Book Title: World Vegetarian Congress Cookery Exhibition
Author(s): Lilaben Shah
Publisher: Lilaben Shah
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Collbllid jaina graMthamALA, dAdAsAheba, bhAvanagara, phona : 0278-2425322 30082YS Vorld Vegetarian Congress Cookery Exhibition lk TEMPTING RECIPES Lilaben Shah www.umaragyar Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ALL INDIA RECEPTION COMMITTEE XIX WORLD VEGETARIAN CONGRESS 1967 DELHI-CALCUTTA-MADRAS-BOMBAY SPONSORED BY THE INDIAN VEGETARIAN CONGRESS Affiliates: 1. The Bombay Vegetarian Society. 2. The Bombay Humanitarian League. 3. All India Animal Welfare Association. Patron-in-Chief: HIS HOLINESS DALAI LAMA Hon. Patron : HIS HOLINESS SHRI CHITRABHANU MAHARAJ Hon. Patron : Cookery, Culture & Crafts Hon. V. V. GIRI, Exhibition : Vice-President of India SMT. LILABEN SHAH (Chairman), HON. SHRI MORARJI DESAI, SATYAVATI G. S. JAIN Deputy Prime Minister of India (Vice-Chairman) Chairman : INDIRA PITTIE Central Governing Council : (Vice-Chairman) SMT. RUKMINIDEVI ARUNDALE . MAYA DESAI President : (Vice-Chairman) Bombay Regional Executive SHRI BHARATANANDJ (Planner) Committee : , ARVIND KAJI SARI MADANLAL SOMANI MANUBHAI CHAWDA General Organiser : R. G. PAI SHRI JAYANTILAL N. MANKER SMT. SHUSHILA V. SHETH Vice-President : ARUNIKA N. SHAH SABI MANEKLAL CHUNILAL ASARUMATI ZAVERI SARI PRATAPSINGH SHOOBJI SARAYU R. NANAVATI VALLABADAS SARLA K. DHABLIWALA PADMA BHUSHAN Pandit Shiv RATI PATEL SHARMA SATYAVATI R. MEHTA SABI SHADI LAL JAIN VASANT G. SHROFF SMT. MEHRA D. MALEGAMWALA VEENA PARIKH SARI C. T. SHAH INDU B. KHER SHRI GANPATISHANKAR N. DESAI PADMA KHAITAN Secretary General : NIRMAL DALAL SHRI HIRALAL S. SHAH KANCHAN PAREKH Secretaries : GEETA KOTAK SWT. NALINI T. D. MORARJI YASHODABEHEN KAPADLA SARI V. G. JHAVERI SUMITRA P. KAMANI ,, JAYANT M. SHAH HOMAI R. M. TODDYWALLA Treasurer : MAYA SEN GUPTA SHRI MAGANILAL P. Doshi , KUMUD KARANI Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ November 1967 Printed by the Manager, Commonwealth Printing Press, Khetwadi 3rd Lane, Bombay 4. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION Cooking is an art peculiar to man as far as we know, there are no plants, insects or animals that prepare, blend and heat their food. At best we come across some peeling of skins and cracking of shells. The very early man must have eaten his food raw. But with the mastery of fire cooking appeared in its various aspects roasting, boiling, baking, braizing, broiling and so on. The art of cooking is almost as old as humanity. A most important art it is, for it has extended enormously the range of human food. Many nutrients, quite useless in their raw state, became eatable when subject to heat. We could not provide enough food for all without the cooking fire and the art of cooking. No wonder that home and hearth mean the same to us-a place made sacred by the role it plays in our lives. There are many kinds of food and since the body and the mind of man are made of food, the quality of the food consumed matters enormously. Man is spirit incarnate while food is only a means to physical survi val. Our food can help us on our way to a goal or bring us down. The experience of many generations has shown that man is what he eats. Exceptional individuals might have escaped this rule, but to the vast majority of mankind this rule is absolute. In the multilevel and multi-form world that is India there are many social groups with varying food habits. We can easily trace the effect of a given pattern of food on the physical and mental structure and emotional, moral and spiritual culture of the people. I shall not go into the arguments which put flesh of living beings beyond the range of human foods. Many have done it already and many will do it better than I can. I would like to serve the cause of non-violent nutrition by contributing to the art of making food healthy, palatable and economical. In a country as poor as India it is absolutely necessary to make the best use of every nutrient that can feed a human body. On investigation we have found that there are many Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ unusual but useful plant foods, easy to prepare, palatable and digestible. To such foods a good part of this collection of recipies is devoted. Every recipe was tested and the proportions given are based on actual experience. Of course they can vary a little according to taste. Recipes are like the musical ragas. Without the rigid structure of the raga numberless variations are permitted. A good cook knows beforehand how will taste the food she is preparing and she knows what to do to achieve the taste desired. She is an artist in taste and smell and in shape and colour as well. A dish well prepared and served is a price of art and a cook is an artist in every sense of the word. She is also the family doctor for the health and wellbeing of the family are in her hands. Even the cost of food is affected by the cook's skill. Tasteless and coarse food is first wolfed and gulped down. Quality is made up by quantity. When the food is well planned and prepared, a little is enough. Small, light, balanced and tasty meals are good for pocket, wealth and temper. Life is only as good as the liver and the liver is made by its food. -LILABEN SHAH Chairman Note : Only Recipes of those dishes which are displayed in the exhibition are given in this small booklet. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nutrient Analysis : Moisture Proteins Fats Carbohydrates Ash Calcium Phosphorus Dhana Ata (Paddy Flour) (Contents: Rice, Bran & Husk) Iron Fibre Phutic Acid Calories Average daily intake 215 gram. dr dr 1. DHANA ATA RECIPES Greenpeas and Paneer Puri 100 grms. 50 100 150 "" green peas, cup milk, Dhana Atta, Bal Atta, wheat flour, 2 2 table-spoon curd, Salt, green chillis, corriander leaves, Ghee for frying. 9.0 Gram. 9.0 Gram. 2.8 Gram. 66.3 Gram. 6.0 Gram 0.1 Gram. 0.3 Gram. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat 5.0 Gram. 7.0 Gram. 0.1 Gram. 325/100 Gram. Mix all the flours, salt and 2 table-spoon ghee. Bind the flour with water to a smooth dough. Shell the peas and grind coarsely. Heat the milk. When it starts boiling throw in the curd, stir. The milk will curdle. Stain in a muslin cloth and drain of all the water. The paneer is ready. In a table-spoon of ghee fry the green peas and put in salt corriander leaves and crushed chillis. Take off the fire and mix in powder Paneer. Divide the dough in small balls. Roll the ball, put some green peas. Mixture in the centre and fill. Again roll this like puri. Make all the puries in the same way and fry in hot ghee. -PRERANA Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Black gram Dal Puri 150 gms. Dhana Atta, 100 , wheat flour, 1 cup Black gram Dal, 2 Table-spoon garam masala, Salt and oil for frying. 2 Table-spoon hot masala (spicery) Mixture of dry coriander, cloves, cinamoms, red chillies, varilli salt. Mix both the flours and add salt and 2 table spoon oil. Bind the flour with water to a smooth dough. Soak Dal in water for four hours and grind it coarsely. Fry the dal in little ghee when done add salt and masala. Divide the dough in small balls. Roll each ball to fill in the dal filling fold and Roll the puri. Fry in hot oil. --PRERANA Green Gram Paratha 1 , kg. Shelled green grams, 3 Table-spoon Dhana Atta, gram flour, curd, Corinder leaves, salt green chillis, green ginger, Oil for frying. Grind coarsely green grams. Mix in both the flours, little oil and required amount of salt. Finely cut green chillis, ginger, corriander leaves, and curd. Mix well and bind to a smooth dough. The colour of the dough should be green. Divide into balls and roll like thick chapattis. Roast on tava with little oil. This paratha tastes better when eaten with curd. In the same way other varieties can be made with methi Bhaji, white pumpkin, ripe bananas etc. -PRERANA * Cauliflower and Potato Paratha kg. cauliflower, kg. Potatoes, 200 grams Dhana Atta, Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 50 grams wheat flour, Salt, pepper powder and ghee. Wash and scrape the cauliflower keep aside. Boil the potatoes peel and mash them mix salt and pepper to both the vegetable. Mix all the flour add salt 2 table-spoon ghee and bind to a smooth dough Divide in small balls. Take two ball and roll puri. Spread ghee on one puri put potato mixture on it cover with another puri. Secure the edges and roll to a thick chapati and roast on tava with little oil. In the same way make Cauliflower parathas. parathas can even be made of scraped radish. -PRERANA Methi Bhaji Rotla 1 cup Dhana Atta, 1 cup Bajara flour, Finely cut groen ginger and chillis, 1 bunch methi bhaji, 4 table-spoon ghee, Salt. Clean and cut the bhaji. Mix both the flours and add 2 table-spoon solid ghee, cut bhaji and required amount of salt and cut ginger and chillies. Mix to a soft dough. Do not knead Grease a flan dish put in the ball of dough and flatten it spread little gheo on top and bake in moderate oven till golden brown. This tastes better when served with butter or curd. Bitter gourd Peel Vegetable 1 kg. Bitter gourd, 4 table-spoon Dhana Atta, Bal gram flour, Green ginger and chillis, corriander leaves, scraped cocoanut. Take of 1 lemon, chilli powder, 4 table spoon sugar, Salt, turmeric powder and asafoetida. 2 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Wash oil & peel the gourd. Add some salt to the peel. Keep aside for a while and span water. Mix to all the flour and abovo mentioned ingredients and little oil. Bind to a stiff dough and divide into small long balls. Fry them in hot oil. Slice the peeled gourd and fry in oil. Heat some oil in a saucepan and throw in the fried slices and fried balls mix. Keep for some time. Take off fire and add cocoanut and coriander leaves and serve. Note. One can also make a tasty vegetable of Bitter gourd peel alone. Heat some oil and throw in the peel and all the masala. Make a batter of gram flour and mix in the cooking peel. When done take off fire and serve. --PRERANA Savoury Cake (Dhana Ata) Dhanna Atta 6 cups, Sour curd 6 cups, Salt red chilly powder, Green chilly paste oil 3 Tablo-spoon, 1 kg. fresh green peas, green chilly paste, Lemon juice, sugar according to taste, Coriander leaves and grated coconut. For decoration 1 carrot and 6 boiled potatoes and boiled peas 1 cup. Make a dough adding sour curd to dhana atta (droping consistancy) Add 3 table-spoon oil. Add Red chilly powder and green chilly paste. Keep aside for 2 hours. Grind peas finely toss peas in a 1 table spoon hot oil. Cook on a slow fire for 10 minutes. Add green chilly paste salt and sugar. Let it cool for few minutes. Add lemon juice chopped corriander leaves and grated coconut. Make 3 pankies of Dhana atta using banana leaves for a roasting. In a round dish make 3 layers of Pankies, spreading green peas mixture on each layers. Top the whole cake with mashed Potatoes. With the star nozzel decorate the cake with mashed potatoes. Arrange green peas on the sides make a flower out of carrot and decorate on the top. --ARUNIKA SHAH Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ kg. medium size Potatoes, 100 grms. spring onions, 100 gram. french beans. 