The Jain philosophers state that we cannot manage the affairs of this world only of the basis on the lop-sided views. For, there are three aspects of our worldly affairs – 'Pravýtti' (indulgence), 'Nivytti' (abstinence) and 'Tațasthata' (neutrality). We indulge in any activity to attain happiness; we abstain from whatever is painful; we remain neutral if there is neither happiness nor pain. As this trinity of activity, non-activity and neutrality comprise our worldly affairs, so also origination, cessation and permanence cause happiness to one, pain to another, and neither of the two i.e., neutrality for the third one, respectively.
Anekānta Dravyarthika
Niścaya Naya Niścaya-dụşți Nivștti Paramānu
A multi-faceted point of view Describing a thing only with respect to its ultimate substance Scientific view Transcendental view Abstinence Ultimate indivisible unit of the physical substance Description based on modifications Indulgence Physical substance Neutrality The world is like a family Empirical view Practical view
Paryāyārthika -
Pravrtti Pudgala
- Tațasthata Vasudhaiva kuțumbakam - Vyavahāra- dụşți Vyavahāra Naya
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