami Dwarikadas Shastri, ed., Pramānavārttika of Acharya Dharmakirtti, with the Commentary "Vrtti' of Acharya Manorathanan din (Varanasi : Bauddha Bharati, 1968), pp. 18-19. I have also consulted a Tibetan translation, the Tshad ma rnam 'grel gyi rtsa ba, woodblock print (Delhi : dPal Ka rma pa, n.d.) 21. Singh, pp. 39-40. 22. Those of the śrāvaka, pratyekabuddha and bodhisattva. 23 In the path systems of the Abhidharmakośa, the four noble truths are, in fact, what is directly cognized by the ārya on the path of seeing (darśanamärga). Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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