100 grms. green peas, 100 grms. carrots. One tea-spoon chilly sause, One tea-spoon soya sauce, One tea-spoon chopped Parsle and cellery, One tea-spoon red chilly powder, tea-spoon black pepper powder, One tea-spoon Ajinomoto powder, 3 cups milk, 4 table-spoon Dhana Atta and 2 Table spoon maida, 2 table spoon butter, 2 table-spoon oil or salad oil, 4 table-spoon grated cheese. Mexican baked Potatoes Boil Potatoes, carrots and peas and French Beans. Remove skin of Potatoes and carrots. Scoop Potatoes neatly with a round scooper. Chop carrots finely. Chop onions, french beans parsle and cellery finely. Heat 2 table spoon oil or salad oil add all chopped vgetable for binding add mashed Potatoes (which were scooped out). Add other seasoning and sauces. Fill the scooped potatoes with this mixture. Fry 4 table-spoon maida and Dhana Atta in 1 table-spoon butter. Add milk and make white sauce. Cook until droping consistancy. Apply butter to a pyrex bowl. Arrange Potatoes and add the prepared white sauce over the potatoes. Sprinkle grated cheese. Put some dots of butter. Bake in a medium oven or 250deg till golden brown. Serve hot. -ARUNIKA SHAH 2 cups Dhana Atta, cup water milk, 1 tea-spoon yeast A sugar, Pizza 5 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ + red tomatoes tea-spoon black pepper powder. $ , red chilly powder, Salt 1 tea-spoon, Salad oil, Garlic and onion according to taste. Herbs. 1 table-spoon butter. Mix milk and water and warm the mixture. Add } tea-spoon sugar and yeast. Keep for an hour in a warm place. Add Dhana atta. Mix well. Add 1 tez-spoon of butter. Keep for 2 hours in a warm place. Chop the tomatoes and keep them on a slow fire. Add black pepper red chilly powder, salad oil and herbs. Chopped garlic and onion. Pass the gravy through a sleve and let it cool for some time. Knead the dough and roll out a pie to the size of 14". Put all tomato gravy on the top sprinkle grated cheese and put some dots or butter. Bake in a very hot oven i.e. 400degF for 15 minutes. Serve hot. -ARUXIKA SIAH Arniri Khaman Channa Dal 200 grams. Diana Ata 200 grams. 250 grams moong Peas soaked in water and sprouted. 125 grams Groundnuts and Corriander leaves, cocoanut, chillies, lemon salt, oil etc. Soak Channadal over night & next day grind it to paste. Add to it Dhana Ata Salt, chillies & little Soda in hot water, mix the batter & steam in a thali. When cook allow it to cooler break into coarse powder. Boil & moong & peas dry them & fry, in oil & mix in some salt & chilly powder, chop the groundnut also. Now mix the channadal powder fried moong & peas & chopped groundnut. Pile in a plate & sprikle corriander leaves & scraped cocoanut on top & serve with pieces of lemon. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mix grams Veg. Sandwiches 100 grams each of channadal, moong dal, Masoor dal, Harhar dal, & math dal 500 grams kand (Surti). Green Chutney & salt & green chillies. Oil for frying. Soak all the dals & grind to a thick Paste add salt & green chillies. Peel kand & cut in round slices & fry in oil. Heat oil, form round puries on hand & fry in hot oil when done take out & cut in two slices. To the cut sides spread green chuney. Put a slice of kand in between & sandwich cut into pieces & serve with tomato sauce. Tomato slice may be used instead of kand. -SARLA K. DHABLIWALA Bitter gourd feel Chillies. 1 Cup Dhana Atta. Cup channa flour. 1 Cup Bitter gourd peel. i Cup oil. Salt chillies, corriander leaves, Jaggery, turmeric powder, Dhania, Jeora Powder etc. Add salt to ground peel & keep aside mix both the flours & add the salted peel. Put the required amount of masala's & little oil. Bind the flour to a stiff dough. Divide the dough into small pieces & each shape piece like a chilly & fry them in hot oil; this tastes best when served immediately. Khakhra (Crisp Chapati) 1 Cup Dhana Atta. Cup Wheat Flour 1 Cup Methi Bhaj. Cup Ghee. Little Oil. Salt, powder chillies, corriander leaves; green chillies, turmeric powder. Dhani jeera powder, lemon, jaggery etc. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Clean & finely cut the bhaji & add soje salt to it. Mix both the flours & put in some oil & required amount of other ingredients. Mix & bind to a stiff dough. Divide into small balls. Roll each ball thinly. & roast like chappati. Apply ghee to each chappati, when all done re-roast all the chappatis on a slow fire till crisp. Khichu 1 Cup Dhana Atta. Cup Wheat Flour. 1 Cup Jaggery. Cupt finely cut Onions. Cup finely cut Radish & its leaves. Salt, chillies, corriander leaves & scraped cocoanut, add some salt to onions & radish. Heat some water & add jaggery, then add both the flours & stir with wooden spoon when cooked add onions & radish, corriander leaves, chillies etc. Cook for a while & add cocoanut. Take off fire & serve when set. Kanji Wada 2 Cup Bal Atta. 1 Cup green gram dal, 1 r. sp. mustard seeds, Salt, chillie powder, Oil for frying, -SARALA K. DHABLIWALA Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Soak dal for four hours. Grind in paste and mix in salt, chilly powder and flour. Previous day. Heat 1 litre water and add roasted mustard seed powder and salt. Fry wade in hot oil and soak in the prepared water. Serve next day. 8 --SARALA K. DHABLIWALA --RAJASTHANI MAHILA MANDAL Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lraa 2 cup Bal Atta, Coconut grated, Juice of 1 lemon, 4 green chillies crushed, Finely cut corriander leaves, Curry leaves, salt, little oil, Bind the flour with water and make dough. Roll the dough in thick Chappati and roast it. keep aside for one day. Next day break the Chappati in powder form. Heat some oil in a pan and throw in some mustard seed and curry leaves. When they start spluttering add the prepared flour. Let it cook on slow fire too five minutes. Take off fire and add lemon juice, coconut and corriander. Mix and serve. -RAJASTHANI MAHILA MANDAL Corn Puris 1 cup corn, 1 cup Dhana Atta, 1 cup wheat flour, 1 bunch corriander leaves finely cut, 1 Table spoon oil, 1 Table spoon green chillie paste, 1 table spoon Citric acid 2 Table spoon sugar or jaggery, Salt and little turmeric powder, Oil for frying. Grind the corn to a paste. Mix both the flours add all the other ingrediants. Bind the flour to a stiff dough with the he'p of grounded corn. No water to be used. Knead well and divide into small balls. Roll each ball very thinly and prick with a fork. Heat the oil and fry the puris till crips. When cool serve. Tnis stays for days so muy be stored in an air tight jar. --SARYU NANAVATI Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Skin of six oranges, 3 medium size onions, 1 Table spoon chilly powder, 4 green chillies finely cut, 1 small piece ginger finely cut, 1 bunch corriander leaves finely cut, 25 grams Jaggery Small ball tamarind 2 Table spoon ghee or oil Salt and little turmeric powder. Wash the skin scrap the white pith and cut till into pieces. Boil them in little salted water Cooked and drain off the liquid. Chop the onions and heat ghee in pan and fry onions till they change colour, add orange skin chilly powder cut ginger, chillies and corriander leaves add a cup of water. Cook till tender. Soak tamarind in water and take out thick liquid. Add jaggery, tamarind water, salt and turmeric powder and cook till all the water is absorbed. This will be dry vegetable. If gravy is required instead of cup water add 1 cup of water. -SARYU NANAVATI Orange Skin Vegetable d. 1 cup Dhana Atta, 1 cup finely cut jaggery, cup ghee, table-spoon Cardamom powder, nutmeg powder, "" " 33 Gol-Papdi (varIyAlI) dry ginger powder, poppy seed. Heat the ghee in a sauce-pan and fry the flour. Then add the jaggery when properly mixed, add all the above ingrediants except the poppy Seeds. Spread it in plate and sprinkle the poppy seeds on top and cut into pieces. Store in jar when cool. -JAYA SHAH 10 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1 cup Dhana Atta, 1 bunch methi bhaji. 1 table spoon green ginger and chilly paste. 2 table spoon ghee, Little turmeric powder. 1 table spoon cummin seed, Little assofoetida, Salt to taste, Oil for frying. Muthia Clean and cut the bhaji finely. Add to this all the masala. Mix ghee in the flour and add the bhaji to it. Bind to a stiff dough without the help of water. Form into small oblong balls and fry in oil on slow fire till crisp. Note: These can be made with any other green Bhaji for variations. -JAYA SHAH 1 cup Dhana Atta, 1 table-spoon sago, Papadums table spoon Soda-bi-Carbonate, 1 table spoon cummin seed, Salt to taste, table spoon red chilli powder. Little oil, 1 to cup water. Heat the water and add salt and Soda to it. When it starts boiling add Sago to it. When cooked add the flour red chillie powder and cummin seeds. Stir it well. Take off fire. Divide the dough in four portions and form into balls steam this balls. After ball and knead it properly and cut into small balls. thinly with the help of little oil dry in the Sun. Store deep fry when required. hour take out one Roll each ball -JAYA SHAH 11 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1 cup Dhana Atta, 1 cup sour curd, 1 Table-spoon cummin seeds, 1 1 23 73 til seeds, red chilli powder, Little tumeric powder, 2 Table Spoon ghee, Salt to taste, Oil for frying. Chakri Put all the masala's in the flour. Add ghee mix. Add the curd and bind to smooth dough. Form into chakris and fry in heated oil on medium fire till golden brown in colour. Store when cool. Note:-Chakris can also be made by steaming the flour in a piece of cloth. In these process no ghee is required but more curd is required JAYA SHAH 1 cup Dhana Atta, 25 grms. Polson butter, Nimkin 3 table-spoon milk, Salt, pepper powder and cummin seed powder as required, Ghee for fyring. 