Naigama Naya
The Totality of all Jīvas (comprising of infinite number of Jīva Dravya), which is possessed of the quality of upayoga (consciousness or the activity of sentience). Pantoscopic (figurative or conventional ) Naya (non absolutistic standpoint) 1. The view-point which takes stock of both bheda(difference) and abheda(identity). 2. The view-point which is cognizant of the intention (of the speaker). Non-absolutistic standpoint, view-point or a way of approach and observation - Cognizance of a single attribute of an object possessed of infinite attributes. A view-point expressing the intention of the speaker (knower), which takes cognizance of a particular (intended) aspect of object, apprehended through Pramāņa (Valid organ of knowledge), and which does not repudiate the other aspects (of that reality).
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