1 cup Dhana Atta, 4 Table-spoon ghee, Little hot water, Add salt pepper and cummin seed to the flour. Mix and add the butter with the help of milk bind the flour to a stiff dough. Form small balls of the dough. Press the balls to thick puries and make two three cuts of on the top of each puri. So that they won't puff while frying. Fry them on slow fire till crisp. Ladu-(SWEET BALLS) 12 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat -MRIDULA THAKKAR Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 25 grms. jaggery, 1 Table-spoon cardamom powder, Ghee for frying. Mix the ghee to the flour and bind to stiff flour. Form into lemon size balls and fry to light pink in hot ghee. When cool grind to balls and seive the flour. Add cardamom powder to the flour. Heat the jaggery in little ghee. When liquid mix in the flour and form in small balls. Vermicelli 1 cup Dhana Atta, 2 cups water, 1 table-spoon Soda-bi-carbonate, Salt, chilli powder, cummin seed powder as required. Heat two cups of water. Add all the masala to the water. When it starts boiling add the flour mix well and take off fire. When cool pass the dough through vermicelli making machine and dry in the Sun. When completely dry store in a jar. Fry in hot ghee when required. -PUSHPA KOTAK "" 1 kg. Jowar, kg. moong daal, kg. harhar daal, kg. channa daal, kg. Rice or Dhana Atta. Mix all the above and grind it coarsely. 4 cups basic flour, 1 cup curd (sour), 4 Table-spoon oil, I 3 31 Masala Fruit Cake -PUSHPA KOTAK Turmeric powder, Red chilli powder, 13 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1 piece jinger finely cut, 6 chillis finely cut Salt to taste, T. sp. Soda-bi-carbt. 1 cup green gram (moong)? 1 cup red gram (math) > Sprouted. 1 cup grams (channa) 4 Table-spoon oil, 1 Table-spoon mustard seed, 1 Table-spoon til seeds, 1 Table-spoon cummin seed and few curry leaves. Mix flour, oil curd, turmeric, chillie powder, cut jinger, cut chillis salt and Soda-bi-Carbonate. Add enough water to make a thick batter. Boil all the sprouted thing in salted water. The prepared batter is to be used after 6 hours. Then add in it boiled moong, math and channa. In a sauce-pan heat oil throw in all the seeds and curry leaves when they starts spluttering take off fire and pour the batter in it. Smooth the surface and bake in a moderate oven till golden brown. -RANJAN KAJI Dal Attu. and Methi Balls cup of Dal Atta, 6 methi bundles: One finely chopped onion, cup of Chana atta, 2 green chillis, 1 table spoonful fried cummin seeds, 1 table-spoonful of til seeds, 1 table-spoon ful of garam masala, Salt to taste and sweet oil to fry. Cut the chillis and methi finely and add attas and other things to it. Add a little water and mix it to a thick consistancy and prepare small balls. Fry on slow fire. Do not burn them. Servo with fresh butter or a few drops of lemon juice or Tomato sauce. -MBS. PRAVILA ANANDKAR 14 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Karanji 2 cups of majda, 2 table spoon ful of Dal atta, 1 cup of arrowroot flour, 1 cup of Margarine, 2 table spoons of sweet oil, A cup plain flour for rolling out, One scrapped coconut, half tea spoon powdered cardamom, 10/15 sultana, 200 grams of jaggery, Salt to taste. Mix Maida, Dal Atta, oil and salt to form a soft dough. Beat it with a grinding stone, divide it into 4 equal balls. Roll out the balls into big round chappatis, sprinkle flour. Apply part of arrowroot flour and part of margarine and place another chappati on it. Repeat the same thing until all the chappatis are finished. Press all the chappatis with the tips of your fingers and turn it into a long roll. Pull out the roll until it is 15 to 16" long. Cut it with knife in 12 equal parts and keep them aside covered under a damp cloth. Prepare a little paste of jaggery on a slow fire and add the scrapped coconut to it. Simmer the coconut and jaggery for 15 minutes. Now take each piece, twist it and press it a little bit on your palm. (1) Roll out that piece lengthwise for about 3" in length. ' (2) Place one spoonful of stuffing on half side. Close the stuffing by the other half very tightly, if it does not close properly, apply a little water for sticking, (3) Cut with the Cutter the sides neatly and evenly as shown on the side. Prepare all the Karanjis in the same manner and bake them in a moderate oven. - MRS. PRAMILA ANANDKAR Alu Patrel 12 Alu (Colocassia) leaves, 1 dry coconut (copra), 12 green chillies medium size, 15 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Chillies medium size, 6 onions chopped fine and fried in gheo or oil, 1 banana, green 1 cooking Rajalee banana (or one more green banana), 1 tea-spoon jeera (cummin seeds), 1 "" 1 33 A few seeds each of methi (fenugreek seeds), rai (mustard seeds), taj (cinnamon), 1 lavang (cloves), Ilaichi (cardamom), Mari (black pepper), 11/2 table-spoons dhana jeera mixture, 12 11/12 geul khus khus (poppy seeds), Dhania (corriander seeds), "" 33 warm. haldi (turmeric), of gur (brown sugar), "" 250 gramme channata (Bengal gram flour), 250 gramme dhana atta (whole rice flour), 1 table-spoon of imli (tamarind) water or more to taste, 1 tea-spoon of salt or more to taste. 21 of curry powder, of sambhar, Blend gram and dhan atta. Fry the onions, grind all spices and copra together with water very smoothly. Mix the flours with the ground spieces, add brown sugar, crushed bananas, fried onions, tamarind water and fold in to the consistency of soft butter. Wash the leaves, remove the ribs; pile up three leaves with 2 layers of paste between, fold in two sides, roll up and tie round and round with at least one metre of white thread. Prepare four rolls, dividing the paste equally among the four and steam over boiling water for hour of actual steaming. Steamed patrel can be eaten as such with some lime juice, cold or It can be also sliced and fried before serving. 16 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat -HIRABEN PETTIT Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ II. VEGETARIAN RECIPES-INDIAN & WESTERN STYLES Lily Kofta kg. Potatoes i kg. Paneer (Cottage cheese) 150 grms. Almonds, pistchard. } cup Cream and Cashew nuts 100 gms. Kyoya (dried milk) 2 Fine Tomatoes 2 Small Onions 4 Table-spoon Sooji 1 cup Bread crumbs butter 1 Table-spoon Pomegranate 8 Cardamom seeds 12 Cloves 5 Cinnemon sticks 1 Table-spoon Pepper corns 10 Dry Chillis 20 Raisins Green ginger and Chillis Coriander leaves Cocoanut and salt Ghee for frying Boil peel and mash the potatoes. Mix in salt and paneer knead well and divide in lemon size balls flatten each ball and put in little piece of butter, raisin and some pieces of all the nuts. Secure firmly in oblong shape. Make a thin batter of sooji and water dip oach prepared kofta in this batter and roll in bread crumbs and fry in hot ghee. Keep aside. Grind almond cashew and pistachio nuts, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, pepper, poppy seeds, dry chillis with the help of cream. Dip tomotoes in hot water. Peel and cut also cut the onions and ginger. Heat a vessel and add 4 table spoon ghee and fry cut onions and ginger then the grinded masala and lastly cut tomotoes. Add 2 table-spoon curd and stir when the ghee floats add khoya, required amount of chilli powder and salt. Add coriander leaves, cocoanut 1 table-spoon sugar and cut green chillis. Add all the kofta's to the gravy and heat for five minutes and Rerre. -PRERANA Ginger Biscuits 250 gms. Refined flour 62 gms. Butter 125 gms. Sugar 3 Table-spoon Golden syrup 1 table spoon Milk dry ginger powder 3 fresh Ginger juice Pinch of Soda bi. cab. 17 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Pinch of Baling powser 1 Table -spoon Salt Add baking powder, Soda-bi-Carbonate and salt to the flour and seive it. Melt the butter in a saucepan then add the syrup and sugar stir it well. Take off fire and add milk to this mixture add the seived flour ginger powder and ginger juice mix to smooth dough. Roll the dough and cut the biscuits as desired. Bake the biscuts on a tray in a preheated oven at 350deg till golden brown. 250 gms. Refined Flour 100 50. "" Chocolate Biscuits 23 Caster sugar Chocolate powder (grated) or vanilla butter cream 2 Cocoanuts Butter or Ghee 250 gms. Few drops of Vanilla essence Almonds Rasins Sieve the flour after adding Cocoa add butter and sugar. Mix well with a spoon and prepare dough. Divide in three portions and roll on a wooden board longish inch thickness with the cutter cut the Biscuit in oblong shape and prick with a fork greese a baking fray and arrange biscuit in the dish and bake in a moderate hot oven for 15 minutes and take them out of oven. Put Vanilla butter cream or chocolate cream between 2 biscuits and granulated sugar on top of the biscuits and again bake them for 15 minutes. -PRERANA Cocoanut Biscuits 250 gms. Butter 25 Bourn vita 2 Table-spoon Sugar 33 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat -PRERANA 18 Grate cocoanuts and keep it in Sunshine for 15 minutes till dry. Mix butter and sugar in a bowl and beat with a wooden spoon till fluffy. Add sifted flour, cocoanut, vanilla essence, baking powder. Mix well kg. Maida 150 gms. Caster sugar Pinch of Baking powder= Paper cups Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ with a spoon it put this mixture in the paper cups and decorate with Almonds and rasins. Arrange the papper cups in a baking dish and bake in hot oven. -PRERANA Instant Fruit Cake l} cup Condensed Milk 1 cup Chopped walnuts 1 cup Desicated Coconaut 2 cups Chopped dates 100 gms. Butter Mix all above ingrediants in a bowl. Mix well. Put this mixture in small cake tins and bake in a medium hot oven for 25 minutes till golden brown remove from the oven and cool on a rack. -PRERANA Apricot Pudding (EGGLESS) 300 gms. Dry Appricots 25 Apricots almonds 100 gms. Pistaschio (small and round) 4 Table-spoon Sugar 2 cups Cream 2 cups Milk 25 sticks china grass Remove stones from appricots and boil it in a sauce pan till soft. Add little sugar, almonds and pistachio. Soak china grass in little water for 15 minutes. Heat milk in a sauce pan and add China grass stir it well till it thickens. Add the above mixture, little vanilla and sugar Let it cool for a little while and add whipped cream mix well. Put it in & Pudding bowl and keep this bowl in the Refrigerator to cool. Serre cold. -PRERAXA Red Pumpkin Pudding 1 kilo Red pumpkin 1 Table-spoon Cornflour I big cup Sugar } Litre Milk 50 gms. Almonds 50 gms. Pistachios 19 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ | Packet China grass 50 gms. Crystatised fruits 1 Table spoon Saffon, Red Currants Cream 10 gms. chirongi Scrape and grate the pumpkin finely. Then cook it in the steam. But it should not be over-cooked and sticky. Then fry the cooked. pumpkin in little hot ghee. Boil the milk. Add to it the sugar. Allow it to boil. Then add to it above fried pumpkin. Boil again Mix one table spoon cornflour in little cold milk. Add this paste to above boiling milk. When the milk becomes thick, add to it crystalised fruits and remove from the fire. Pour this into a bowl and allow it to cool. Soak the China grass in the water for half an hour. Then add this grass to the boiling milk and prepare the jelly. Add to it grinded paste of saffron. Lot it be cool. Then put it in the frigidaire. Allow it to set. Then unmould the jelly on the pumpkin pudding. Decorate with cream dryfruits. -PRERANA Coconut Balls 1 Tin Condensed Milk Sweet 400 gms. decicated coconut, rose, vanilla, edible colours green and red and pinapple essence. Leaves for decoration. Make 3 division of coconut then add condensed milk till you can form small balls. Add different essence and colour in two sections. Keep one white with rose essence. Then form into shapes and then put the leaves for decoration. Stays for two days. -PRERANA 500 gms. Refind Flour 200 gms. Potatoes 50 gms. French Beans 1 Small Cauliflour, 2 Onions Veg. Ravioli 2 Table-spoon Gheo, Salt 100 gms. Green Peas 1 Carrot Dalda Pepper powder 20 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Cheese-Parsley Soya Sauce White sauce Ciravy 200 :-ms. Tomatoes, 2 Onions. Paneer, in crumb form Parsley, Butter. Cut all above vegetables in small pieces and steam them. Heat butter and cook vegetables and add salt and pepper, add soya sauce and prepared white sauce. Add salt and ghee in refind flour and make dough like puri, roll paris, make pairs of 2 puris and fill the veg. stuffing and fry in ghee. Brown onions in hot butter and then add peeled and cut tomatoes. It should mix properly. When the gravy thicknes add salt, pepper, paneer, chilly sauce, and allow it to cook for two minutes. Take out gravy in a dish and add fried raviolis in it and top it with parsley if you like. -PRERANA 15 Corns Small bunch Parsley 4 Green Chillis ground Corriander leaves Bread crums Corn Cutlets 1 kg. Potatoes Ground small piece Ginger Salt Juice of I lenion Oil or butter Grate 12 corns and from 3 corns take out corns and boil. Mash boiled potatoes. Now grind grated corns. Heat butter or oil and cook this corn paste remove from fire and after 5 minutes add whole corns in corn paste mashed potatoes and all above spices and mix thoroughly to form a dough. Flattin and Roll a small boll from this dough and shape into corn shape. On this cutlets arrange remaining bojled whole corns. So that it looks like whole corn. Apply bread crums on all sides and shallow fry in hot oil. Decorate on salad leares and serve with Tomato sauce. Make all cutlets similary: -PRERANA 21 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Peanut Soup 125 gms. Ground nuts 62 gms. Butter 1 cup Milk 2 Table-spoon Flour 1 Onion Salt and pepper taste Roast the peanuts on a low heat and remove the outer covers of and grind it coarsly. Melt butter in a sauce-pan and add peanuts. Store it well. Add 4 cups of water in it and allow to cook. In another sauce-pan put little butter and add grated onion and cook it till it is golden brown and add flour. Stir it well and add milk. Let it cook till it is thick. Remove it from fire and strain it. Put this sauce in the boiling peanut mixture and cook for 15 minutes. If it is too thick add little water or milk add salt and pepper as to your taste and serve. -PRERANA Atom Bomb Patties 1 kg Potatoes 12 Tomatoes small size 1 kg. Green Peas Salt Green Chillies Ginger piece (small) Coriander leaves Lemon juice of one Lemon Sugar Grated Cocoanut Sooji Breadcrumbs Cornflour Oil Add all above Masala according to your taste. Boil potatoes, peel and mash add salt and lemon juice of one lemon, also add little cornflour and mix properly and keep aside. Scoop tomatoes and keep aside its lid Scoop tomatoes. For filling shell green peas and grind coarsly. Heat little oil in a sauce-pan and cook ground green peas, when quite cooked add ginger and chilli paste, finely cut corriander, scraped cocoazut, salt, lemon juice. Fill scooped tomatoes with this filling and cover with its lid the top of tomatoes. Then cover the tomatoes with the potato mixture properly-So that tomatoes are not to be seen. Form it into nice round shape. 22 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Soak sooji in water. Dip tomato Paties in this mixture and then roll it in bread crums and then deep fry in hot oil. Cut it in half to show three coloured sections and serve. 2 doz. Corn Grounded ginger and green chillies Ghee for frying 4 spoons Cornflour Corn Dahivadu Curds 3 cups Curry leaves 1 littre Milk Salt Sugar Bread crums Remove corn from threc cobs and boil. Grate rest of the corns and then grind into a paste. Heat ghee and cook corn paste and then add milk. When corn is cooked and paste is thick remove from fire. Allow it to cool and then add cornflour, ginger, chillies, capsicum, boiled whole corn and coriander. Mix properly, delicately. Roll balls of this mixture then roll in bread crums and flatten it your hands and fry them in ghee on medium heat. Arrange all Vadas in a plate and pour curds on Vadas. 1 Britannia Sliced Bread 25 gms. Red currants Salt Date and tamarind chutney Heat ghee and add red chillies and curry leaves and pour it on top of curds. Decorate it with coriander and grated cocoanuts. Quick "Dahivada" 2 Capsicums (cut into small pieces) Red round Chillies Grated Cocoanut Buy the bread one day ahead. Then cut the slice like that of the little curd. Take out in a dish. one slice. -PRERANA Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat 25 gms. Chirongi kilo curd Red chilly powder Ghee for frying Cut the outer sides of the slices. sandwiches. Then soak them into Put the chirongi and red carrants on Put another slice on it. Press it with the palms of hands 23 -PRERANA Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ and fry them in hot ghee. Then put them in the churned curd. While serving put the "Dahivada" in a dish, sprinkle salt, red chillies and date and tamarind chutney over it. Nagpuri Bananas 4 Table spoons gramflour Little Salt Oil Soak 2 Table-spoons Poppy seeds in water and then grind it into paste. 2 onions, 1 bunch corriander, 1 tea-spoon turmeric powder, little sugar, juice of one lemon, 1 table-spoon coriandar powder, finely cut green chillies and ginger. Hot spices-powder. Mix above 2 flours, add oil. Add salt to it and prepare dough with little water. The dough should be thick. Cut onions very fine. In a sauce-pan put ghee and brown onions heat it, then add finely corriander leaves, grated cocoanut, then ground ginger and chillies, turmeric and coriander powder, after that sugar and salt and lemon juice. Go on stirring all the time. Add hot spices powder also. When everything is properly mixed remove it from fire and take it out in a dish and allow it to cool. 1 packet seedless Dates Ghee (butter) 2 spoons Poppy seeds Dalda for frying Powdered Sugar -PRERANA Tablespoon wheat flour Make balls out of the dough, roll them long and apply to it poppyseed paste and fill it with above mixture and shape like banana (don't fold edges) and make three edges like bananas. Dip Fry it in oil on moderate heat. Date Ghugharas 24 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat --PRERANA 1 cup refined Wheat Flour Little milk cup desicated Cocoanut Few Cardamom powdered Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Rub ghee till it is fluffy and add flour to it and put little salt and milk and prepare dough. Smoothen the dough by beating on a wooden board with a hammer. Then make small halls, roll them into small round Puris. Crush dates in the pa!m of your hands. Prepare fine mixture of poppy seeds, cocoanut, cardamom powder, 2 table-spoon powder, sugar and make it into small balls. Fill this mixture into rolled Puris and nake it into semicircle shape and close the edges properly and fry them in medium hot oil. -PRERASA Kwause--Burmese Dish 1 Packet Chinese Noodles 1 Cocoarut grated 100 gms. Green Peas 1 kg. French beans 1 kg. Cauliflower 100 gms, carrots kg. Marrow 2 Potatoes 2 Onions kg. Red Tomatoes 2 Bunch Green Onions 1 Bunch Coriander leaves 2 lemons 50 gms, ginger I pod garlic 2 table-spoon dry Corriander 2 Spoon red Chillies Powder Little Turmeric, Salt and Oil Squeeze out milk from cocoanut. Clean all the above vegetables and cut into small pieces and boil them in a sauce-pan, grind separately dry coriander, chillies, ginger, garlic, cut lemon into small pieces. Cut Coriander and green garlic finely. Cut tomatoes and onions into small pieces. Heat oil and brown onions in it. Then add all the ground masala and cook, then add tomatoes when all are cooked. Add cocoanut milk and let it boil. Then add all the boiled vegetables. Add salt and turmeric powder and let all these be cooked on low heat. 15 minutes before serving boil noodles in very hot. Boiling water, When cooked strain the water. Fry few noodles in hot oil till little brown. 25 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In a soup dish put noodles, then add vegetable curry. Sprinkle on top green onions, few fried noodles, finely cut coriander leaves, 2 lemon pieces and serve. Keep noodles and curry hot. Poppyseed Halwa 1 kg. Poppy seeds 1 kg. Sugar 1 litre Milk 250 gms. Khoya Clean poppyseeds properly and wash it 4-5 times in water so it is quite clean. Then soak it in. Little milk for 4 hours. Heat rest of the milk till it thickens, grind to a paste poppy seeds on stone. Add it to the hot milk (thick) and stir it. So that it does not stick at the bottom of the pan. Add cardamom powder, When it is quite thick then take it in a thali and spread it evenly and arrange rasins on top and allow it to cool and then cut into small pieces. Cream Drops 1 liter Milk to 3 bottles. 15 Almonds 15 Cardamoms Little green colour Cochinal 250 gms. Fine Sooji -PRERANA 1 Tea-spoon Cardamom powder 200 gms. Rasins 200 gms. Almond One cup grated cocoanut Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat PRERANA 1 cup Sugar 15 Pistachio Few strands of Saffron 500 gms. Green Cocoanut or 250 gms. Khoya Slightly roast sooji in a sauce-pan. Add sugar, ground cocoanut or khoya mix, well. Then add milk little by little and stir it when all the milk has thickened and sooji becomes into sticky consistancy, then remove from fire. Then divide this into four portions. In one portion add saffron for colouring in one, add little cochinal red, in third portion add green colour, and keep one portion white. Make small balls out of it and keep aside. Heat milk in another sauce-pan. Add sugar. Add almonds, pistachio and powder cardamom. When the milk is little colourish, then 26 Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ add above different colour balls and let it cook for 10 minutes. Then keep it in Refrigerator and serve cold. PRERANA Raw Papaya Halwa 250 gms. grated ray Papaya Litre Milk 1 cup condensed milk, Almonds Cardamom powder Silverfoil Pistachios Cook the grated papaya in the steam. Then put it in the pan and stir little a while so that papaya becomes dry. Then add to it the milk and cook in it. When it becomes thick add to it the condensed milk stirring all the time. Sprinkle cardamom powder, when the mixture becomes thick, remove from the fire and spread the mixture in a thali. Sprinkle chopped almonds and pistachios over it. Spread the silvorfoil over it. Serve it cool. PRERANA "Nauratna" Chutney 250 gms. dry Dates 100 gms. Red Carrants 25 gms. Pistachios 25 gms. almonds 10 gms. cardomoms 5 gms. dry ginger 5 gms. Pepper 4797 5 gms. Black pepper Little Chilly powder 250 gms. dry Mango powder 500 gms. Coriander seeds A piece of ginger 11 Kilos Sugar 5 gms. Man Little saffron 4 Lemons Little Asafoetida Curin seeds Chirongi Soak and seed the dry dates and cut it into small pieces. Chop the almonds and pistachios. Grind above all the things separately. Prepare one-threaded syrup of the sugar on gas stove. Add above all the things one by one. Put little salt and lemon juice to it. PRERANA 27 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Vegetable Joker Any left over food like Rice, Khichdi, Sama, etc. 1 cup kuti flour 1 cup sour curd 2 boiled Potatoes Green chilly paste 2 Carrots 3 Small tomatoes 3 Mashed potatoes Corriander leaves Ingredients for Chutney : 1 Small piece of ginger salt lemon Grated cocoanut Green chillies Make a thick paste. Ing. for sweet chutney, Dates, Gur, Salt red chillies P. and mango powder. -ARUSIKA SILAH Method for sweet Chutney ; Soak dates in water for some time. Remove seeds grind all to a fine paste add salt and red chilli powder and mango powder. Mix Kuti with sour curd and any left over thing like Sama, rice, or khichdi. Add green chilly paste and salt add mashed potatoes. Roast four parkies using banana leaves. Make four layers of Pankies using green chutneyand sweet chutney alternately. To make joker roll out mashed potatoes on the surface of the layers applying a little oil to the roller. Make the nose with a ball of mashed potatoes mixed with little red colouring. Make the hot with the carrots shaped in the form of leaves. Make the yoke with tomatoes. Chutney from the Green Part of Moong Dal 1 cup Green part of moong dal A small bunch of corriander leaves cup. Grated cocoanut 1 small piece of ginger cup curd 2 green chillies Urad dal 1 tea-spoon bay leaves Boil 1 cup of water. Add moong dal (chilka). Let it be on fire for five to ten minutes. Grind coconut, corriander leaves and boiled chilkas of moong dal. Add curd. Mix well. Add salt. Fry bay leaves and urad dal in ghee or oil and add it to above chutney. -ARUSIKA SAAH 28 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ kg. Green moong dal Salt Asfotida Corriander leaves Panoli Oil Soak green moong dal at least for 8 hours. Then remove and wash it well. Remove green part of dal. Put it aside. Grind the remaining dal finely without using much water. If using liquidizer, use thick curd while grinding. Mix salt, paste of ginger and green chillies and hing as required in the prepared batter, squeeze half lemon over two table-spoons of hot oil mixed with a pinch of soda-bi-carbonate. Beat the batter very well. 3 litres Milk 1 Lemon In a big aluminium vessel, boil the water. Tie a thick piece of cloth round the sides of vessel very tightly. Apply little oil on the cloth when the water starts boiling, put one dessert spoon full of batter in round shape on the cloth sprinkle finely chopped corriander leaves cover the vessel with deep aluminium thali. Put a heavy weight on that. Do not allow steam to escape. Panoli will be ready within ten minutes. Serve hot with chutney. -ARUNIKA SHAHI kg. Fresh curd Paste of green chillies Soda-bi-carb and lemon Orange Sandesh 4 Table-spoons Dhakshni Garam Masala Make paneer out of the milk by adding lemon juice. Knead it well. Now add the same quantity of sugar as the Paneer and two teaspoons of orange skin juice. Peel the oranges and take out the segments. Make small puris fill with one orange segment and cover. Wrap with silver decorative paper and decorate with fruits cherries or dry fruits. -ARUNIKA SHAIL Sama Khichdi 1 cup Sama Garlic and onions Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat 3 to 4 Orange Sugar (powdered) 29 Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Dried coconut Grind Dhakshni garam masala garlic onions and coconut to a fine paste. Wash sama and soak in water for 15 minutes. Fry above grinded masala in ghee. Add 3 cups of boiling water and soaked sama. Cook for 20 minutes and then for 10 minutes on very slow fire. Decorate with finely chopped corriander leaves and boiled pease. -AR UNIKA SHAH Vegetable Doopiaza - Wash and cut 1 kg. Cauliflower } >> Tomatoes 1 , White pimpkin 1 ,, Onions >> Green peas 3 , Carrots Grind to a fine paste 12 Red chillies 2 Table-spoon Corriander seeds 2 Table-spoon Cummin seeds A Table-spoon mustard seeds 1 big piece Ginger 10 Plakes garlic 1 kg. Onions Salt to taste 4 Big spoons ghee Cut the onions finely in long strips and fry to a golden brown in 2 spoon ghee. Take out the fried onions and fry the masala in the ghee adding some more ghoe. Add all the vegetables and fry for a while. Then add two cups of water and fried onions and salt. Cook on slow fire. When the vegetables are tender and the gravy is thick take off the fire and serve hot sprinkle some corriander leaves and fried onion on top. SARYU NANAVATI 30 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Peas and Potato Savory Cake 1 1 cup green peas boiles cup rice flour Cocoanut scraped 6 Green chillies (grounded) 1 Piece green ginger (grounded) 2 Banana leaves Mix all the above ingredients very lightly. Add some water to make a very thick batter. Grease the banana leaves and cover 6" cake tin. Put in the batter and cake with another banana leaf. Secure it firmly. Bake in a hot oven for about 15 minutes or with fire on both sides. Cut into pieces and serve. 1 cup Mashed boiled potatoes 1 cup Finely cut potatoes (Boiled) 1 Bunch corriander leaves (Finely cut) 2 Table-spoon oil Little asafoetida Chocolate Cake 12 digestive Biscuits 10 Tea-spoon dessicated Cocoanut 2 table-spoons Condensed milk Powder the biscuits scrape the Chocolate slab. Mix the biscuit powder dessicated cocoanut Chocolate powder and margerine or butter very lightly add the condensed milk and form into balls. Roll in scraped chocolate and serve in paper cases. Brittle-Nut Toffee 1 cup Sugar 1 Tea-spoon Soda-bi-Carb -SARYU NANAVATI 10 Tea-spoon Chocolate powder 150 grams margerine or butter 1 Slab plain chocolate Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat 31 Heat the sugar in a thick pan on slow fire. When dissolved add the chopped nuts. Stir and take off the fire immediately. Sprinkle Soda-bi-Carb stir briskly and set in greased plate. Break when cool and store in airtight jar. 1 Cup nuts chopped -SARYU NANAVATI Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Boorooloo 4 Cups urad ka dal 3 Cups gram dat (Black gram) Cup sugar Few Cardamons 1 tea spoon Nutmeg powdered Little salt 1 Tea-spoon yogurt (Dahi) and Ghee for frying Steep the urad dal in cold water for about two hours and grind it to a fine paste. Mix salt and yogurt to the paste and keep it aside for few hours to ferment. Boil gram dal and grind it finely. Add sugar and dry the water on slow heat. Add powdered nutmeg and cardamons and form in walnut size balls. Stir briskly the urad dal paste add a little water if required Dip the balls in the urad dal paste. Lift sufficient batter with the bal and fry in hot ghee. Serve immediately. -SARYC NAXAVATI l'indaloo 1 kg. Mix vegetables (Potatoes, green peas french beans and carrots) 3 Table-spoon Ghee or refined oil 1 Table-spoon Pounded garlie Grounded green ? Chilli powder ginger Roasted corriander Roasted cummin Seeds powder seed powder powder 6 Cardamoms Cloves powdered powdered 2-3 Sticks Cinnamon powdered Salt to taste Some bay leaves and pepper corns. 1 Cup cooking vinegar Cut the vegetables. Shell the peas wash and steep them in salt, vinegar and all the ground ingredients for at least 12 hrs. Now heat the ghee and put in the vegetables mixed in masala adding pepper corns and bay leaves. Allow it to simmer on a very slow fire till all the vegetables are cooked and tender. Serve hot. No water is to be used. -SARYU NANAVATI 32 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Banane Skin Pickle 12 Bananas skin 1 Pod garlic 25 gms. Green ginger 25 gms. Green chillies 100, Dried dates (kharek) 100 gms. raisins 1 cup Vinegar 300 gms. Jaggery Salt to taste Cut banana skin into longish strips. Finely cut garlic and green chillies cut green ginger into thin strips. Soak dates overnight in cold water next day remove the seed cut and dry in Sun for about an hour. Boil some water remove from fire and throw in banana skin keep for five minutes and drain off water and allow it to dry on a piece of cloth till the water dries. Mix all the prepared ingredients and add to it raisins vinegar and cut jaggery and salt. Allow to similar on slow fire till all the water burns away and only the jaggery syrup remains. Remove from fire and cool. Store in a cool jar. -SARYU NANAVATI Jlango Skin Curry 12 Ripe mangoes skin (golden colour) Table-spoon Ghee 4 Onions finely cut 2 Mangoes cut in slices Masala 1 Tablespoon Turmeric powder 1 Cumminseed Coriander seeds Poppy seed (Grind to a fine Chillies powder paste ! Cocoanut scrapped 6 Chillies 1 Small bunch coriander leaves 1 Piece Ginger and Salt Cut and wash the mango peel. Heat the ghee and fry the onions, when they change colour. Put in the grounded masala and fry. Then fry the cut mango peel. Fry well and add mango slices salt and 3 cups water. Cook on slow fire till gravy thickens and skin is tonder. Serve hot. --SARYU NAXAVATI 33 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 150 gramm self Raising Flour, 30 90 90 of brown sugar or jaggery, 1 tea spoon vanilla essence, a pinch of salt, litre milk to mix. Ingredients For the Cake 33 dr Preparation Sieve the flour, salt and cocoa together and rub in the butter or margerine. Add the sugar and vanilla and mix with the milk to the consistency of thick cream. Prepare a round tin 5 to 6 inches in diameter lined with buttered brown paper and pour in the mixture. Bake in a moderate (375degF) oven for about 40-50 minutes. Test with a toothprick, (the stick should come out dry). "" 33 1 cup gram-dal, "" Eggless Chocolate Cake Cocoa or Chocolate, butter or margerine, table-spoon soda-bi-carbonate, paste of 33 1 Salt to taste. Soak the dal over night. Add the masala just before making it. For the Filling Masala Fruit Cake green ginger and chillis, Adu 50 grams french beans cut finely, 50 carrots potatoes 50 50 shelled green peas,, "" For the Masala "" Juice of lime, Grind it to a paste, preferrably in a mixer. "" 1 table-spoon paste of green ginger chillies, powdered clove and cinnamon, 1 34 maracA Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat -HIRABEN PETTIT boil. Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Salt to taste table-spoon sugar, Add to the vegetable filling and mix. For the Chatni Filling scrapped coconut, One small bunch corriander leaves, Juice of one line, A pinch of sugar, Salt, 1 green chilli. Make a fine paste. For the Icing Curds made from 4 litre milk, (Tie up the curds in a piece of cloth and allow the water to drain out. The curds will become thick like chakka or butter.) salt to taste For colouring and flavour Vanilla essence if desired Green & red colour. A few silver balls. One baking dish of 7" diameter. Turn out 2 equal sized cakes, either in an oven or by steaming. Allow them to cool. Place one cake on a cake dish. Apply 1 the chatni over it. Spread the veg. filling over it. Apply the remaining half on the other cake and place it on the prepared cake, with chatni side inward. i.e. the top of the cake should be plain. For Icing Take the chakka, add salt. Keeps 2 table spoon aside for decoration. Apply the chakka over the cake evenly on all sides. For decoration Add red colour to one tea-spoon chakka to make it pink and green to the other 1 tea spoon chakka. Pipe out pink flowers and green leaves for decorations. Place silver halls on flowers. --MRS RANJAS KAJI 35 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Pumpkin's Skin Papad Pumpkin skin, salt to taste, chilly powder, sweet oil for frying. Remove the skin and cut it into small pieces 2" x 2" size. Apply salt and masala and dry them in Sun. These pieces can be stored. When needed, fry them on slow fire and serve. - AIRS. PRAMILA ANANDKAR Gourd's Skin I'afers Gourd, Sweet oil, a little chilli powder, a little plain four, salt to taste. Remove the skin of gourd and cut it into 2" strips, again cut these strips into 1" strips. (i.e. the pieces will be 1" x 1") Apply salt and chilli powder and flour. Fry it on slow fire. These wafers are tasty and crisp when hot. Trireni 1 cup black gram dal, 1 cup moong dal, 1 cup green peas (fresh), 1 coconut, 1 bunch coriander leaves, 1 lemon, 1 piece ginger, 6 green chillies, Salt, sugar, Asafoetida, oil, Turmeric. Soak both the dals separately and grind to a paste. Coarsely grind green peas. Scrap the coconut. Cut the coriander leaves. Take out the juice of lemon. Grind green chillies and ginger. To' black gram paste add salt, pinch of Asafoetida and two spoons oil. Mix well. To moong dal paste add salt pinch of asafoetida oil, and turmeric. Fry the green peas in little oil for five minutes and then add salt, coconut, coriander leaves, juice of lemon, green chilly and ginger paste, two tca 30 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ spoon full sugar. Wet a hanky and form two small puris of black grinded paste over it put little moong dal paste on top of one puri put a small ball of green peas massala cover with other puri secure finely and fry in hot oil till golden brown. -KUMUDINI MASTER Cashew-nuts Patro 1 cup cashewnut, cup sugar, 25 grams walnuts shelled, 1 table spoon strawberry jam green colour. Method Wash the cashew-nuts and soak in water for few hours. Grind then to a fine paste. powder the walnuts. Heat the jam. To the cashew. nuts add sugar and dry the water on slow fire till it forms a soft ball. When cool add the green colour, mix it well. Roll the paste thinly and apply heated jam. Sprinkle powdered walnuts on top and roll. Cut into pieces. -KUMUDINI MASTER Vegetable Dahi Wadas 200 grams boiled potatoes, (Mashed), 100 grams french beans (finely cut and boiled) 100 grams carrot, 100 grams green peas shelled and boiled, 1 cup black gram dal, Salt, green ginger, green chillies, coriander leaves, garam masala, cummin seeds, sugar, curry leaves, 3 cups curd, oil for frying. Mix all the boiled vegetables with the mashed potatoes and add salt, finely cut ginger, and green chillies and coriander leaves, and one spoon of garam masala form balls of walnut size. 37 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Soak black gram dal for 2 hrs. and grind it to a fine paste. Add water to make a thick barter and add salt to the paste. Beat the curd and add some water finely cut green chillis, greon ginger, coriander leaves, sugar, salt. Heat some oil and fry cummin seeds in it and also curry leaves. Throw this in the curd. Heat oil fry the vegetable balls after dipping in black gram paste to a golden brown colour. Dip the fried vadas in prepared curd. Serve cold. . -KUMUDINI MASTER Green Peas Shell Vegetable Green peas shell Salt, sugar, ghee, mills, green ginger, green chillies, garlic and soda bi-carb. Take out the inner foil of the shell and wash. Heat some ghee and throw in the prepared. peel and little soda. Cook on slow fire. When cooked add salt, finely cut green ginger, chillies, garlic, sugar and 1 cup milk. Simmer for five minutes and serve. -MRS. J. NAGARSHETH Green gram Husk l'ada 1 cup green gram Husk 2 big potatoes. Salt, green chill, green ginger, lemon, corriander leaves, mint leaves, curry leaves, turmeric powder, oil for frying. Boil the husk and potatoes. Peel and mash the potatoes. Mix in the boiled husk and all the above ingredients. Divide in small ball. Press and fry in hot oil. Serve hot. -MRS. J. NAGARSAETII Chikoo Lotus. 3 Semi ripe chikoog. 1 Tb. sp. custard powder. 2 Tb. sp. milk. 38 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1 Tb. Sp. Sugar. Silver foil. Peel chikoos Take out the seeds cut in scalloped fashions. Prepare the custard and fill the scooped centre of the chikoos. Stick silver foils Refrigerate and serve cool. -MRS. J. NAGARSAETH Bananas Puri (Tat) cup Dhana Atta. I ripe green Banana. Salt, Chilli powder, Turmeric powder, Lemon juice, Ghee for frying. Wash the bananas and mix in the flour and all the other ingredients. and bind to a stiff dough. Divide in small balls and flatten each ball on hand and fry in hot ghee. ---MRS. J. NAGARSAETH Corn Chillies 1 cup Maida. 18 Corn cobs 25 grms. green chillies and ginger. Til seeds, garam masala, sugar, corriander leaves, dry mango powder or citric acid, Soda bi-carb, salt and oil. Grind the corriander leaves, add salt, grinded corriander and little oil to the flour and bind to a dough. Scrape the corn from the cobs. Heat some oil and throw in some till seeds. When they start spluttering throw in the corn and little soda-bi-carb and little water. Fry till cooked. Take off fire and add all the nasala. Divide dough in small balls and roll puris. Fill the prepared :ores in the puri and shape like chillies and fry in hot oil. -MRS. J. NAGARSHETI 39 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1 cup masoor Dal. Beetroot. 200 grs. French beans. 2 Tbl. sp. wheat flour coarse 1 bunch corriander leaves. Salt, Lemon, green chillies and ginger, Soda-bi-carb and oil. Soak dal for four hours. Boil the dal with beet root in the required amount of water. When cooked mash and add to it salt, lemon juice and flour. Keep aside finely cut and boil the french beans, heat some oil and throw in the boiled French beans, stir and take of fire and add to it salt, crushed chillies and ginger, juice of lemon, and corriander leaves. Roll the dal paste to a big chapatti and spread the French beans mixture on it, roll and cut into pieces. Press each piece and fry in pot oil. -MRS J. NAGARSHETII 1 Kg. Green Peas. Cup Rice flour. 1 Cup Gram flour. 4 Green Chillies. Masoor Dal Rolls Kg. Maida Salt, Turmeric powder, Chilli powder,, Ghee for frying. Mix both the flours and prepare thin batter, shell the peas, grind the chillies, mix in the batter shelled peas, green chillies, salt turmeric, and chilli powder. Heat ghee in a frying pan and fry 1 big spoonful at a time. When done serve immediately. -RAJASTHANI MAHILA MANDAL Ghee Cone mould. Green peas Malpua Vegetable Cone Add 1 Tb. sp. ghee to maida and bind to a dough. Roll a piece of dough to a big chappati, cut in 1 inch stripes, grease the mould and 40 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ wrap the stripe round the mould. Fry in hot ghee with the mould, Slip off the mould and fry till crisp. Fill the cones with potato mixture or chole or Russian salad etc. and serve. -RAJASTHANI MAHILA MANDAL Chinese Plait 4 oz. Maida. 1 Tb. Sp. Cinnarron powder. oz. Butter 4 oz. Sugar 1 Tb. sp. Baking power cup Milk. Ghee for frying. Mix all the above ingredients to the flour and bind the dough. Roll the dough into big chappati and cut 4 stripes. Take three such stripes and plait. Make the syrup of sugar, cut the prepared plait to 3' size and fry in hot ghee. Dip in sugar syrup and serve on a plate. -RAJASTHANI MAHILA MANDAL Dal Bhata (Dal Boiled in Rice) Gram Dal 1 kg. Cocoanut Green Chilli Dhania leaves Mustard Oil Salt Sugar Soak dal in water for i hrs. Strain water and add, corriander leaves, cocoanut and green chilli and grind to a fine paste add required quantity of salt, little oil, little sugar and mix well wrap in plantain leaf and tie well so that water may not enter in. In a big pan cook rice. When the rice is nearly cooked put the wrapped dal in the boiling rice. When the rice is cooked remove the wrapped dal and remote the leaf cut in slices and serve hot. -BANGALI MAIIILA SAMITI 41 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mochar Ghunta Mocha (Plantain flower) Potatoes Garam masala Haldi powder Cocoanut bits Dhania Gram dal Bara Jira Sweet oil Dry chilli, Salt Tejpata Sugar Ghee Cut the flower in to small bits and keep in water for 7/8 hours. Cut the potatoes in bits. Remove the flower from the water and boil in fresh water, drain the water. Mix a little haldi and salt, and keep aside. Heat oil in the pan. When the oil is hot fry potato bits, take out then fry tejpatta cocoanut bits and powdered spices and salt, add the prepared flower and potatoes and little water cook on slow fire till water dries up. Add some ghee and garam masala mix and serve. -BENGALI MALILA SAMITI Gokul Pitha (A Bengali Sweet) Khoya Cocoaut 1 Sugar i kilo Currants i kilo Ghee A good amount maida. Grate the cocoanut mix with the khoya and grind. Mix the currants with the above mixture and form into medium sized lat balls. Make syrup with the sugar--not too thin. Mix the maida with water and prepare a thin batter as for bhajias. Heat the ghee nicely, dip each ball of khoya-cocoanut in the maida-batter and fry golden brown. Immediately dip them in the syrup. After sometime take them out and place in a plate with a little of the syrup. Makes 35-40 flat round balls. -BENGALI MAILA SANITI 42 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Rash Vada Black gram dal (urud dal), Gur (Molases) (Barishap) Ghee for frying. Soak dal in cold water for 7 to 8 hours. Then grind it properly. Stir it untill it becomes jelly like and mix it up with mouri powder (Barishap powder). Then fry the Bara (small balls prepared out of it) in ghee. After frying dip them in syrup of gur (Molases) for 4 to 5 hours. -BENGALI MAHILA SAMITI Dal with Vegetables Mugh dal, Cauli-flower, Pumkin, Sweet-potato, Papdi, Green chillies, Haldi-powder, chilli powder, Dhania-Jira powder, Tajpata, Pauch masala, Salt. Roast mugh dal, cut all the vegetables. Cook dal in boiled water When the dal becomes half-boiled add all cut vegetables, salt, haldi. powder, chilli powder, dhania-jira powder, one or two green chillis. When cooked, keep it aside and heat little oil in another pan, put Pauch Masala (jira, kala-jira, methi, joan, barishap) and tejpata in it and put the entire quantity of vegetable dal in it and keep it for 2 to 3 minutes Take off fire and serve. -BEXGALI MAHILA SAMITI Sweet Puncakes (Patisapta) For Batter 1 Cup Dhan Atta or Suji 1 Cup Wheat flour 1 Tb. Sp. Sweet oil Small lump of Gur or 2 Tb. Sp. Sugar 1 Cocoanut grated. Sugar or gur little Khoya if desired. Mix the gur and cocoanut and khoya and heat on slow fire till the mixture leaves tho sides, keep the filling aside.. Mix all the above ingredients and make a smooth batter with water or milk. 43 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Heat a Tava and smear little oil on it when the oil smokes pour a dessert spoonful batter on it and spread it thinly with a ladlo in a round shape, put some filling on the prepared round and roll it and serve in a plate. Prepare all the pancakes in the same way. -BENGALI MAHILA SAMITI Potato peel Suki Bhaji 1 Cup Potatoo peel. Cocoanut grated 1 Tb. sp. poppy seeds 1 Tb. Sp. Kalonji seeds 2 Dry Chillis. Salt, turmeric powder, chilli powder, oil Heat some oil in a sauce pan, add dry chillies and kalonji seeds. When the chillies change colour, put in cut peel little salt and turmeric powder and chilli powder. Fry on slow fire till tender. Add cocoanut and grounded poppy seeds mixed with water. Go on stirring till the mixture is light brown and serve hot. -- BENGALI MAILA SAMITI Green Banance-skin Vada Boiled green banana skin. A little flour, or whole wheat flour, or gram flour or any kind of flour to bind. Turmeric powder Red chilly powder or green chillis mixed according to taste. Salt. A pinch of sugar to taste Poppy seeds. Oil for frying. Grind boiled green banana skin to a smooth-paste without adding water. Mix all the ingredients, adding a little or a few drops of oil 44 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ to flour ; make a soft dough. Divide in equal portions, flatten, roll in poppy seeds, fry in oil until golden brown on low fire, serve hot. ---BENGALI Mahila SAMITI Palak Bhaji 1 Kilo Palak Kio tender brinjal 1 Kilo Green peas A piece of ginger 6 Green Chillis 4 Flakes of garlic, 4 Tb. Sp. Oil I To. Sp. Pure Ghee 1 Tb. Sp. Mustard seod 1 Tb. Sp. Sugar and Salt. Clean and cut palak, wash well and soak in water for 15 minutes. Cut brinjal small cubes, shell pezs, grind ginger to a very fine paste. Heat oil a sauce pan. When the oil smokes add brinjal, fry brinjal til tender and brown. Take out and keep aside. Now add pure ghee in it, when ghee is heated, put in mustard seeds, green chillies and flakes of garlic. Add chopped palak, sugar, salt paste or ginger, peas, stir well. Cover the pan sauce cook till palak is very tender and dried up. Do not add water. Add fried brinjals. Mix well, serve hot with rice or chappaties. - BENGALI MAHILA SAMITI Pumpkin Leaves Bada 6 Pumpkin leaves. 1 Cup of steamed Vegetables. (Potato, carrot and peas) or any other vegetables as desired. 1 Tn. Sp. Grated Cocoanut, 1 Tb. Sp. Poppy seeds, 2 Green Chillies 1 Tb. Sp. Mustard Oil, Salt to taste and oil to fry. For dipping prepare besan as usual. Wash the pumpkin leaves thoroughly and keep them aside for some time. When it is dried sprinkle a bit of salt. Grind all the 15 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ masala and mix it with stezned vegetable and mustard oil. Now put a lump of this in the pumpkin leaf and fold it. Dip it in besan and fry it, serve hot. -BEXGALI JI VIILA SAMITI Jodak I Cup Rice flour To make rice flour, wash rice and dry at night, grind and make flour. Cocoonut Filling Grate cocoanut, mix with sugar, almonds, rasins, cardamoms. Take one cup of rice flour and one cup of water, boil the water add pinch of salt, and 1 tea spoon of oil. Add rice flour to the cup of water and mix well, make dough. Make a small ball and fill it with cocoanut and then steam it. -MRS. INDUJATI KHER Thali-pith 1 Kio Rice 1 oz. Cloves Kio Channa dal oz. Black Pepper. 1 Kilo Black grain Tea Sp. Turmeric powder Kilo Wheat Tea Sp. Red Chillie Kilo Jawar Tea Sp. Salt. Kilo Bajree Green Chillies 2 oz. Cummin seeds oil for frying 2 oz. Dry Coriander Seeds 1 oz. Curds I oz. Fenugreek seeds. 1 oz. Oil. 1 oz. Cinammon stick -Mes. INDUMATI KHER Roast the cereals and dry masala seperately and grind coarsely. (You can keep this flour for more than two months). Take one cup of flour. Cut up 1 big onion. 2 green chillies, add Turmeric and chilli powder, salt to taste. Add one oz of curds and little oil and mix with water. Make dough roll out in a round shape directly on the frying 46 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ pan, add little oil on it and cover up. Then turn and let it cook. Serve with a nob of butter. Puran Poli i Cup Gram Dal Cup Oil 1 Cup Jaggery 1 oz. Cardamoms. i Cup Maida Salt to taste. Ghee Boil one cup channa dal, until done and drain the water, add one cup jaggery, salt to taste. Let it mix on fire then cool it. Grind it to paste. Make maida dough ready knead well with oil at least two hours before making the poli. Make a ball and put the dal filling and roll out a chapati and fry in ghee. -MRS. INDUMATI KHER Chutney T'uryaGourd 100 Gm. Turya skin 10 Gm. Til seeds 4 Green chilli Sugar to taste Corriander leaves Salt to taste & Table Spoon Turmeric powder Grated Cocoanut Table Spoon Red Chilli 1 oz. Sour lime and Oil Fry the Turya skin with til seeds, chilli pieces. Corriander, salt and sugar to taste. Turmeric, grated cocoanut and grind to paste squeez lime juice. -AIRS. INDUPLATI KAER Arti Leares Arvi leaves with stems 4 Green chillies 2 oz. Gram Dal Soak overnight before cooking 2 oz. Pea nuts Cocoanut Juice of half cocoanut 2 oz. Tamarind 1 oz. Jaggery 2 oz. Gram dal flour oz. Asfoetida oz. Mustard seeds Salt to taste i Tea-spoon Red chilli powder Tea-spoon turmeric powder 1 oz. Oil. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Cut up arvi leaves and stens very finely: Brown the vegetable on oil and add gram dal and peanuts and let it cook until soft with chilli pieces. After cooking the abovo add cocoanut milk. tamarind water, jaggery and boil. Add little gram flour mixed in water and boil. Fry gerlic in oil. Asfoetida and mustard seeds and pour the mixture in it and let it boil. -MRS. INDUMATI KHER Baw:boo Shoots Vegetable 250 gm. Bamboo shoots 100 gm. Tu: dal Salt to taste Tea-spoon Chillie powder #Tea-spoon Turmeric powder 1 oz. Jaggery 1 oz. Cocoanut grated 1 pinch Asafoetida Tea-spoon Mustard seeds Cut up bamboo shoots very finely and soak in water overnight. Soak tur dal for one hour. Boil together with grated cocoanut, chilli powder, turmeric powder and jaggery and salt to taste. Lastly fry mustard seed and asfoetida powder in oil and put in all the boiled bamboo shoot and Turdal and stir well. Banana Flower 250 Banana flower Tea-spoon Masala 1 cup Butter milk 2 oz. Diy peas or chana dal Turmeric powder 1 oz. Jaggery Red chilli powder 2 Tea-spoon Salt Asafoetida Tea-spoon Mustard Clean and cut the banana flower and soak in buttermilk overnight. So that it does not get back. Cook with chana dal and add salt, jaggery, masala, turmeric powder. Then fry mustard and asafoetida in oil and add cooked ingredients. -Mrs. INDOMATI KHER Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Annarsa 500 Gm. Rice or Sama 375 Gm. Jaggery 375 Gm. Sugar Ghee for deep frying 20 Gm. Poppy seeds. Soak rice in water for four days, change water ereryday on the fourth day drain and spread rice on cloth. When slightly damp, pound and make flour. Make sugar to powder (Grate the Jaggery). Mix flour and sugar and add little ghee warmed. Keep in a tin. Use only after 8 or 10 days. When making Annarasa make small balls and roll out in small flat cakes put poppy seeds on one side. Fry in ghee with poppy seed side up. Keep on paper so that extra ghee is drained off. --MRS. M. B. PATKI Mirgund-Pava-Bundi 1 Kilo Pava 1 Tola Til seeds. + Tola Soda-bi-carb 1 Tola Cummin seeds 4 Tola Asafoetida Roast Pava with cummin seed and til seeds, and grind to flour. Add salt and red chilli powder. Take one cup of boiling water and add one cup of flour and make dough Pound and mix well and make small " bundi" with hand and fry in oil. --MRS. MALTI MEILE Date and Sweet Pota!o Cake 200 gms. Sweet potatoes 1 Table-spoon Butter 125., Dutes Baking powder 50 , Cashew nuts Boil sweet potatocs, peel and mash to a fine pasted crush the dates. Powder the cashew nuts. Mix all the above three and add butter and baking powder. Mix well. Grease a cake tin and put in the mixture and bake in hot oven till done. Serve when cold. Vote :-Raisins ind pieces of crystalized fruits may be added if desired -SARALABEY DHABLIWALA 19 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Groundnut Mill: Thandai Thandai Masala 12 Almonds 12 Pistachios 12 cardamons Fow pumpking seeds Black pepper seeds 2 Table-spoon Sugar 1 cup Groundnut seeds 5 Cups water Roast the groundnut seed and grind them to a fine powder. Soak this powder in 3 cups of water. Mix it in the mixer or egg beater and strain the milk. Add another 2 cups of water and take out the milk in the same way. Keep the residue aside. Grind the thandai masala mix in some milk and strain. Repeat this process two or three times. Cool the mixture and serve cold. More sugar may be added if desired. Note :-Ground nut milk has very high protein value. The ground nut residue need not be thrown away. Chikki or any other thing can be prepared from it. -SARALABEX DHABLIWALA Kandno Handro (CAKE) 500 gms. Kand (Surti) 500 yms. mix vegetables and 1 cup oil green peas, French beans and 25 gms. Coarse wheat flour carrots 750 , curd Green chillies, ginger, corriander leaves and salt as required. Peel and cut kand, steam and scrape it. Shell the peas and cut French beans and carrots. Steam all the vegetables. Mix the prepared kand and vegetables add all the masalas. Grease a cake tin and put in the mixture. Heat some oil and pour over it and bake in an oven till done. Bind the curd in a clean cloth and drain the water for two to three hours, cool and pour the curd over the prepared cake. Spread it properly and decorate with green peas and corriander leaves. SARALABEN DAABLIWALA 50 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ White Pumpkin Peel Chutney White pumkin peel (Doodhi) Dry cocoanut Til seeds Salt Red chillies Curry leaves and Tamarind Little oil Weigh the peels and the masala should be half of the peel. Fry the peel in little oil till crisp in the same way fry the other ingredients. Mix and grind with salt and tamarind. -SARALABEX DHABLIWALA Gram Dal Pancake 1 cup Gram flour Corriander leaves Chilli powder Green chillies and salt according Oil for frying to take Pancake mould of desired shape. Prepare butter by mixing water to the flour. Add all the masalas. Heat oil in a pan dip the mould in the butter and dip in nut oil. Fry till crisp. Serve. --SARALABEN DHABLIWALA Banana and Pumpkin Peel Vegetable White pumpkin peel Banana peel Turmeric powder Salt Corriander leaves Cocoanut Dhania jeera powder Chilli powder Oil Mustard seed Cut both the peels finely. Heat some oil throw in little mustard seeds, when they start spluttering put in pumpkin peels add some soda and cook on slow fire. When tender add banana peel and all the other ingredients. Mix well and keep on fire for minutes. Serve with a piece of lemon. ---SARALABEN DHABLIWALA 51 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ OUR We are pleased to present a glossary of names of Hindi Tamil Telugu Name of food stuff ARISITHIPPILI ASAFOETIDA Hing Arisithippili Perungayam Elakkai Inguva Elakkayi CARDAMOM Elaychi CINNAMON Dalchinni Kandathippili Pachai milagai GREEN CHILLIES Nagi Mirchi Pachi mirapakayi RED CHILLIES Lal Mirch DRY CLOVES Laung Milagai vathal Kirambu Lavangan Pachai Kirambu Kothamalli virai Jeeragam Endu mirapakayi Endu lavangalu Pachi lavangalu Dhaniyalu GREEN CLOVES CORIANDER Dhania Zira CUMMINSEEDS FENUGPEEKSEEDS .. Methi Venthayam Ullipundu Jeelakara Menthulu Vellulli DRY GARLIC FRESH GINGER Adrak Inji Allam KANDANTHIPPILLI. LIME PEEL Neelre ka chpilkai Javitri Kandanthi Ppilli Elumicham thol Jathipathiri Nimma thokku Japathri MACE NUTMEG Jathikai Jajikai Jaiphal Ajwain OMUM Omum Vamu GREEN PEPPER Pachai milagu Milagu DRY PEPPER Kalimircha Pachi miriyalu Endu miriyalu Chintha pandu Imli Puli TAMARIND PULP TURMERIC Haldi Manjal Pasupu Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONDIMENTS cooking ingredients in different regional languages in this. Marathi Bengali Gujarati Malayalam Kashmiri Pipul Hing Velchi Hing Elachi Hing Elaychi Arisithippili Perungayam Elathari Yangu Aa'l Budu'a aal .. Mirchi hirvi Kancha lanka Lila marcha marcha Apa-Thippali Pacha mulaku Myool martsu Waungun Warazul martadi Ru'ang Mirchi lal Sukvela marcha Lavang Kappal mulaku Karambu Luvang Sukna lanka Sukna labanga Kancha labanga Dhania Luvang Dhane Daaniwal Kothmir libdhana Jiru Kotham balari Jeerakam Zira Zyur Jira Methi Methi Methi Uluva Lusoon Lasan Rashun Vellulli Ruhan Ale Adu Ada Inji Kandanthi Mire Pipul Ppalli Limbsal Limburi chhal Jayitri Jayphal Jaiphal Lelrer khoshu Javantri Cherunar angatholu Jathipathri Jaypatri Jalwatur Jaiphal Jayphal Zaaphal Jaaweni Onva Joan Omam Mire Kancha golmarich Sukna golmarich Tentul Kacha kuru mulaku Amli Mari Maruts Chinch Puli Tambe's Hulad Haldhar Halud Manjal 53 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ OUR LEAFY AND A GLOSSARY OF TERMS IN Telugu Kannada Namc Hindi Tamil CABBAGE Goskura Band gobee Dhania Muttacose Kose keera; Matle Kosu Kotham Kottimiri CORIANDER .. LEAVES Kotham bari alli CURRY LEAVES Gandhela Karibevu Karu veppilai Karive paku LETTUCE Salad MINT Paudina Pothina Pothina Pudina NEEM Veppailai Vepa Bevu SPINACH Palak Pasalai keerai ; Kothu pasalai Dumpa bucchale BEET ROOT .. Chequan dar CARROT Gajar Manjal mullangi Pechcha mullangi COLOCASIA Arwi Keshave Seppan kizhangu Chama dumpa Nirulli ONION Pyaz Erulli POTATO Alu Vengayam Urulai kizhangu Urula gaddah Alu gaddalu Urula gadda Muli Mullangi Mullangi Mullangi RADISH .. SWEET POTATO Shakar Genasu Sarkarai valli quand kizhangu Dumpalu , Chelagada dumpalu ; Ratnapuri gadda YAM (elephant) Zamin kand Senai kizhangu Surei kanda Dodda Suvarna gedda 54 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ROOT VEGETABLES DIFFERENT REGIONAL LANGUAGES Oriya - Marathi Bengali Gujarati Malayalam Kashmiri Kobi Bbandha kopee Dhania Kobi Bandha kopee Kothimbir * Dhade sag Mutta gose Kothamalli Band goobee Daaniwal. Kothmer ; Dhana Kadhi limb Bursunga Bbrusunga patra Karivepila Mitha limbdo Salat Leteus saga Salaa'd Salad pata Pudina Uvar cheera Pudeena Fudina Podana patra Mint Pudyno sag Nima Limdo Kodu limb Neem pata Arya Veppila Palak Palak Palanga saga Palang sag Vasala cheera Paalakh Bita Beet Beet Beet Beet Beet root Gajara Gajar Gajar Gajar Karat Gaazur Saru Kochu Alvi Chembu Alu kanda Pyaj : Ulli Piaja Alu Kanda Batata Dungli Batata Alu Gandu' Oloo Alu Urula kizangu Mula Mula Mulo Mula Muj Ratale Rangalu Mullangi Chakkara kizhangu Sakkaria Kanda mula Hatikhojia Suran Suran Hatikhojia Alu 01 Suran Suran Chena (valuthu). 55 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ OUR PULSES A GLOSSARY OF TERMS IN Telugu Marathi Name Hindi Tamil Chana BENGAL GRAM, WHOLE Muzhu kadalai Sanagalu Hurbhura BENGAL GRAM ROASTED, dehusked Bhuna chana Putnalu rarri Futana Pottukadalai (Pottu neeki) Kadalai paruppu Chana ki BENGAL GRAM DAL Harbharya. chidal dal Urd dal Uddachi BLACK GRAM DAL Ulutham paruppu Pacha Sa naga pappu Minapa pappu Alachanda lu dal COW GRAM .. Karamani Lobia bada Kuleeth Val Mochai FIELD BEAN. . . DRY Adavichi kudu Walpapdi Mung Pesalu GREEN GRAM WHOLE Mug GREEN GRAM Mung dal Pachaipa. yaru ; Pasippayaru Pasiparuppu; Payattham pa ruppu Kollu Pesara pappu HORSE GRAM.. Kulthi Ulavalu Kuleeth KESARI DAL .. Lang dal Lakh dal Lamka pappu Vattuparu. paruppu Khesari paruppu Mysore paruppu Pattani LENTIL Masur Masoor dal Misur pappu Endu batani PEAS, DRIED Vatana Bada mattar PEAS, ROASTED Varutha Bhuna mattar Vepudu batani pattani Fransbean RAMAH RAWAN RED GRAM Chawali Lobbia Arhar dal .. Toor Tuvaram paruppu Kandi pappu SOYA BEAN .. Bhat Soya 56 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AND LEGUMES DIFFERENT REGIONAL LANGUAGES Bengali Gujarati Malayalam Kannada Kashmiri Other Names. Chana Kadala Kadale Chanu Chola (Gota). Bhaja boot (chhatu) Futana Varutha kadala Huri Kadale Chickpea ; Garbanzo Vepudu sanaga pappu Kadalebele Aalad Uzhunnu Uddina Maha Urid Mashkalai (Chhata); Kalai Barbati Payar Thadaguni Flat gram : Cowpea; Ghanghra Kaduwal Sakna Walpapdi Avare Mochhak kotta sim Mug Mag Cheru payaru Hesaru kalu Muang Hesara bele Kuleeth Muhhira Huruli Kulthi kalai Khesari Kulat Kurthi sattoo Khesari Lakh ; Lang Masuri Masur Musur Masur bele Masur mah Vatana Kara' Sukhna matar Vona batani Masura payaru Pattani payaru un- angiyathu Pattani payar varuthathu Rajmah Mator; Kabli matar do Bhaja matar Hurida batani Barbati Raazmaha Rawan Barbati sim Arbar Thuvara Arhar Chola Tur; Tuver Soya Thugare bele Pigeon rea dal Gari kalai Soya bean 57 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Phone Shop: 326878 Resi: 358103 With Best Compliments from Chandulal & Co. Paper Merchant 100, DHANJI STREET BOMBAY - 3. 58 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS M/s. STEEL ENGINEERING CO. For Your Requirement of FROM Phones : SULPHUR ROLL, ROCK & POWDER INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS, SOLVENTS, FERTILIZERS, MINERALS LIME for Sugar Clarifications PYRIDINE BASE 90/160deg 251748 252419 257593 and Please Contact : PRAVIN BROTHERS & COMPANY P. V. A. EMULSIONS 501, COMMERCE HOUSE, MEDOWS STREET BOMBAY-1 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat 59 Gram: "WIDESCOPE'"' Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ zANI mAtAe potAnA bALakAne dAMta AvatI vakhate mIrA TI....nekaleza 5 he rA va vA nuM khAsa dhyAnamAM le che. mIrA menyuphekacarIMga enDa TreDIMga kAM (i-DI) 308, rokhamemaNa sTrITa, muMbai 2. kiMmata chuTaka 0-75 paisA vI. pI. thI 1=75 grAma : NAROGIRD enA gaLAmAM che marAhura mIrA TI...nekalesa mIrA menyuphekacarIMga enDa TreDIMga kuAM. (inDIA) sAla ejanTa mesasa' narAtama gIradhara kAM. 308, zekha memaNu sTrITa muMbaI 2. MIRA T. MIGH 60 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Tele : 319965 Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ J. OS LTETA MOS UN MONDO 00 23 C'est Magnifique! Voila! Exquisite Nontingham loce made for the first time in India. Leela Lace offers you inatching drapes, bedspreads, table-cloths and doilys Available only at exclusive stores/ Leela LEELA SCOTTISH LACE PAIVATO UMITED lace 1ER. I MVC INDHERT-KURLA ROAD BOMBAY-AS TELEPHONE : 97.93 TELEGRAM: LEELALACB Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ zrA thazohi alchbllo yananiyaba nAivAijja kiMcaNa // 1 // Do not injure any Living being. savve pANA piyAuyA suhasAyA dukkhapaDikUlA appiyavahA piyajIviNo jIviukAmA savvesiM jIviyaM piyaM // 2 // 2. All living beings love their (own) life desire (crave for) pleasures, and are averse to pain; they dislike any injury to themselves; everybody is desirous of life, and to every living being, his own life is very dear. samayA savvabhUesu sattumittesu vA jge| pANAivAyaviraI jAvajjIvAe dukkaraM // 3 // 3. Impartiality (equanimity ) towards all living beings in the world, whether friends or foes and life-long (total) abstention from injury to living beings, is a vow difficult to observe, FROM TEACHINGS OF LORD MAHAVIR Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat '