Book Title: My Prayers
Author(s): Jain Society of Metropolitian Chicago
Publisher: USA Jain Center Chicago IL
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ नमो अरिहंताणं । नमो सिद्धाणं । नमो आयरियाणं नमो अरिहंताणं । नमो सिद्धाणं । नसो आयरियाणं । 'नमो उवज्झायाणं । नमो लोए सव्वसाहणं एसी कामझायाणं । नमो लोए सव्वसाहणं ।एसो पंच नमुक्कारो, सव्वपावप्पणासणो |मंगला काय दिपावप्पणासणो मंगलाणं च सव्वसि । ' पटसं हवड़ मंगलं ।। नमो अरिहंताण निलो सिद्धाण पदम बढ़ साल ।। नमो अरिहंताणं नमो सिद्धाण नमो आयरियाणं । नमो उवजयाणा अमोलोएवानो समस्याको प्रतण्डायाण नमो लोए। सव्वसाहणं एमी पंच नमक्कार अल प णाशालामा सरण पावप्पणासणी | मंगलाणं च सव्वेसि, पढम न मो सोनाम हवइ मंगलं ।। नमो अरिहंताणं । नमी सिद्धाण नमो आयरियामा नमो अरिहताना-सानो सिखाणाममो आयरियाणं । नमो | उवज्झायाणं । नमो लोरे सव्वसाहणं रसौ पच जायण नमो लोए सव्वसाहणं एसो पंच। नमक्कारो, सव्वपावेपणासणो मंगलापा व्यासव वाले सव्वपावप्पणासणो मंगलाणं च सव्वसि । पढम हवइ मंगलं ।। ममो अरिहंताणं अजों | नमो अरिहंताणं नमो सिद्धाण | नमो आयरियाणं । नमो उवज्झायाणं । न उवझायाण । नमो लोए सव्वसाहण ।एसोपा मोकारो, सर च नमुक्कार सव्वपावप्पणासणी झायाण नमो जाए सव्वसाहणं एसो पंचआरहताण नमो सिद्धाण नमो आयरियागान। नमो अरिहंताणं । नमो सिद्धाणं । नमो आयरियाणं । नमो अरि हटायाणं । नमो लोए सव्वसाणं ।एसोपंच वपावप्पणासणो मंगलाणं च सव्वे SOC AIN नमो अरिहंताणं aprayers याण नमो उवज्झाया | नम् CHICAS PATHSHALA सो पंच नमुक्कारो, सव्वपावप्पणा सव्वसाह | मंगलाणं च सव्वेसिं, पढमं हवइ मंगलं ।। नमो मगलाण अनि "Jain Society Of Metropolitan Chicago उव Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ahimsa Paramo Dharma. Love all and serve all. Live and help others live. When there is love, there is life. Non-violence is the greatest religion. Published By Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago 435 North Route 59, Bartlett, Illinois 60103 (630) 837-1077 December-2013 ISBN-1-59406-075-4 Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ My Prayers With English Transliteration, Meaning and A complete guide of how to do Chaitya Vandan JAIN CIETY नमो अरिहंताणं CHICAGO Published By Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago 435 North Route 59, Bartlett, Illinois 60103 Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE PUBLICATION OF THIS BOOK HAS BEEN MADE POSSIBLE BY GENEROUS DONATION GIVEN BY Grand Sponsor Prabodh & Lata Vaidya Supporters Dr. Chandrakant & Devyani Shah Pallavi & Yogesh Shah Prathi & Vidhi Jain and Chandraben Jain Sharad & Pinki Jain Dr. Sidney Jain & Liza Baid-Jain Late Smt. Shardaben Mafatlal Doshi Smt. Vimlaben Jayantilal Shah Compiled by Dr. Pradip & Darshana Shah 847-464-2449 Dr. Mukesh Doshi 224-558-4345 Design, Layout & Graphics by Vipul Shah Cover Design by Dhiren Solanki JSMC Temple and Idols Photographs by Pragnesh Shah Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jai Jinendra. We are very happy to present this book of prayers, Bhaktigeet and Chaitya-vandan. Prayer is a mode of communication between devotees and the divine. It is a vehicle to approach the divine with unconditional devotion. Through prayer, we express our respect, gratitude and love for Tirthankars and Pancha Paramesthi. Tirthankars, upon attaining omniscience, devoted their lives to preaching and guiding others on the path towards liberation. Prayers remind us of their teachings and help keep us moving towards that ultimate goal. Regular recitation of prayers and contemplation of their true meanings help us exercise control on our passions and thereby help us to purify our thoughts and actions. They are a constant reminder that leading our life on the path preached by Tirthankars is the true and the only path to liberation. The human mind naturally orients itself to ideas and emotions through regular repetition. The function of prayer, then, is to bring forth change from within and spiritually uplift our souls. Real prayers originate from within the heart. Recitation of prayers is soothing to heart may be recited by anyone at any time. In this book, we have included our long established traditional Stutis, small easy-to-learn prayers, bhakti songs in Guajarati, Hindi, and English, various Ärati, Ashta Prakäri Puja and the Chaitya-vandan. We have included transliteration and meaning of all Stutis, Bhaktigeet, Arti and Ashta Prakāri Puja; and meaning of all Chaitya-vandan sutras. As the path to Moksha is threefold, this book offers all three paths--Bhakti- (Prayer), Jnän (meaning of each prayer) and Kriyä (Chaitya-vandan Vidhi). This book was inspired by our Päthashälä teachers and students and it is our hope that the students will learn, recite, and sing these prayers; many of which have been revered and recited by generations of holy men and women. We also hope that this book will be helpful to Pāthashālā teachers as well as parents to teach children and sing along with them. We are very grateful to our dedicated Päthashälä teachers and volunteers for their constant unconditional support, valuable suggestions and inspiration in compiling this Prayer Book. If anything presented in this book is contrary to the teachings of the Tirthankar Bhagawan and Jina Äjnă, we ask for forgiveness. Michchhä Mi Dukkadam. Darshana Shah Dr. Pradip Shah Education Secretary Dr. Mukesh Doshi Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ चित्त प्रसन्ने रे पूजन फळ कहयुं रे.... Happiness of the mind is the real fruit of worship me - प्राप्ता चेत्तव पदयोर्भक्तिर्भगवन् ! तदान्यदाप्यं किम् ? तामंतरेण लब्धं, व्यर्थमिदं निखिलमपि भुवनम् હે ભગવાન ! જો તમારા ચરણકમળની ભક્તિ મને મળી છે, તો આ સંસારમાં બીજું મેળવવા જેવું છે શું? તે ભક્તિ વિના સંપૂર્ણ ભુવન પણ નિરર્થક છે. आनंदघनजी महाराज Oh Bhagawän! When I get to worship your lotus feet, what else do I need in this life? Without your worship/ grace entire universe is futile. आर्यापञ्चविंशतिका CA - JUTS Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Table of Contents मंगलाचरण - Mangalacharan 1. Namaskära Mahämangal Sutra - HERHEHOIGT HET: ........ 2. Chattäri Mangalam Sutra - UCHIR HULİ HET. 3. Darshanam Devadevasya - GSG dadah....... 4. Jinebhaktir Jinebhaktir - factura falou ... 5. Mangalam Bhagaväna Viro - HDCI 90 ala atst...... ......... 6. Omkar Bindu Sanyuktam- cat 7. Ajnän Timirändhänäm - HF-PTARTETKİ.. 8. Anyathä Sharanam - 304 gru ........ 9. Arhanto Bhagavanta - 31&ont Hoida.............. 10. Ädimam Prthivinatha - High TradioTer......... 11. Tubhyam Namastri - TAU JHFI... 12. Tikhutto Sutra - Picgcnit Ha.. 13. Virah Sarvasuräsurendra - 14. Shivamastu - FOTCHET....... 15. Khämemi Savvajive - Ha Hasild......... 16. Upasargäh – 34701 :..... 17. Sarva Mangal - Hd Hde.. Fafa, Hadolta - Stuti, Bhakti Geet 18. Prabhu Darshan - Yc Eglol....... 19. Anguthe Amrut - zivjÔ 2441 az. 20. Namaskär Samo Mantra - ( 42512 HHL Hal.... 21. Dekhi Moorti - Èul ya. 22. Chhe Pratimä - souhl. 23. Je Drashti - 9 sec. ..................19 Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24. Prabhuji Mäharä - yeg HERU 25. Dayä Sindhu - EURY. 26. Saras Shanti - 2224 2iA.. Y................. .. 27. He Näth Märä - $ oll HIRU.. 28. Arihanta Namo - Blár oH. 29. Dädä Täri Mukha Mudra - ELEl del 444&l.. 30. Antarnä Ek - Dirtoll 248 ............. 31. Bhavo Bhav Tum - A CHA 04.... 32. Prabhuji Mein Tuj - yeyo A .............. 33. Ävyo Sharane - 24cal Re...... 34. Asatyo Mähe - 247452T ni.......... 35. Je Swaroop Samajya Vina - 9 2434 449211 Qoll ....... 36. Deh Chhatä Jeni Dasha - È 9di fol e All ....... 37. He Prabhu - è uy. .............. 38. Shri Shrutadevi Saraswati - sft stadd Aracht 39. Om Mangalam - 3 HIGH 40. I'm A Young Jain Shrävak. 41. Come, Come, Come Jineshvara... ........... 42. Want You Children Moksha Meva 43 Prabhu Täru Geetyy aig olla......... 44. Maitri Bhävanu - Aall clclo.. 45. Shatrunjay No Dungar - 911%uol soc....... 46. Beauty without Cruelty 47. Oh Mahävir Prabhu. 48. Seven Tattvas. 49. Mahävir Bolo Bolo, Mahävir Bolo.... 50. Mummy Meri Pyari Hai - HAH AA Gent ...... Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 51. Bolo Thank You-oilcl sy 52. Jab Bolo Tab Sach Sach Bolo- eta Hu Hu atet. अष्टप्रकारी पूजा, आरती, मंगलदीवो 53. Ashta Prakäri Pujä - 3 54. Jay Jay Ärati - 55. Mangal Divo - HUGE............. 56. Iha Vidhi Mangal - 56 faft 57. Shree Saraswati Devi Ärati - H+...... At Chaitya Vandan 58. Chaitya-vandan- .. चैत्यवन्दन bindum pinay www ww ++ 04 1517 giacil Ashta Prakäri Pujä, Arati, Mangal deevo .52 पूजा. ...... . ||| do.calll w com sm www www.d www.QAT www.des 46 48 56 58 ....60 61 .64 Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ART UNA MVUMI NAMAN LIVE Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mangalächaran मंगलाचरण Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ नमो पढम सिध्दाणं एसो। हवइ पंच मंगलं नमुक्कारो, 'नमो लो नमो नमो सव्वसाहूणं अरिहंताणं आयरियाणं) मंगलाणं सव्वपाव नमो प्पणासणो सब्वेसिं उवज्झायाणं Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1. Namaskära Mahämangal Sutra नमस्कार महामंगल सूत्र : नमो अरिहंताणं । नमो सिद्धाणं । नमो आयरियाणं । नमो उवज्झायाणं | नमो लोए सव्वसाहूणं । एसो पंच नमक्कारो, सव्वपावप्पणासणो । मंगलाणं च सव्वेसिं, पढमं हवइ मंगलं ।। Namo Arihantänam. Namo Siddhänam. Namo Äyariyänam. Namo Uvajjhäyänam. Namo loe savva-Sahunam. I bow down to Arihanta Bhagawän I bow down to Siddha Bhagawän I bow down to Ächärya Mahäräj Siddha Arihant 3 Acharya Upadhyay Eso pancha-namukkäro, savva-päva-ppanäsano; Mangalänam cha savvesim, padhamam havai mangalam. Sadhu סול. I bow down to Upädhyay Mahäräj I bow down to all Sädhu and Sädhvi Mahäräj These five-fold obeisance is the destroyer of all sins Among all auspicious entities, it is the first and the most auspicious. Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2. Chattāri Mangalam Sutra - चत्तारि मंगलं सूत्र: चत्तारि मंगलं, अरिहंता मंगलं, सिद्धा मंगलं, साह मंगलं, केवलिपण्णत्तो धम्मो मंगलं । 1. चत्तारि लोगुत्तमा, अरिहंता लोगुत्तमा, सिद्धा लोगुत्तमा, साहू लोगुत्तमा, केवलिपण्णत्तो धम्मो लोगुत्तमो | 2. चत्तारि सरणं पवज्जामि, अरिहंते सरणं पवज्जामि, सिद्धे सरणं पवज्जामि, साहू सरणं पवज्जामि, केवलि पण्णत्तं धम्म सरणं पवज्जामि ।। 3. Chattäri mangalam, Arihantä mangalam, Siddhä mangalam, Sähu mangalam, Kevali pannatto dhammo mangalam. 1. Chattäri loguttamä, Arihantä loguttamä, Siddhä loguttamä, Sähu loguttamä, Kevali pannatto dhammo loguttamo. 2. Chattäri saranam pavvajjämi, Arihantä saranam pavvajjami, Siddhä saranam pavvajjämi, Sähu saranam pavvajjami, Kevali pannatam dhammum saranam pavvajjämi. 3. Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ नदी णमो तवस्स दसणस्स नदी णमो مطامر HA उदी णमो चारित्तस्स lle There are four auspicious entities in the universe. Arihantas are auspicious Siddhas are auspicious. Sädhus and Sadhvis are auspicious The religion explained by the omniscient is auspicious. There are four supreme entities in the universe. Arihantas are supreme. Siddhas are supreme. Sädhus and Sadhvis are supreme. The religion explained by the omniscient is supreme. I take refuge in four entities of the universe. I take refuge in Arihantas. I take refuge in Siddhas. I take refuge in Sädhus and Sadhvis. I take refuge in the religion explained by the omniscient. Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3. Darshanam Devadevasya - दर्शनं देवदेवस्य दर्शनं देवदेवस्य, दर्शनं पापनाशनम् दर्शनं स्वर्ग सोपानं दर्शनं मोक्षसाधनम् Darshanam deva-devasya, darshanam päpa-näshanam Darshanam svarga sopänam, darshanam Moksha-sädhanam Even the heavenly gods bow down to Tirthankar Bhagawän. Sincere bowing down to Tirthankar Bhagawän destroys all sins. Bowing down to the idol of Tirthankar Bhagawän helps us attain heaven and also Moksha. 4. Jinebhaktir Jinebhaktir - जिनेभक्तिर् जिनेभक्तिर् जिनेभक्तिर् जिनेभक्तिर्, जिनेभक्तिर् दिने दिने; सदामेस्तु सदामेस्तु, सदामेस्तु भवे भवे. Jinebhaktir jinebhaktir, jinebhakir dine dine; Sadämestu sadämestu, sadämestu bhave bhave. It is my sincere desire to do Bhakti of Jineshvar Bhagawän and only of Jineshvar Bhagawän, every day in this life and in all my future lives. 6 Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5. Mangalam Bhagavāna Viro - मंगलं भगवान वीरो मंगलं भगवान वीरो, मंगलं गौतम प्रभु मंगलं स्थूलिभद्राद्या, जैन धर्मोस्तु मंगलं मंगलं कुन्दकुंदाद्या, जैन धर्मोस्तु मंगलं Mangalam Bhagaväna Viro, Mangalam Gautama Prabhu Mangalam Sthülibhadrädyä, Jaina dharmostu mangalam Mangalam Kundakundädyä, Jaina dharmostu mangalam Bhagawän Mahävir is auspicious, Ganadhar Gautam Swämi is auspicious; Ächärya Sthulibhadra is auspicious, Jain religion is auspicious. Ächärya Kundakunda is auspicious, Jain religion is auspicious. 6. Omkär Bindu Sanyuktam - ॐकार बिन्दु-संयुक्तं ॐकार बिन्दु-संयुक्तं, नित्यं ध्यायंति योगिनः, कामदं मोक्षदं चैव, ॐकाराय नमोनमः Omkär bindu sanyuktam, nityam dhäyayanti yoginh Kämdam mokshadam chaiv, Omkäräy namonamh. An aspirant always meditates on Omkär that fulfills worldly desires and the desire of Liberation. I bow down to the Omkar. 7 Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7. Ajnān Timirāndhānām - अज्ञान-तिमिरान्धानां अज्ञान-तिमिरान्धानां, ज्ञानांजन-शलाकया; नेत्रं उन्मिलितं येन, तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः Ainän-timi-rändhänäm, inänajan shaläkyä; Netram unmilitam yen, tasmai Shree Guruve namah I bow down to the Guru, who has opened my eyes blinded by ignorance through his wand of knowledge. 8. Anyathā Sharanam - अन्यथा शरणं अन्यथा शरणं नास्ति, त्वमेव शरणं मम | तस्मात् कारुण्य भावेन, रक्ष रक्ष जिनेश्वर ।। Anyathä sharanam nästi, tvamev sharanam mam; Tasmät kärunya bhäven, raksh raksh Jineshvar. O Vitaräga Paramätmä, I do not want to look anywhere for refuge, because I have sought refuge in you. So, with your compassion, guide me in my spiritual journey. 8 Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 9. Arhanto Bhagavanta - अर्हन्तो भगवंत अर्हन्तो भगवंत इन्द्रमहिताः सिद्धाश्च सिद्धिस्थिता आचार्या जिनशासनोन्नतिकराः, पूज्या उपाध्यायकाः श्री सिद्धान्तसुपाठका मुनिवरा, रत्नत्रयाराधकाः पंचै ते परमेष्ठिनः प्रतिदिनम्, कुर्वंतु वो मंगलम् Arhanto Bhagavanta indramahitäh, Siddhäshcha siddhisthitä Ächäryä jina-shäsanonnatikaräh, püjyä Upädhyayakäh Shri siddhänta supäthakä Munivarä, ratnatrayä-radhakäh Panchai te Paramesthinah pratidinam, kurvantu vo mangalam The Omniscients, who have been worshipped by heavenly gods; the liberated souls, who are Siddhas; the heads of the religious order, who reinforce the fourfold order established by the Jinas; the revered Upädhyäys, well versed in the scriptures; and the Saints, who are also the followers of the true path of liberation (three jewels); may all these five auspicious entities bestow blessings upon you every day. 10. Ädimam Prthivinatha - आदिमं पृथिवीनाथ आदिमं पृथिवीनाथ-मादिमं निष्परिग्रहम्। आदिमं तीर्थनाथं च, ऋषभस्वामिनं स्तुमः।। Ädimam prthivinatha-mädimam nisparigraham | Ädimam tirthanätham cha, Rsabhasväminam stumah || We pray Bhagawän Rishabhadev, who was the first king; who was the first to renounce all his possessions (everything); and who was the first Tirthankar. 9 Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 11. Tubhyam Namastri तुभ्यं नमस्त्रिभुवनार्तिहराय नाथ, तुभ्यं नमः क्षीतितलामलभूषणाय। तुभ्यं नमस्त्रिजगतः परमेश्वराय, तुभ्यं नमो जिन भवोदधिशोषणाय।। Tubhyam namastri-bhuvanärti-haräya nätha, Tubhyam namah kshititalä-mala-bhüshanäya; Tubhyam namastri-jagatah parameshvaräya, Tubhyam namo jina bhavodadhi-shoshanäya. Lord, I bow to you, the eradicator of misery of the three worlds; I bow to you, the adorable ornament on the face of the earth; I bow to you, the Lord of the three worlds; omniscient Lord; I bow to you, the destroyer of the sea of the life cycle. 12. Tikhutto Sutra - तिक्खुत्तो: आयाहीणं, पयाहीणं, करेमि, वंदामि, नम॑सामि, सक्कारेमि, सम्माणेमि, कल्लाणं, मंगलं, देवियायं, चेईयायं, पज्जुवा-सामि, मत्थएण वंदामि. Tikhutto: äyähinam, payähinam, karemi, vandämi, namam-sämi, sakkäremi, sammänemi; kallänam, mangalam, deviyäyam, cheyiyäyam; pajjuwä-sämi, maththen vandämi As I turn my hands clockwise three times; I worship, I bow, I respect, and I honor you. You are divine. You are the remover of obstacles. You are like a God. You are an ocean of knowledge. I serve you; I bow my head to my Guru 10 Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 13. Virah Sarvasurāsurendra - वीरः सर्वसुरासुरेन्द्र वीरः सर्वसुरासुरेन्द्र-महितो, वीरं बुधाः संश्रिताः ___ वीरेणाभिहतः स्वकर्म निचयो, वीराय नित्यं नमः। वीरात् तीर्थमिदं प्रवृत्तमतुलं, वीरस्य घोरं तपो वीरे श्री धृति कीर्ति कांति निचयः श्री वीर भद्रं दिश:।। Virah sarva-suräsurendra-mahito, Viram budhäh samshritäh Virenäbhihatah svakarma nichayo, Viraya nityam namah | Virät tirthamidam pravruttamatulam, Virasya ghoram tapo Vire shri dhrti kirti känti nichayah, Shri Vira Bhadram dishah || All heavenly gods as well as demons worship Lord Mahävir; the learned take refuge in Lord Mahävir; the aggregate of his own karmas has been uprooted by Lord Mahävir; I always bow to Lord Mahävir; this unparalleled Tirtha has been set up by Lord Mahävir; Lord Mahävir's austerities were intense; collections of enlightenment (Shri means wealth, here wealth of knowledge), patience, glory, and grace rest in Mahävir; Oh Lord Mahävir, show me the path to attain bliss. 11 Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14. Shivamastu - t शिवमस्तु सर्वजगतः परहितनिरता भवन्तु भूतगणाः । दोषाः प्रयांतु नाशं, सर्वत्र सुखीभवतु लोकः ।। Shivamastu sarvajagatah, parahitaniratä bhavantu bhütaganäh | Doshäh prayäntu näsham, sarvatra sukhibhavatu lokah || May the entire universe attain bliss; may all beings be oriented to the welfare of others; let all miseries be eliminated; and may people be happy everywhere. Forgiveness ક્ષમાપના 15. Khämemi Savvajive - खामेमि सव्वजीवे, सव्वे जीवा खमंतु मे। मित्ती मे सव्व भूएसु, वेरम् मज्झं न केणइ || Khämemi savvajive, savve jivä khamantu me | Mitti me savva bhuesu, veram majjham na kenai || I forgive all living beings and ask for forgiveness from all living beings. All living beings are my friends and I have no animosity towards anybody. Worship of Jineshvar Bhagawän eradicates all adversities and obstacles, and helps us attain a blissful state. 12 Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16. Upasargah - उपसर्गाः उपसर्गाः क्षयं यान्ति, छिद्यन्ते विघ्नवल्लयः। मनः प्रसन्नतामेति, पूज्यमाने जिनेश्वरे।। Upasargäh ksayam yanti, chhidyante vighna-vallayah | Manah prasanna-tämeti, püjyamäne jineshvare || All the troubles disintegrate, the shackles of obstacles break, the mind achieves a blissful state wherever and whenever the Lord Jineshvars are worshipped. ......... 17. Sarva Mangal - सर्व मंगल सर्व मंगल मांगल्यम्, सर्व कल्याण कारणम् । प्रधानं सर्व धर्माणाम्, जैनं जयति शासनम् ।। Sarva mangal mänglyam, sarva kalayan kärnam Pradhänam sarva dharmänäm, Jainam Jayati Shasanam Jain Darshan and Jain way of life are most auspicious. They are the cause of ultimate bliss (Moksha). They are the best and the greatest amongst all religious philosophies. 13 Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ COO Delwara Temple, Mount Abu, India PANIPAID MAMMAN 000 inr REAR COCCOO Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Stuti, Bhakti Geet स्तुति, भक्तिगीत CCCC Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18. Prabhu Darshan - પ્રભુ દર્શન પ્રભુ દર્શન સુખ સંપદા, પ્રભુ દર્શન નવનિધ, પ્રભુ દર્શનથી પામીએ, સકલ પદારથ સિદ્ધ. ભાવે જિનવર પૂજીએ, ભાવે દીજે દાન, ભાવે ભાવના ભાવીએ, ભાવે કેવલજ્ઞાન. Prabhu darshan sukha sampadä, prabhu darshan nava-nidha Prabhu darshanathi pämiye, sakal padärath siddha. Bhäve Jinavar poojiye, bhäve dije dän, Bhäve bhävanä bhäviye, bhäve keval-jnän Darshan of Tirthankar Bhagawan with utmost faith is the cause of health, wealth, happiness and success. We should do Darshan of Jineshvar Bhagawan with devotion and donate wholeheartedly. Moreover, we should have a sincere desire to attain Keval-Jnän leading to Moksha 19. Anguthe Amrut - અંગુઠે અમૃત વસે અંગુઠે અમૃત વસે, લબ્ધિ તણા ભંડાર; શ્રી ગુરુ ગૌતમ સમરીયે, વાંછિત ફલ દાતાર. Anguthe amrut vase, labdhi tanä bhandär, Shree Guru Gautam samariye, vänchhit fal dätär. O Guru Gautam Swami, you are endowed with divine knowledge. One can learn the divine knowledge by doing Puja of your great toe. Thus, one can attain the ultimate (Moksha) by sincerely praying Guru Gautam Swami. 16. Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20. Namaskar Samo Mantra - નમસ્કાર સમો મંત્ર નમસ્કાર સમો મંત્ર, શત્રુંજય સમો ગિરિ, વીતરાગ સમો દેવ, ન ભૂતો ન ભવિષ્યતિ. Namaskär samo mantra, Shatrunjay samo giri; Vitaräga samo dev, na bhuto na bhavishyati. There have never been nor there ever be mantra like Navakär, mountain like Shatrunjay and God like Jineshvar Bhagawan. 21. Dekhi Moorti - દેખી મુર્તિ દેખી મુર્તિ શ્રી પાર્શ્વ જિનની, નેત્ર મારાં ઠરે છે, ને હૈયું મારું ફરી ફરી પ્રભુ, ધ્યાન તારું ધરે છે; આત્મા મારો પ્રભુ તુજ કને, આવવા ઉલ્લસે છે, આપો એવું બળ હૃદયમાં, માહરી આશ એ છે. Dekhi moorti Shri Pärshva Jinani, netra märä thare chhe, Ne haiyu märu fari fari Prabhu, dhyän täru dhare chhe. Ätmä märo prabhu tuj kane, avavä ullase chhe, Äpo evu bal hridayamä, mähari äsh e chhe. O Pärshvanath Bhagawän! Your darshan brings divine tranquility, so I constantly meditate upon you. My heart is always anxious to be with you. O Bhagawän, it is my sincere desire to be with you. Please give me strength. 17 Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22. Chhe Pratimā - છે પ્રતિમા છે પ્રતિમા મનોહારિણી દુઃખહરી, શ્રી વીરજિયંદની, ભક્તોને છે સર્વદા સુખકરી, જાણે ખીલી ચાંદની; આ પ્રતિમાના ગુણ ભાવ ધરીને, જે માણસો ગાય છે, પામી સઘળાં સુખ તે જગતમાં, મુક્તિ ભણી જાય છે. Chhe pratimä manohärini dukhahari, Shri Vir Jinandani, Bhaktone chhe sarvadä sukhakari, jäne khili chandani; Ä pratimänä guna bhäv dharine je mänaso gaya chhe, Pämi saghalä sukha te jagatamä, mukti bhani jäya chhe O Mahävir Swami Bhagawän, darshan of your beautiful idol removes all the unhappiness of the devotee and always causes tranquility just like the soothing light of a moon on a full-moon day. Whoever prays to your Pratimä with faith and sincerity, becomes happy and ultimately attains Moksha. Hà 18 Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 23. Je Drashti - જે દ્રષ્ટિ જે દ્રષ્ટિ પ્રભુ દર્શન કરે, તે દ્રષ્ટિને પણ ધન્ય છે; જે જીભ જિનવરને સ્તવે, તે જીભને પણ ધન્ય છે. પીયે મુધા વાણી સુધા, તે કર્ણયુગલને ધન્ય છે, તુજ નામમંત્ર સ્મરણ કરે, તે હૃદયને પણ ધન્ય છે. Je drashti Prabhu darshan kare, te drashtine pan dhanya chhe, Je jibha Jinavarane stave, te jibhane pan dhanya chhe; Piye mudhä väni sudhä, te karna yugalane dhanya chhe, Tuj näm mantra smaran kare, te hridayane pan dhanya chhe. The one, who is fortunate to do Darshan of Jineshvar Bhagawän, his eyes are blessed. The one, who is fortunate to sing Stavans in praise of Jineshvar Bhagawan, his speech is truly blessed. The one, who is fortunate to listen to the teachings of Jineshvar Bhagawan, his ears are truly blessed. The one who is fortunate to meditate upon Jineshvar Bhagawän, his heart is truly blessed. Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24. Prabhuji Maharā - પ્રભુજી મારા પ્રભુજી માહરા પ્રેમથી નમું, મૂર્તિ તાહરી જોઇને સ્તવું; અરર ઓ પ્રભુ! પાપ મેં કર્યાં, શું થશે હવે મારી દશા; માટે ઓ પ્રભુ તમને વિનવું, ઉગારજો હવે પ્રભુજી ને સ્તવું; દિનાનાથજી દુઃખ કાપજો, ભવિક જીવને સુખ આપજો; આદિનાથજી સ્વામી માહરા, ગુણ ગાઉં છું નિત્ય તાહરા; શરણ એક છે નાથ તાહરું, જિનપતિ તને વંદના કરું Prabhuji Mäharä, premthi namu, Murti tähari joi ne stavu; Aarar O Prabhu! päp me karyä, Su thashe have mähari dashä; Mäte O Prabhu! tamne vinavu, Ugärajo havePrabhuji ne stavu; Dinänäthaji, dukh käpajo, Bhavik jivane sukh äpajo; Ädinäthaji Swami mäharä, Guna gävu chhu nitya täharä Sharan ek chhe näth täharu,Jinpati tane vandanä karu. Oh Bhagawan, I bow down to you with utmost love and devotion and I sing Stavan in your praise with utmost sincerity. I pray to you to please, help me out of miseries and guide me to the path of true happiness. My dear Ädishvar Bhagawän, You are my savior. I always sing Stavan in your praise and bow down to you with reverence. | 20. Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 25. Dayā Sindhu - દયાસિંધુ દયાસિંધુ,દયાસિંધુ, દયા કરજે દયા કરજે, મને આ જંજીરોમાંથી, હવે જલ્દી છૂટો કરજે, નથી આ તાપ સહેવાતો, ભભૂકી કર્મની જ્વાળા, વરસાવી પ્રેમની ધારા, હૃદયની આગ બુઝવજે. Dayä sindhu, Daya sindhu, Dayä karje dayä karje, Mane a janjiromänthi, Have jaldi chhuto karje; Nathi ä täp saheväto, Bhabhuki karmani jwälä, Varsavi premani dhärä, Hridayani äag buzavje. O Merciful Jineshvar Bhagawän, please guide me on the path of Moksha. I am tired of sufferings, caused by my past karma. Please shower your compassion on me and fulfill my desire to attain Moksha. 26. Saras Shänti - 24234 gia સરસ શાંતિ સુધારસ સાગર, શુચિતાં ગુણરત્ન મહાગર ભવિક પંકજ બોધ દિવાકર, પ્રતિદિન પ્રણમામિ જિનેશ્વર Saras shänti sudhäras sägaram; Shuchi-taram guna ratna-mahägaram, Bhavik pankaj bodh diväkaram; Pratidinam pranamämi Jineshwaram. O Jineshvar Bhagawan I always bow down to you. You are the ocean of peace and tranquility, which is like the nectar You have perfected life by imbibing all the virtues which are like precious jewels. Just as a lotus flower resides in a pond, You reside within the hearts of devotees by giving them divine knowledge I 21 Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 27. He Näth Märä - ə olul 4121 હે નાથા મારા નયનમાં મૈત્રી તણા દીવા બળે, હે નાથા મારા વદન પર મુદિતા સદાયે સાંપડે, હે નાથા મારા હૃદયમાં કરુણા તણા અમૃત વહે, હે નાથા મારા જીવનમાં, માધ્યસ્થના ભાવો રહે. He Näth! märä nayanmä maitri tanä deevä bale, He Näth! märä vadan par muditä sadäye sänpade, He Näth! märä hridayamä karunä tanä amruta vahä, He Näth! märä jivanmä mädhyasthanä bhävo rahe. O Bhagawan! May the lamps of friendship always kindle within me, O Bhagawan! May the happiness and success of others bring joy to me, O Bhagawan! May the nectar of compassion flow from my heart, O Bhagawän! May there be equanimity in my life all the time. 28. Arihanta Namo - અરિહંત નમો અરિહંત નમો વળી સિદ્ધ નમો, આચારજ વાચક સાહુ નમો; દર્શન જ્ઞાન ચારિત્ર નમો, તપ એ સિદ્ધચક્ર સદા પ્રણમો. Arihanta namo vali Siddha namo, Ächäraj Vachaka Sähu namo; Darshan, jnän chäritra namo, tapa e Siddhachakra sadä pranamo. In Siddhachakra, Arihanta, Siddha, Acharya, Upadhyay, Sadhu, right faith, right knowledge, right conduct and right austerity are the nine supreme entities arranged in circular manner. Worshipping them is a path to Moksha. Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 29. Dada Tari Mukha Mudra - દાદા તારી મુખમુદ્રા દાદા તારી મુખમુદ્રાને અમીય નજરે નિહાળી રહ્યો, લ્હારા નયનોમાંથી ઝરતું દિવ્ય તેજ હું માણી રહ્યો. ક્ષણભર આ સંસારની માયા લ્હારી ભક્તિમાં ભૂલી ગયો તુજ મૂર્તિમાં મસ્ત બનીને આત્મિક આનંદ માણી રહ્યો. Dädä täri mukha mudrä ne amiya najare nihäli rahyo, Tärä nayano mänthi zaratu divya tej hu zilli rahyo; Kshanabhar ä sansar ni mäyä täri bhakti mä bhuli gayo, Tuj moorti mä mast banine ätmik änand mäni rahyo. O Jineshvar Bhagawan, I am not able to move my eyes off your beautiful idol. I can experience the love and compassion flowing through your eyes. This divine moment when I am doing your Bhakti makes me forget the material world and helps me experience the true divine inner happiness. Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 30. Antarnã Ek - અંતરના એક અંતરના એક કોડિયામાં દીપ બળે છે ઝાંખો, જીવનના જ્યોતિર્ધર એને નિશદિન જલતો રાખો; ઊંચે ઊંચે ઉડવા કાજે પ્રાણ ચાહે છે પાંખો, તમને ઓળખું નાથ નિરંજન એવી આપો આંખો. Antarnä ek kodiyämä deep bale chhe zänkho, Jivananä jyotirdhar ene, nishdin jalato räkho; Unche unche udavä käje, prän chähe chhe pänkho, Tamne olkhu näth! Niranjan evi äpo änkho. O Bhagawän! I continuously and sincerely desire to follow your teachings and attain Keval-Jnān. O Bhagawān! Please bless me, so that I have righteous vision to know you and strive to be like you. Please help me in my journey towards Moksha. 31. Bhavo Bhav Tum - ભવો ભવ તુમ ભવો ભવ તુમ ચરણોની સેવા, હું તો માંગુ છું દેવાધિદેવા; સામું જુઓને સેવક જાણી, એવી ઉદયરત્નની વાણી. Bhavo bhav tum charano ni sevä, hu to mängu chhu devädhi devä Sämu juone sevak jäni, evi Udayratnani väni Ächärya Udayratna says, O Jineshvar Bhagawän, please grant my wish to be at your service forever. 24 Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 32. Prabhuji Mein Tuj - પ્રભુજી મેં તુજ પ્રભુજી મેં તુજ પાલવ પકડ્યો, હવે કદી ના છોડું, લ્હારા દર્શન કરવા કાજે, નિત્ય સવારે દોડું; દર્શન દર્શન કરતો ભુજી, આવ્યો ત્યારે દ્વારે, પાર્શ્વ પ્રભુનું મુખડું જોતાં, આનંદ અતિ ઉભરાયે. Prabhuji mein tuj pälav pakadyo, have kadi nä сhodu, Tärä darshan karvä käje, nitya saväre dodu; Darshan darshan karto prabhuji, ävyo täre dwäre, Parshwa Prabhunu mukhadu jotä, änand ati ubharäye O Jineshvar Bhagawan, I am very blessed that I have taken refuge in You. I do Your Darshan very eagerly every morning. O Pärshvanäth Bhagawan! Your darshan fills my heart with immense joy and happiness. SITE Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 33. Avyo Sharane - આવ્યો શરણે આવ્યો શરણે તમારા જિનવર કરજો, આશ પૂરી અમારી, નાવ્યો ભવપાર હારો તુમ વિણ જગમાં,સાર લે કોણ મારી; ગાયો જિનરાજ આજે હરખ અધિકથી, પરમ આનંદકારી, પાયો તુમ દર્શ નાશે ભવભવ ભ્રમણા, નાથ સર્વે અમારી. Ävyo sharane tamärä, Jinavar, karjo, äsh puri amäri, Nävyo bhavapär mhäro, tum vin jagamä, sär le kon märi, Gäyo Jinräj äje harakh adhikathi, param änadakäri, Päyo tum darsh näshe bhav bhav bhramanä, näth sarve amäri. O Jineshvar Bhagawan, I have taken refuge in you. Please fulfill my desire to attain Moksha. How can I end the never-ending cycles of birth and death, if you do not help me? O Jineshvar Bhagawan, I am very happily singing Stavans in your praise, as it brings the ultimate happiness. I am confident that by doing Your darshan and by following Your teaching, I shall end the endless cycles of birth and death and attain Moksha. 26. Anonymous uploader Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34. Asatyo Mähe - 243452T HIS અસત્યો માંહેથી પ્રભુ પરમ સત્યે તું લઇ જા; ઊંડા અંધારેથી પ્રભુ પરમ તેજે તું લઇ જા; મહામૃત્યુમાંથી અમૃત સમીપે નાથ લઇ જા; તું હીણો હું છું તો, તુજ દરશના દાન દઈ જા. Asatyo mähe thi prabhu param satye tu laee jä Undä andhäre thi prabhu param teje tu laee jä Mahä mrutyu mäthi, amrut samipe näth laee jä Tu heeno hu chhu to, tuj darshanä dän daee jä O Paramätmä, please guide me to the divine truth from a deceitful life. Please lead me from the darkness of ignorance to the divine light of knowledge. O Paramätmä, please help me attain liberation from the endless cycles of birth and death. O Paramätmä, please oblige your devotee, by being within my heart and mind. | 27 | Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 35. Je Swaroop Samajya Vina -9 2434 2449211 Qoll જે સ્વરૂપ સમજ્યા વિના, પામ્યો દુઃખ અનંત; સમજ્યાવ્યું તે પદ નમું, શ્રી સદ્ગુરુ ભગવંત. Je swaroop samajyä vinä, pämyo dukha anant; Ssamajävyu te pad namu, Shri Sadguru Bhagavant. I have suffered infinite miseries because I failed to understand the true nature of the soul. I bow down to the feet of Holy Guru Mahäräj, who has explained the true nature of the soul. 36. Deh Chhatä Jeni Dashä - Ès Egri gol kell દેહ છતાં જેની દશા, વર્તે દેહાતીત; તે જ્ઞાનીના ચરણમાં, વંદન હો અગણિત. Deh chhatä jeni dashä, varte dehätit; Te gnäninä сharanmä, ho vandan aganit. I bow to the feet of the Holy Guru Mahäräj countless number of times. His soul, though it resides within a human body, it is totally free of any attachment to the body and other worldly relations. 28 Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 37. He Prabhu - હે પ્રભુ હે પ્રભુ આનંદદાતા, જ્ઞાન હમકો દીજિયે, શીધ્ર સારે દુર્ગુણોકો, દૂર હમસે કીજિયે, લીજિયે હમકો શરણમેં, હમ સદાચારી બને, શાંતિચાહક, ધર્મરક્ષક, વીર વ્રતધારી બને. He prabhu änanda-dätä, jnän hamko dijiye, Shighra säre durgunoko, dur hamase kijiye Lijiye hamako sharaname, ham sadächäri bane, Shanti chähak, dharm rakshak, Vir vratadhäri bane. O Bhagawan! Please bestow upon me true happiness by giving me true knowledge, so that I can eliminate wrong doings. Please take me in your refuge, so that I can lead a moral and ethical life and I be a peace loving person, who can propagate your teachings and exercise restrain on passions. * Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 38. Shri Shrutadevi Saraswati - श्री श्रुतदेवी सरस्वती श्री श्रुतदेवी सरस्वती भगवती, हमको वर देना, जीवनकी बांसुरीमें देवी, श्रध्धा स्वर भर देना सम्यग् ज्ञानका दीप जलाकर, मनका तिमिर हटाना ना भूले ना भटके माता, ऐसी राह बताना Shri Shrutadevi Saraswati, Bhagavati, humko var denä, Jivan ki bänsuri-mai devi, shraddhä swara bhar denä. Samyag-jnän-kä dip jaläkar manakä timir hatänä, Nä bhule nä bhatake mätä, aisi räha batänä. O Goddess Saraswati! Bestow upon us your blessings. Please help us gain utmost faith (towards the teachings of Tirthankar Bhagawän), just like putting the sweet and soothing sound in a flute. May you kindle the light of true knowledge and thereby remove ignorance from our minds. O Saraswati Mata! Pleases show us the right path of life, so we may never wander aimlessly and never lose sight of our righteous goal. 30 Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 39. Om Mangalam - ॐ मंगलम् ॐ मंगलम् ॐकार मंगलम् आदि मंगलम् आदिनाथ मंगलम् ॐ मंगलम् ॐकार मंगलम् शांति मंगलम् शांतिनाथ मंगलम् ॐ मंगलम् ॐकार मंगलम् पार्श्व मंगलम् पार्श्वनाथ मंगलम् ॐ मंगलम् ॐकार मंगलम् वीर मंगलम् महावीर मंगलम् ॐ मंगलम् ॐकार मंगलम् गुरु मंगलम् गुरुदेव मंगलम् ॐ मंगलम् ॐकार मंगलम् धर्म मंगलम् जैन धर्म मंगलम् Om Mangalam Omkär mangalam Ädi Manglam, Ädinäth mangalam Om Mangalam Omkär mangalam Shänti Manglam, Shäntinäth mangalam Om Mangalam Omkär mangalam Pärshva Manglam, Pärshvanäth mangalam Om Mangalam Omkär mangalam Vira Manglam, Mahävir mangalam Om Mangalam Omkär mangalam Guru Manglam, Gurudev mangalam Om Mangalam Omkär mangalam Dharma Manglam, Jain Dharma mangalam 31 Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 40. I'm A Young Jain Shrävak (Rhyme: I'm a little teapot) I'm a young Jain Shrävak, here me shout, Go to Päthashälä, learn what Jain's about, Prayers and meditation help me out, I'm a Jain Shrävak and there's no doubt! 41. Come, Come, Come Jineshvarä Come, come, come Jineshwara, Give me Darshan Simandharä. Always I do Sevä Pujä, Love I my Shäsandevä We all go to Palitanä, There is Dädä Adishwarä, Oh God! Oh God! Dayäludevä. 32 Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 42. Want You Children Moksha Meva A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Ädishwara albeläji H, I, J, K, L, M, N, Prabhu darshan kä karlo nem O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, Bhakti kä, karlo nem U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Sab mil bolo Jai Jai Jai A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Pälitänämä Ädishwaraji Palitanani Dholi Dhaja, Navänu karväni kevi majä H, I, J, K, L, M, N, Girnärmä Räjul Nem Räjul Nemne atoot prem, Have nä malse evä Rajul Nem O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, Pävapurimä Mahävir Prabhu Päväpurini dholi dhajä, Diwäli karväni kevi majä V, W, X, Y, Z, Jain Dharma par mane chhe preet Chäre dishämä teni farke dhajä, Bhävnä karväni kevi majä Yäträ karväni kevi majä, Snätra bhanävaväni kevi majä I bow down to beautiful idol of Ädishvar Bhagawän. Please take a vow to do darshan of Jineshvar Bhagawän every day. Dhvajä on the main temple in Palitana is white. I will be delighted to do Darshan of Ädishvar Bhagawän in Palitana 99 times. Girnar is famous for Tirthankar Bhagawän Neminäth and his disciple Räjul, who was the first Sädhvi of Neminäth Bhagawän. Päväpuri is the Nirvana place of Mahävir Swami Bhagawän. The Mahävir Swami Temple of Päväpuri looks beautiful with White Dhvajä. It is a great joy to celebrate Diwali (Mahävir Swami's nirvana day) in Päväpuri. I love Jain Dharma. It brings a great happiness to sing devotional songs, to do pilgrimage and to do Snätra Puja. 33 Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 43. Prabhu Taru Geet પ્રભુ તારું ગીત પ્રભુ તારું ગીત મારે ગાવું છે, પ્રેમનું અમૃત પીવું છે.... પ્રભુ તારું ગીત આવે જીવનમાં તડકા ને છાયા, માગું હે પ્રભુ તારી માયા, ભક્તિના રસમાં ન્હાવું છે....... પ્રભુ તારું ગીત ભવસાગરમાં નૈયા ઝુકાવી, ત્યાં તો અચાનક આંધી ચઢી આવી , સામે કિનારે મારે જાવું છે....... પ્રભુ તારું ગીત તું વીતરાગી હું અનુરાગી, તારા ભજનની રટ મને લાગી, પ્રભુ તારા જેવું મારે થાવું છે....... પ્રભુ તારું ગીત Prabhu täru geet märe gävu chhe, Premnu amrut pivu chhe....Prabhu.... Äve jivanmä tadakä ne chhäyä, Mängu he prabhu! täri mäyä, Bhaktinä rasmä nhävu chhe....Prabhu... Bhava sägarmä naiyä jhukävi, Tyä to achänak ändhi chadi ävi, Säme kinäre märe jävu chhe...Prabhu.... Tu vitarägi hu anurägi, Tärä bhajanani rut mane lägi, Prabhu tärä jevu märe thävu chhe....Prabhu.... 34 Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ | Prabhu Taru Geet - પ્રભુ તારું ગીત O Bhagawän, I want to sing stavan in your praise, I want to enjoy the nectar of your love. Regardless of rain or shine, I only desire your love, I want to be engrossed in my devotion to you, I have launched my boat in the ocean of endless cycles of birth and death, Even in this stormy ocean, I have to get to the opposite shore, You have no attachment; and I am full of attachments, But now I have become your devotee, Because I want to become like you. 35 Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 44. Maitri Bhävanu - મૈત્રી ભાવનું મૈત્રી ભાવનું પવિત્ર ઝરણું, મુજ હૈયામાં વહ્યા કરે, શુભ થાઓ આ સકલ વિશ્વનું, એવી ભાવના નિત્ય રહે...1 ગુણથી ભરેલા ગુણીજન દેખી, હૈયું મારું નૃત્ય કરે, એ સંતોના ચરણ કમલમાં, મુજ જીવનનું અર્ધ્ય રહે...2 દીન, ક્રુર ને ધર્મ વિહોણા, દેખી દિલમાં દર્દ રહે, કરુણા ભીની આંખોમાંથી અશ્રુનો શુભ સ્ત્રોત વહે...3 માર્ગ ભૂલેલા જીવન પથિકને માર્ગ ચીંધવા ઉભો રહું, કરે ઉપેક્ષા એ મારગની તો યે સમતા ચિત્ત ધરું...4 ચિત્રભાનુની ધર્મ ભાવના, હૈયે સહુ માનવ લાવે, વેર ઝેરના પાપ તજીને મંગલ ગીતો એ ગાવે...5 Maitri bhävanu pavitra jharanu, muj haiyä mä vahyä kare, Shubha thão ā sakal vishava nu, evi bhāvanā nitya rahe.....1 Guna thi bharelä gunijana dekhi, haiyu märu nrutya kare, E santo nã charan kamal mä, muj jivan nu ardhya rahe......2 Din krur ne dharma vihonä, dekhi dil mä dard rahe, Karunā bhini änkho māthi, ashruno shubh shrot vahe......... Märg bhulela jivan pathik ne, märg chindhavä ubho rahu, Kare upekshä e marag ni, to ye samatā chitt dhar...............4 Chitrbhänu ni dharma bhävanä, haiye sau mänav läve, Ver jher nä pāp tajine, mangal geeto e gäve..........5 36 .3 Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Maitri Bhävanu - મૈત્રી ભાવનું May the sacred stream of amity flow forever from my heart May the universe prosper, this is my cherished desire..............1 May my heart sing in ecstasy at the sight of the virtuous May my life be an offering at their feet.. May my heart bleed at the sight of the wretched, cruel and the poor May tears of compassion flow from my eyes........ .3 May I always be there to guide those who are lost in life. May I always be patient and compassionate, even if they ignore me..... 22 Shree Chitrabhanuji wishes that this divine spirit of compassion be in hearts of all human kind. Let us forget all animosity, forgive others and sing together the immortal song of brotherhood..............5 37 Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 45. Shatrunjay No Dungar - શત્રુંજયનો ડુંગર શત્રુંજયનો ડુંગર ચઢતાં, બોલો નમો અરિહંતાણં. તળેટીના દર્શન કરતાં, બોલો નમો સિધ્ધાણં.......... સમવસરણના દર્શન કરતાં, બોલો નમો આયરિયાણં.... આગમ મંદિર દર્શન કરતાં, બોલો નમો ઉવન્ઝાયાણં... ગુરુજીને વંદન કરતાં, બોલો નમો લોએ સવ્વસાહૂણં.... ડુંગર ચઢતાં જૈનો બોલે, એસો પંચ નમુક્કારો.... નવકાર બોલતાં કર્મ ખપાવો, સવ્વ પાવપ્પણાસણો.. નવટુંકજીના દર્શન કરતાં, મંગલાણં ચ સવ્વસિં.... આદિશ્વરદાદાનું મુખડું જોતાં, પઢમં હવઇ મંગલ... | પાઠશાલાના બાળકો બોલે, જૈનમ જયતિ શાસનમ Sahtrunjay no dungar chadata, bolo Namo Arihantänam Taletinä darshan karata, bolo Namo Sidhdhanam Samavasaran nä darshan karatä, bolo Namo Äyariyanam Ägam mandir darshan karatä, bolo Namo Uvazyanam Gurujine vandan karatä, bolo Namo Loa Savva Sähunam Dungar Chadatä Jaino bole, Eso Panch Namukkaro Navakär bolatä karma khapävo, Savva Pävappanäsano Navatukajinä darshan karatä, Mangalänam cha savvesim Ädishvara dädänu mukhadu jotä, Padhamam havai mangalam Päthashälänä Bälako bole, Jainam Jayati Shasanam 38 Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shatrunjay No Dungar Recite, Namo Arihantänam, during Yäträ of Mount Shatrunjay Recite, Namo Siddhänam, at the of foothills Mount Shatrunjay Recite, Namo Äyariyanam, while doing Darshan of Samavasaran Temple Recite, Namo uvajjhäyänam, while doing Darshan of Ägam Temple Recite, Namo Loe Savva-Sähunam while bowing down to Sädhu Mahäräj and Sädhvi Mahäräj Recite, Eso Pancha-Namukkaro, while doing Yäträ of Mt. Shatrunjay Recite, Savva-Päva-ppanäsano, as reciting Navakär Mantra can eradicate Karma Recite, Mangalänam Cha Savvesim, during Yäträ of Nav Tunk Recite, Padhamam Havai Mangalam, while doing darshan of Ädishvar Dädä Chicago Päthashälä kids recite, Jainam Jayati Shasanam Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 46. Beauty without Cruelty Beauty without cruelty That's the way our life should be (2) Beauty without cruelty Our products should be animal free (2) It' so sad, it's so cruel When we kill the poor animal (2) The silkworm for silk, the cow for leather, The whale for soap and lipstick, Deer for perfume, elephant for ivory, What use is such jewelry? Come on everyone, let's make this world A better place for you and me (3) Just be aware, animals you spare By using other substitute, Love one love all, is all you have to do, Says our Mahävir Prabhu... WITHOUT CRUELTY 40 Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 47. Oh Mahavir Prabhu Oh Mahävir Prabhu! Oh divine! Forever I shall love you! (2) You are my joy and my sunshine (2) Oh my compassionate Prabhu! (2) Chandkaushik showed anger and bit you so hard You showed only love with all your heart (2) That is the power of your meditation (2) Oh what a divine connection...... Oh Mahävir Prabhu! You gave Chandanbälä your divine grace (2) She walked on the path of forgiveness (2) You grant me a drop from your ocean of love (2) I want to rise above............. Oh Mahävir Prabhu! Oh Vir Prabhu! You are a true friend of mine (2) You taught me to love and always be kind (2) I wish to love the world just like you did (2) Oh divine I believe (2)...... Oh Mahavir Prabhu! C K Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 48. Seven Tattvas (Rhyme: Itsy Bitsy Spider) The itsy bitsy karmas around me all about, Bind to my Soul and bring the passions out, Stop flowing in and their effect will wane, And itsy bitsy karmas will not come back again. When itsy bitsy karmas they slowly shed away Qualities of Soul will come out and display Not harming living beings will bring peace and joy, As I travel through this life only karmas to destroy The itsy bitsy karmas around me all about, Bind to my Soul and bring the Kashäyas out, Stop flowing in and their effect will wane, And my pure Soul wouldn't come back into Samsära life again. Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 49. Mahävir Bolo Bolo, Mahävir Bolo મહાવીર બોલો બોલો, મહાવીર બોલો, મહાવીર બોલો તમે, ગૌતમ બોલો, જૈન શાસનની જય જય બોલો... મહાવીર બોલો... કરુણા સાગર પ્રભુ મહાવીર બોલો, દિન દયાલ પ્રભુ મહાવીર બોલો, જય જય બોલો તમે જય જય બોલ ...મહાવીર બોલો.. પ્રેમસે બોલો બોલો, મહાવીર બોલો, સૌ સાથ બોલો બોલો મહાવીર બોલો કર્મને તોડો, બોલો મહાવીર બોલો.. મહાવીર બોલો. Mahävir bolo bolo, Mahävir bolo, Mahävir bolo tame, Gautama bolo, ain shäsan ni, jay jay bolo... Mahävir bolo.. Karunä sägar Prabhu Mahävir bolo, Din dayal Prabhu, Mahävir bolo, Jay jay bolo tame, jay jay bolo...Mahävir bolo Premse bolo bolo, Mahävir bolo, Sau säth bolo bolo, Mahävir bolo, Karma ne todo, bolo Mahävir bolo... Mahävir bolo Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 50. Mummy Meri Pyari Hai - मम्मी मेरी प्यारी है मम्मी मेरी प्यारी है, खुशीयोंकी फुलवारी है, मम्मी से नहीं रूठेंगे, सुबह जल्दी उठेंगे, सुबह मंदिर जायेंगे, प्रभु को शिश झुकायेंगे, प्रार्थना रोज गायेंगे, धीरे से घंट बजायेंगे, पाठशाला रोज जायेंगे, गुरुजी हमें शिखायेंगे, अछ्छी अछ्छी बातें हसते गाते, हमको बहुत पढना है, जलदी आगे बढ़ना है, ना किसीसे लढना है, ना किसीसे झगडना है Mummy meri pyäri hai, khushioki fulwäri hai Mummy se nahi ruthenge, Subah jaldi Uthenge Subah mandir jäyenge, prabhuko shish zukäyenge Prarthanä roj gayenge, dhirese ghant bajäyenge Päthashälä roj jäyenge, Guruji hame sikhäyenge Achhi achhi bäte haste gäte, hamko bahut padhanä hey Jaldi äge badhanä hai, nä kisise ladanä hai Nä kisise zagadanä hai 44 Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mummy Meri Pyari Hai - मम्मी मेरी प्यारी है I love my mom. She brings great joy and happiness. I will never get mad at my mom. I will wake up early in morning and will go to Deräsar every day. I will do darshan and sing devotional songs (Stavans) in Deräsar and then I will ring the bell. I will go to Päthashälä regularly because I want to learn teachings of Mahävir Swami Bhagawän. Our teachers teach us Jainism with lots of fun and love. I want to be a good human being. I do not want to be mad with anybody or fight with anybody. 45 Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 51. Bolo Thank You - બોલો થેંક્યુ બોલો થેંક્યુ, બોલો થેંક્યુ, બોલો થેંક્યુ વેરી મચ, ઉપકાર કર્યા જેણે અમ પર તેથી થેંક્યુ વેરી મચ......... અમ જીવનનું પુષ્પ ખીલવનાર વીર તમને થેંક્યુ તમને થેંક્યુ થેંક્યુ કહેતાં શીખવ્યું તેથી ડબલ થેંક્યુ પ્રભુ થેંક્યુ, વીર થેંક્યુ, તમને થેંક્યુ વેરી મચ ઉપકાર કર્યા જેણે અમ પર તેથી થેંક્યુ વેરી મચ....... મમ્મી પપ્પાના ચરણો ચૂમીને કરીયે થેંક્યુ વેરી મચ જાતે દુઃખ વેઠીને અમને જીવનનું સુખ આપ્યું મમ્મી થેંક્યુ,પપ્પા થેંક્યુ, તમને થેંક્યુ વેરી મચ ઉપકાર કર્યા જેણે અમ પર તેથી થેંક્યુ વેરી મચ............. Thank kyou! su 46 Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Bolo Thank You Bolo thank you, bolo thank you Bolo thank you very much Upkär karyä jene um par tethi thank you very much....(2) Um jivannu pushpa khilavanär veer tamne thank you thank you Thank you kehtä shikhavyu umne tethi double thank you Prabhu thank you, veer thank you Tamne thank you very much Upkär karyä jene um par tethi thank you very much.... Bolo thank Mummy - pappa nä charno chumine kariye thank you thank you Jäte dukh vethi ne umne jivannu sukh äpyu Mummy thank you, Papa thank you Tamne thank you very much Upkär karyä jene um par tethi thank you very much.... Bolo thank THAN We say 'Thank You' to those who have helped you and obliged you. O Mahävir Prabhu, you have blossomed my life just as a fragrant flower and therefore we say, 'Thank you, Bhagawän'. Mom and Dad, you have endured many hardships and miseries, just so that I can have a happy and a comfortable life. Mom and Dad, thank you very much. Words are not enough to express my gratitude to both of you. 47 Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 52. Jab Bolo Tab Sach Sach Bolo - जब बोलो तब सच सच बोलो जब बोलो तब सच सच बोलो, कभी न बातें रच रच बोलो जब बोलो तब हँसकर बोलो, बातोंमें मिसरी सी घोलो जब बोलो तब झूककर बोलो, सोच समझकर रूककर बोलो जब बोलो तब खूलकर बोलो, अपने मन की बातें खोलो जब बोलो तब हितकर बोलो, मनमें आदर भरकर बोलो जब बोलो तब कम ही बोलो, बिन अवसर मत मूंह को खोलो जब बोलो तब मीठा बोलो, कभी ना कुछ भी कडवा बोलो कभी कीसी का भेद न खोलो, घर की बात न बाहर बोलो द्वेष, कपट रख कभी न बोलो, निंदा, चुगली कभी न बोलो जब बोलो तब सच सच बोलो Jab bolo tab sach sach bolo, Kabhi nä bäte rach rach bolo Jab bolo tab hanskar bolo, Bäto mein misari-si gholo Jab bolo tab jhook kar bolo, Soch samajh kar rook kar bolo Jab bolo tab khool kar bolo, apne man ki bäte kholo Jab bolo tab hitakar bolo, man mein ädar bhar kar bolo Jab bolo tab kam hi bolo, bin avasar mat muh ko kholo Jab bolo tab mithä bolo, kabhi na kuchh bhi kadvä bolo Kabhi kisi kä bhed mat kholo, ghar ki bät na bahär bolo Dvesh kapat rakh kabhi na bolo, Nindä, chugali kabhi na bolo Jab bolo tab sach sach bolo 48 Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jab Bolo Tab Sach Sach Bolo - जब बोलो तब सच सच बोलो When you speak - always speak the truth. Never ever lie. When you speak - always speak with a smile. Your speech should be as sweet as sugar! When you speak -bow down and speak with humility. Pause for a moment and think before you speak. When you speak - speak honestly and from your heart! Your speech should be beneficial and respectful to others When you speak - speak only as little as you need to, and only when necessary. When you speak - always speak sweetly. Never say anything bitter to hurt anyone! Never disclose other people's secrets. Never discuss your family matters with outsiders! Your speech should be free of enmity, hatred and deceit. Your speech should be free from criticism and gossiping! When you speak - always speak the truth. 雄 puce 49 Page #60 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ashta Prakäri Pujä, Ärati, & Mangal Deevo अष्टप्रकारी पूजा, आरती, मंगलदीवो Places of Puja 1. Right Toe, Left Toe* 2. Right Knee, Left Knee 3. Right Center of Arm, Left Arm 4. Right Shoulder, Left Shoulder 5. Top of Head (center) 6. Center of Forehead 7. Center of Throat Nav Ang Puja 8. Center of Chest 9. Navel Recitation Mantra 1. Namo Arihantänam 2. namo Siddhänam 3. Namo Ayariyanam 4. Namo Uvajjbayanam 5. Namo Loe Savvasähunam 6. Eso Pancha Namukkaro 7. Savvapävappanäsano 8. Mangala Nam Cha Savve Sim 9. Padhamam Havai Mangalam 2B Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 53. Ashta Prakāri Puja - अष्ट प्रकारी पूजा Recite this mantra before each pujä. नमोर्हत्-सिद्धा-चार्योपाध्याय-सर्व-साधुभ्यः. Namorhat-siddha-chäryopädhyäya-sarva-sädhubhyah. I bow down to Arihanta Bhagawän, Siddha Bhagawän, Ächärya Mahäräj, Upadhyay Mahäräj, and all Sädhu and Sadhvi Mahäräj. 1. जल पूजा - Worship with water ज्ञान कलश भरी आतमा, समता रस भरपूर, श्री जिनने नवरावतां, कर्म होये चकचूर. Jnäna kalasa bhari ätamä, Samatä rasa bharapura, Sri jinane navaravatä, Karma hoye chakachura. Let us bathe the idol of Arihant with water in the form of equanimity, from the Kalash in the form of Knowledge; so that our Karmas get destroyed. जल पूजा जुगते करो, मेल अनादि विनाश, जल पूजा फल मुज होजो, मागो एम प्रभु पास. Jala pujä jugate karo, Mela anädi vinäsha, Jala puja phala muja hojo, Mägo ema prabhu päs. By bathing the idol of Jineshvar Bhagawan with devotion we ask; may the impurities of our Karmas wash away from our soul. 52 Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं, परमपुरुषाय, परमेश्वराय, जन्म-जरा-मृत्यु निवारणाय श्रीमते जिनेन्द्राय, जलं यजामहे स्वाहा ।। Om Hreem Shreem, Paramapurushäya, Parameshvaräya, Janma-jarä-mrutyuniväranäya Shreemate Jinendräya, Jalam Yajämahe Swähä. 2. चंदन पूजा - Worship with Chandan (Sandal-wood paste) शीतल गुण जेहमां रहयो, शीतल प्रभु मुख रंग, आत्म शीतल करवा भणी, पूजो अरिहा अंग. Shitala guna jehamä rahyo, shitala prabhu mukha ranga, Ätma shitala karavä bhani, pujo arihä anga. To attain tranquility in our soul we worship the idol of Arihanta with the sandalwood paste because Arihanta is the supreme example of tranquility and his face is also tranquil. ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं, परमपुरुषाय, परमेश्वराय, जन्म-जरा-मृत्यु निवारणाय श्रीमते जिनेन्द्राय, चंदनम् यजामहे स्वाहा ।। Om Hreem Shreem, Paramapurushäya, Parameshvaräya, Janma-jarä-mrutyuniväranäya Shreemate Jinendräya, Chandanm Yajämahe Swähä. 3. पुष्प पूजा - Worship with Flowers सुरभि अखंड कुसुम ग्रही, पूजो गत संताप, सुमजंतु भव्य ज परे, करीये समकित छाप. Surabhi akhanda kusuma grahi, pujo gata santäpa, Sumajantu bhavya ja pare, kariye samakita chhäpa. 53 Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ By offering fragrant and unbroken flowers to Arihanta we desire to live our life like flower, which provides fragrance and beauty to all. ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं, परमपुरुषाय, परमेश्वराय, जन्म-जरा-मृत्यु निवारणाय श्रीमते जिनेन्द्राय, पुष्पम् - यजामहे स्वाहा || Om Hreem Shreem, Paramapurushäya, Parameshvaraya, Janma-jarä-mrutyu niväranäya Shreemate Jinendräya, Pushpam Yajamahe Swähä 4. धूप पूजा - Worship with Dhoop ध्यान घटा प्रगटावीये, वाम नयन जिन धूप, मिच्छत दुर्गन्ध दूर टले, प्रगटे आत्म स्वरूप. Dhyana ghatä pragatäviye, väma nayana jina dhupa, Michchhata durgandha dura tale, pragate ätma svarupa. Just as the fragrant smoke of the incense goes upwards, we should begin our ever progressive spiritual journey leading to Moksha. Just as the incense removes the unpleasant odor, we should remove false faith (Mithyätva) and realize the true nature of our soul. ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं, परमपुरुषाय, परमेश्वराय, जन्म-जरा-मृत्यु निवारणाय श्रीमते जिनेन्द्राय, धूपम् __यजामहे स्वाहा || Om Hreem Shreem, Paramapurushäya, Parameshvaraya, Janma-jarä-mrutyu niväranäya Shreemate Jinendraya, Dhupam Yajamahe Swähä 5. दीपक पूजा - Worship with Lamp द्रव्य दीप सु-विवेकथी, करतां दुःख होय फोक, भाव प्रदीप प्रगट हुए, भासित लोका-लोक. 54 Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Dravya dipa su-vivekathi, karatä duhkha hoya phoka, Bhäva pradipa pragata hue, bhäsita lokä-loka. Praying Jineshvar Bhagawan with this lighted lamp we reflect upon that may our soul be enlightened with the ultimate knowledge, Keval jnän, and be free of all miseries. ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं, परमपुरुषाय, परमेश्वराय, जन्म-जरा-मृत्यु निवारणाय श्रीमते जिनेन्द्राय, दीपम् । यजामहे स्वाहा ।। Om Hreem Shreem, Paramapurushäya, Parameshvaräya, Janma-jarä-mrutyu niväranäya Shreemate Jinendraya, Dipakam Yajamahe Swähä 6. अक्षत पूजा (स्वस्तिक -साथियो) - Puja with Rice - शुद्ध अखंड अक्षत ग्रही, नन्दावर्त विशाल, पूरी प्रभु सन्मुख रहो, टाली सकल जंजाल. Suddha akhanda akshata grahi, nandävarta vishäla. Puri prabhu sanmukha raho, täli sakala janjala. The rice grain without the husk does not germinate. So, it symbolizes the last birth. By doing this Pujä we wish to live life in such a way that at the end of this life we will attain liberation. ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं, परमपुरुषाय, परमेश्वराय, जन्म-जरा-मृत्यु निवारणाय श्रीमते जिनेन्द्राय, अक्षतान् यजामहे स्वाहा ।। Om Hreem Shreem, Paramapurushäya, Parameshvaraya, Janma-jarä-mrutyu niväranäya Shreemate Jinendräya, Akshatän Yajamahe Swähä 55 Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7. नैवेद्य पूजा - Puja with Sweets अणाहारी पद में कर्यां, विग्गह गड्य अनन्त, दूर करी ते दीजिये, अणाहारी शिव सन्त. Anähäri pada me karyä, viggaha gaiya ananta, Dura kari te dijiye, anähäri shiva santa. In the course of the cycle of birth and death, I have remained hungry many times but that was only momentarily. O! Arihanta! Endow me a state where there is no further desire or need of food (Moksha). ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं, परमपुरुषाय, परमेश्वराय, जन्म-जरा-मृत्यु निवारणाय श्रीमते जिनेन्द्राय, नैवेद्यम् यजामहे स्वाहा ।। Om Hreem Shreem, Paramapurushäya, Parameshvaräya, Janma-jarä-mrutyuniväranäya Shreemate Jinendräya Naivedyam Yajämahe Swähä 8. फल पूजा - Puja with Fruit इन्द्रादिक पूजा भणी, फल लावे धरी राग, पुरुषोत्तम पूजी करी, मागे शिव-फल त्याग. indrädika pujä bhani, phala läve dhari raga, purushottama puji kari, mäge shiva-phala tyäga. Fruit is symbolic of Moksha. Even heavenly gods offer fruits to Jineshvar Bhagawän in Puja. By offering fruits in this Puja, O Bhagawän! I wish for the ultimate fruit, Moksha. ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं, परमपुरुषाय, परमेश्वराय, जन्म-जरा-मृत्यु निवारणाय श्रीमते जिनेन्द्राय, फलम् यजामहे स्वाहा । Om Hreem Shreem, Paramapurushäya, Parameshvaräya, Janma-jarä-mrutyuniväranäya Shreemate Jinendräya, PhalamYajämahe Swähä 54 Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ T பலனினின் வினவினாருவனை - - TO Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 54. Jay Jay Ärati - જય જય આરતી (Following couplet is usually recited before doing Ärati) પંચદીવો પ્રગટ કરી જિનવર અંગ સોહાય, જિન આરતી ઉતારતાં ભવ સંકટ મીટ જાય Pancha divo pragata kari jinavara anga sohäy Jina ärati utäratä bhava sankata mit jäy Ârati - આરતી જય જય આરતી આદિ જિણંદા, નાભિરાયા મરૂદેવી કો નંદા પહેલી આરતી પૂજા કીજે, નરભવ પામીને લ્હાવો લીજે દૂસરી આરતી દીન દયાળા, ધુળેવા મંડપમાં જગ અજુવાળા તિસરી આરતી ત્રિભુવન દેવા, સુર નર ઇન્દ્ર કરે તોરી સેવા ચોથી આરતી ચઉગતિ યૂરે, મનવાંછિત ફલ શિવસુખ પૂરે પંચમી આરતી પુણ્ય ઉપાયા, મુલચંદે ઋષભ ગુણ ગાયા Jay Jay ärati Ädi Jinandä, Näbhiräyä Marudevi ko nandä Paheli ärati pujä kije, Narabhav pämine lhävo lije Dusari ärati din dayälä, Dhulevä mandapmä jag ajuvälä Tisri ärati tribhuvan devä, Sur nar indra kare tori sevä Chothi ärati chaugati chure, Man vänchhit phal shiv sukh pure Panchami ärati punya upäyä, Mulchande Rushabh guna gäyä 56 Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jay Jay Arati - જય જય આરતી This Ärati consisting of five lights done in front of the idol of Jineshvar Bhagawan leads to liberation Ärati - 2412c I am very happy to do Ärati of Rishabha Dev Bhagawan,the beloved son of King Näbhi and Queen Maru Devi. By performing first ärati, we make our human life meaningful. The second Arati is dedicated to Tirthankar Ädinäth who is merciful to all and whose virtues enlighten entire universe. The third ärati is to pay obeisance to Tirthankar Bhagawan, who is revered by humans, heavenly Gods, and even by hellish beings, I desire that with the fourth ärati, I can end wandering in four realms (Human, animal, hell and heaven) and attain eternal happiness in Moksha. In fifth ärati, poet Mulachand says, by praising the virtues of Bhagavän Ädinäth the worshipper earns punya. Vin OK Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 55. Mangal Divo - મંગલ દીવો (Following couplet is usually recited before doing Mangal Divo) દિપકસે જિન પૂજતાં આતમ નિર્મલ હોય, જ્ઞાનદિપક પ્રગટાવવા દિપક તણો રે ઉદ્યોત Dipakase jina pujatä ätam nirmal hoy Jnän dipak pragatävavä dipak tano re udyota Divo Re Divo - Ela z Ela દીવો રે દીવો પ્રભુ માંગલિક દીવો, આરતી ઉતારણ બહુ ચિરંજીવો. સોહામણું ઘેર પર્વ દિવાળી, અંબર ખેલે અમરાબાલિ દિપાળ ભણે એણે કુળ અજુવાળી, ભાવે ભગતે વિઘન નિવારી દિપાળ ભણે એણે એ કલિકાલે, આરતી ઉતારી રાજા કુમારપાલે અમ ઘેર મંગલિક તુમ ઘેર મંગલિક, મંગલિક ચતુર્વિધ સંઘને હોજો. Divo re divo Prabhu manglik divo, Ärati utäran bahu chiranjivo Sohämanu gher parva diwäli, Amber khele amrä bäli Dipäl bhane aene kul ajuväli, Bhäve bhagate vighan niväri Dipäl bhange aene ae kalikäle, Ärati utäri Räjä Kumärpäle Am gher manglik tum gher manglik, Manglik chaturvidh sanghane hojo 58. Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mangal Divo - મંગલ દીવો We light this lamp to enlighten ourselves with true knowledge. Prayer to Jineshvar Bhagawan, done with the lighted lamp, will remove the darkness of ignorance from our soul. BLOOTTOTOOIDO Divo Re Divo - Elal z ela O Bhagawan! Worshiping you with a lighted lamp is an auspicious occasion. May the one, who performs ärati, be blessed. Performing ärati is a blissful occasion like Diwali and heavenly beings are dancing with joy. Devotees who perform ärati with devotion make their families proud and overcome obstacles. The poet Dipäl says that in this fifth ärä, king Kumärpäl performed the ärati with deep devotion. 59 Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 56. Iha Vidhi Mangal - इह विधि मंगल इह विधि मंगल आरती कीजे, पंच परमपद भज सुख लीजे ... इह विधि पहली आरती श्री जिनराजा, भवदधि पार उतार जिहाजा... इह विधि दूसरी आरती सिध्धन केरी, सुमरन करत मिटे भव-फेरी... इह विधि तीजी आरती सूर मुनिंदा, जनम मरन दुःख दूर करिंदा... इह विधि चौथी आरती श्री उवझाया, दर्शन देखत पाप पलाया... इह विधि पांचमी आरती साधु तिहारी, कुमती विनाशन शिव अधिकारी... इह विधि छट्ठी ग्यारह प्रतिमाधारी, श्रावक वंदो आनंदकारी... इह विधि सात आरती श्री जिनवानी, ध्यानत सुरग मुकति सुखदानी... इह विधि Iha vidhi mangal ärati kije, Panch param pada bhaj sukh lije ... Iha vidhi Pahali ärati shree Jinräjä, Bhava-dadhi pär utär jihäjä... Iha vidhi Dusari ärati Siddhana keri, sumaran karat mite bhav-feri... Iha vidhi Tiji ärati sur munindä, Janam maran dukha dur karindä... Iha vidhi Chauthi ärati shree Uvajhäyä, Darshan dekhat päp paläyä... Iha vidhi pächavi ärati Sädhu tihäri, Kumati vinäshan shiv adhikäri... Iha vidhi Chhatthi ärati pratima-dhäri Shrävak vando änandkäri... Iha vidhi Sätami ärati shree Jinväni, dhyänat surag mukti sukhadäni... Iha vidhi 60 Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Iha Vidhi Mangal - इह विधि मंगल In this ärati we pay respect to Panch-paramesthies; the Arihant, the Siddha,the Ächärya, the Upadhyay and the Sädhu. We gain ultimate happiness by bowing down to these supreme entities. They help us to remove our ignorance and passions, eliminate our karma and break the ever-going cycle of birth and death. By performing this ärati with our highest devotion, we attain ever-lasting bliss. In this ärati we also sing the praises of shrävaks, who have taken eleven special vows to become Sädhu. In the end we also pay tribute to the Jain scriptures through which we gain true knowledge, faith, and conduct. 57. Shree Saraswati Devi Ârati - श्री सरस्वती देवी आरती जय जय आरती देवी तमारी, आशा पुरो हे मात अमारी....जय जय वीणा पुस्तक कर धरनारी, अमने आपो बुद्धि सारी.. जय जय जय जय ज्ञान अनंत हृदय धरनारी, तमने वंदे H नरनारी.. मात सरस्वती स्तुति तमारी, करतां जगमां जय जयकारी... जय जय ।। Jai jai ärati devi tamäri, Äshä puro he mäta amäri...... jai jai Vinä pustaka kara dharanäri, Amane äpo buddhi säri...jai jai Jnäna ananta hridaya dharanäri, Tamane vande sahu nara-näri...jai jai Mäta Saraswati stuti tamäri, Karatä jagamä jai jaikäri........jai jai O Saraswati Devi! Holding Vina and a scripture in hands, please fulfill our desire of attaining righteous knowledge. I am doing your Ärati with faith and sincerity. O Devi, as you are an embodiment of knowledge we bow down to you. O Saraswati Mä, we sing songs in your praise. May you prevail in entire universe. 61 Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 29 Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Chaitya Vandan चैत्यवन्दन Page #76 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Chaitya-vandan - चैत्यवंदन Every spiritual activity should be stated after offering obescience to Guru Mahäräj by reciting following sutra while bowing down as illustrated in following picture, wherein the five body parts, namely two hands, two knees and the forehead, touch the floor together. Hence it is known as Panchäng Pranipät Sutra. खमासमण सूत्र इच्छामि खमा-समणो! वंदिउं, जावणिज्जाए निसीहिआए, मत्थण वंदामि Ichchhämi khamä-samano vandium, jävanijjäe nisihiäe, matthaena vandämi Oh! Bhagawän! I wish to offer my obeisance to you. I am giving up all sinful activities to the best of my abilities, and I am bowing my head down to you. (Do Khamasaman three times) Before starting every spiritual activity we must atone for any intentional or unintentional violence we may have knowingly or unknowingly committed. For that purpose we first recite the Iriyävahiyam Sutra, which narrates the ways in which we may have caused violence. इरियावहिया सूत्र इच्छा-कारेण संदिसह भगवन् ! इरियावहियं पडिक्कमामि ? इच्छं, इच्छामि पडिक्कमिउं इरियावहियाए, विराहणाए, गमणागमणे, पाण-क्कमणे, बीय-क्कमणे, हरिय-क्कमणे, ओसा-उत्तिंग-पणग- दग-मट्टी- मक्कडा-संताणा-संकमणे जे मे जीवा विराहिया एगिंदिया, बेइंदिया, तेइंदिया, चउरिंदिया, पंचिंदिया अभिहया, वत्तिया, लेसिया, संघाइया, संघट्टिया, परियाविया, किलामिया, उद्दविया, ठाणाओ ठाणं संकामिया, जीवियाओ ववरोविया, तस्स मिच्छा मि दुक्कडं 65 Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ichchhä-kärena sandisaha bhagavan ! iriyavahiyam padikkamämi ? ichchham, ichchhämi padikkamium iriyavahiyäe, virähanäegamanä-gamane, päna-kkamane, biya-kkamane, hariyakkamane, osä-uttinga, panaga-daga, matti-makkadä-santänä-sankamane je me jivä virähiya egindiya, beimdiyä, teimdiya, caurindiyä, pancindiya abhihayä, vattiyä, lesiyä, sanghäiyä, sanghattiyä, pariyaviyä, kilämiyä, uddaviyä, thänäo thänam, sankämiyä, jiviyäo vavaroviyä, tassa michchhä mi dukkadam. Oh! Guru Mahārāj, please voluntarily give permission to apologize and to repent (to do Pratikraman) for the sins that I may have committed while moving around. (Now Guru Mahārāj will say, "Please do so") I accept your permission. Now I want to apologize and to repent (do Pratikraman). While walking around back and forth, I may have trampled upon living beings, seeds, green vegetation, dew, ant burrows, moss, wet soil and spider webs. Or I may have distressed one sensed, two sensed, three sensed, four sensed or five sensed living beings or I may have hurt them by kicking, covering them up with dirt, trampling, colliding them with each other, touching them, or by causing trouble to them by distressing them, frightening them, displacing them from one place to another, or killing them. I therefore, repent and apologize for all these sins that I may have committed. Now recite following sutra. तस्स उत्तरी सूत्र तस्स उत्तरी-करणेणं, पायच्छित्त-करणेणं, विसोही-करणेणं, विसल्ली-करणेणं, पावाणं कम्माणं निग्घायणढाए, ठामि काउस्सग्गं. tassa uttari-karanenam, päyacchitta-karanenam, visohi-karanenam, visalli-karanenam, pävänam kammänam, nigghäyanatthäe, thämi käussaggam 66 Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ I now want to absolve all those sins committed by me (as mentioned in previous sutra) by repentance. To purify my soul and to make it free of the pain (caused by practicing religion without right faith, practicing religion just for the show and practicing religion for worldly gains.) and, to completely destroy all the sins committed by me, I shall now perform Käyotsarga. In order to repent for that, we will now do Käusagga by reciting following Sutra. अन्नत्थ सूत्र अन्नत्थ-ऊससिएणं, नीससिएणं, खासिएणं, छीएणं, जंभाइएणं, उड्डुएणं, वाय-निसग्गेणं, भमलीए, पित्त-मुच्छाए सुहुमेहिं अंग-संचालेहिं, सुहुमेहिं खेल-संचालेहिं, सुहुमेहिं दिट्ठि-संचालेहिं. एवमाइएहिं आगारेहिं, अ-भग्गो अ-विराहिओ, हुज्ज मे काउस्सग्गो जाव अरिहंताणं भगवंताणं, नमुक्कारेणं न पारेमि ताव कायं ठाणेणं मोणेणं झाणेणं, अप्पाणं वोसिरामि. annattha-usasienam, nisasienam, khäsienam, chhienam, jambhäienam, udduenam, väya-nisaggenam, bhamalie, pitta-mucchäe suhumehim amga-sancälehim, suhumehim khela-sancälehim, suhumehim ditthi-sanchälehim evamäiehim ägärehim, a-bhaggo a-virähio, hujja me käussaggo jäva arihantänam bhagavantänam, namukkärenam na päremi täva käyam thänenam monenam jhänenam, appänam vosirämi. I shall now engross myself in complete Käyotsarga (meditation) except for breathing in and out, coughing, sneezing, yawning, belching, letting bodily gas out, dizziness or fainting, and subtle movements of body, phlegm, and eyes. I shall terminate my Käyotsarga by offering obeisance to Arihanta Bhagawän (by saying, "Namo Arihantänam" aloud). Until then I shall not speak, be motionless in the same place, and renounce all other bodily and mental activities. 67 Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In Käusagga, we have to stay motionless, except for the above-mentioned exceptions. We can assume either of the following two postures during Kausagga Now stay focused and mentally recite Navakär Mantra four times or Logassa Sutra. Conclude Käusagga by saying "Namo Arihantänäm” aloud. Now we recite the Logassa Sutra offering obeisance to all 24 Tirthankars. लोगस्स सूत्र लोगस्स उज्जोअ-गरे, धम्म-तित्थ-यरे जिणे. अरिहंते कित्तइस्सं, चउवीसं पि केवली. ......... उसभ-मजिअं च वंदे, संभव-मभिणंदणं च सुमइं च. पउम-प्पहं सुपासं, जिणं च चंद-प्पहं वंदे. सुविहिं च पुप्फ-दंतं, सीअल-सिज्जंस-वासु-पुज्जं च. विमल-मणंतं च जिणं, धम्म संतिं च वंदामि. न कुं, अरं च मल्लिं, वंदे मुणि-सुव्वयं नमि-जिणं च. वंदामि रिट्ठ-नेमि, पासं तह वद्धमाणं च..... एवं मए अभिथुआ, विहुय-रय-मला पहीण-जर-मरणा. चउ-वीसं पि जिणवरा, तित्थ-यरा मे पसीयंतु...... कित्तिय-वंदिय-महिया, जे ए लोगस्स उत्तमा सिद्धा. आरुग्ग-बोहि-लाभ, समाहि-वर-मुत्तमं-दित्. .......... चंदेसु निम्मल-यरा, आइच्चेसु अहियं पयास-यरा. सागर-वर-गंभीरा, सिद्धा सिद्धिं मम दिसंतु... 2_68 Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ logassa ujjoa-gare, dhamma-tittha-yare jine. arihante kittaissam, chauvisam pi kevali..... usabha-majiam cha vande, sambhava-mabhinandanam cha sumaim cha. pauma-ppaham supäsam, jinam cha chanda-ppaham vande. suvihim cha puppha-dantam, siala-sijjamsa-väsu-pujjam cha. vimala-manantam cha jinam, dhammam santim cha vandämi. kunthum aram cha mallim, vande muni-suvvayam nami-jinam cha. vandämi rittha-nemim, päsam taha vaddhamänam cha. evam mae abhithuä, vihuya-raya-malä pahina-jara-maranä. chau-visam pi jinavarä, tittha-yarä me pasiyantu.. kittiya-vandiya-mahiyä, je e logassa uttamä siddhä. ärugga-bohi-läbham, samähi-vara-muttamam-dintu. chandesu nimmala-yarä, äichchesu ahiyam payäsa-yarä. sägara-vara-gambhirä, siddhä siddhim mama disantu.... .1. .2. 69 .3. .4. .5. ..6. .7. I eulogize and worship twenty-four Tirthankars of this current descending half phase of the time cycle. They have achieved Keval jnän and the distinction of Arihanta. They enlighten the entire universe and they establish the four fold Jain Sangha. I offer my obeisance to and bow down to, Bhagawän Shree Rishabhadev, AjitNäth, Sambhavnäth, Abhinandan-swämi, Sumatinäth, Padmaprabha-swämi, Supärshvanäth, Chandraprabha-swämi, Suvidhinäth (also known as, 'Pushpadanta swämi'), Shitalnäth, Shreyänsnäth, Väsupujya-swämi, Vimalnäth, Anantnäth, Dharmanäth, Shäntinäth, Kunthunäth, Aranäth, Mallinäth, Munisuvrat swämi, Naminäth, Neminäth, Pärshvanäth, and Mahävir swämi. Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Oh! All twenty-four Tirthankars, your souls are free from the bondage of karmic particles, and thus you are free of old age as well as cycles of birth and death. You have propagated the religious order. I praise all of your virtues, offer my obeisance to you, and worship you. Please bestow upon me the sense to attain perfect knowledge (Keval jnän), which shall lead to ultimate liberation. You have achieved liberation and therefore, you are praised, worshipped and offered obeisance to by the entire universe. Please bestow upon me the right faith (Bodhi), perfect spiritual health, and the highest state of contemplation. Oh! Tirthankar Bhagawän, you are purer than the full moon, brighter than the sun, and more serene and deeper than the ocean. Oh! Siddha Bhagawan, please bestow upon me the ultimate Siddhärtha (salvation). Now that we have atoned ourselves, we will begin Chaitya Vandan. Chaitya Vandan: First, we seek permission to do Dev Vandan by bowing down while reciting following: इच्छामि खमा-समणो! वंदिउँ, जावणिज्जाए निसीहिआए, मत्थएण वंदामि. Ichchhämi khama-samano ! vandium, javanijjäe nisihiäe, matthaena vandämi. Oh! Bhagawan! I wish to offer my obeisance to you. I am giving up all sinful activities to the best of my abilities, and I am bowing my head down to you. इच्छाकारेण संदिसह भगवन् ! चैत्यवंदन करूं? Ichchhäkärena Sandisaha bhagavan ! Chaitya-vandan Karun? Bhagawän, with your permission, may I perform Chaitya Vandan (Dev Vandan)? 70 Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Since Bhagawan's permission is assumed, we say: Ştes. Ichchham Taccept your permission Then we recite the following prayer: सकल कुशलवल्ली, पुष्करावर्त मेघो, दुरित तिमिर भानु, कल्पवृक्षोपमान: भवजलनिधि पोत, सर्व संपत्तिहेतु, स भवतु सततं वः श्रेयसे शांतिनाथ, श्रेयसे पार्श्वनाथ. Sakal Kushal Valli, Pushkäravart Megho; Durita timir Bhänu, Kalpa vriksho pamänah, Bhavajala nidhi potah, Sarva Sampatti Hetu; Sa Bhavatu Satatam Vah, Shreyase Shäntinäthah, Shreyase Shreyase Pärshvanäthah. Oh! Bhagawan Shäntinäth! Oh! Bhagawan Pärshvanäth! May you be there for our well-being forever. You are the abode of all happiness. You are like rain in Pushkarävarta. You are like the sun dispelling the darkness of evils. You are like a desire-yielding tree. You are like a ship for crossing the sea of endless cycles of birth and death. You are the source of all prosperity. Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Now we recite any of the Chaitya Vandan Stotras such as follows. परमेश्वर परमात्मा जगपावक परमिट्ट, जय जगगुरु देवाधिदेव, मेरे नयन में स्थित...1 अचल अकल अविकार सार करुणारस सिंधु, जगतिजन आधार एक निष्कारण बंधु...2 गुण अनंत प्रभु ताहरा केमे कह्या ना जाय, परम प्रभु जिन ध्यानथी चिदानंद सुख थाय...3 Parmeshwar Paramätmä Jagpävak Paramishta, Jay Jag Guru Devädhidev Mere Nayanmen Sthit (1) Achal Akal Avikär Sär Karunaras Sindhu, Jagati Jan ädhär Ek Nishkäran Bandhu (2) Gun Anant Prabhu Tährä Keme Kahyä Na Jây, Paramprabhu Jin Dhyanathi Chidanand Sukh Th Oh! Supreme Bhagawän! Oh! Supreme soul! You are the purifier of the world. You are supremely desirable. You are worshipped even by the heavenly gods. You are the greatest of the great. You are always there in my thoughts and my sight. You are liberated and, thus, always without a body. You are free of passions. You are the real essence of the sea of compassion. You are the only refuge for and selfless companion to all worldly beings. Bhagawän, one can never completely describe your innumerable attributes. However, by contemplating the supreme omniscient Bhagawän, everlasting bliss can prevail. 72 Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Now recite the following Sutras. जं किंचि नाम-तित्थं, सग्गे पायालि माणुसे लोए. जाई जि - बिंबाई, ताइं सव्वाइं वंदामि. jam kinchi näma-tittham, sagge päyäli mänuse loe. jäim jina-bimbäim, täim savväim vandämi. I bow down to all places of pilgrimage and to all the idols of Tirthankar Bhagawän present anywhere in the heaven, lower realm of the universe and in the middle section of the universe, commonly known as Manushya Lok. Now recite the following Sutras. नमुत्थुणं, अरिहंताणं, भगवंताणं. आइ-गराणं, तित्थ-यराणं, सयं-संबुद्धाणं. 2. पुरिसुत्तमाणं, पुरिस - सीहाणं, पुरिस-वर- पुंडरी आणं, पुरिस-वर-गंध-हत्थीणं. 3. लोगुत्तमाणं, लोग-नाहाणं, लोग-हिआणं, लोग-पईवाणं, लोग-पज्जोअ-गराणं. अभय-दयाणं, चक्खु-दयाणं, मग्ग-दयाणं, सरण-दयाणं, बोहि-दयाणं. 5. धम्म-दयाणं, धम्म-देसयाणं, धम्म-नायगाणं, 1. 4. धम्म-सारहीणं, धम्म-वर- चाउरंत-चक्कवट्टीणं. 6. अप्पsिहय-वर-नाण- दंसण-धराणं, वियट्ट-छउमाणं. जिणाणं, जावयाणं, तिन्नाणं, तारयाणं, बुद्धाणं, 73 7. बोहयाणं, मुत्ताणं, मोअगाणं. 8. सव्वन्नूणं, सव्व-दरिसीणं, सिव-मयल-मरुअ-मणंतमक्खय-मव्वाबाह-मपुणरावित्ति सिद्धिगइ - नामधेयं Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JUUT HYALUT, JHT GUILUT, 4137-94U1. 9. जे अ अईया सिद्धा, जे अ भविस्संति-णागए काले. HY§ 31 EHITT, Hed fa-ragu LGIA. 10. 5. namutthu nam, arihantänam, bhagavantänam. äi-garänam, tittha-yaränam, sayam-sambuddhänam. 2. purisuttamänam, purisa-sihänam, purisa-varapundarianam, purisa-vara-gandha-hatthinam. 3. loguttamänam, loga-nähänam, loga-hiänam, loga-paivänam, loga-pajjoa-garänam. 4. abhaya-dayanam, chakkhu-dayänam, magga-dayanam, sarana-dayanam, bohi-dayanam. dhamma-dayanam, dhamma-desayanam, dhamma-näyagänam, dhamma-särahinam, dhamma-vara-chäuranta-chakkavattinam. 6. appadihaya-vara-näna-dansana-dharänam, viyatta-chaumänam. 7. jinänam, jävayanam, tinnänam, tarayanam, buddhänam, bohayanam, muttänam, moagänam. 8. savvannunam, savva-darisinam, siva-mayala-marua-mananta-makkhaya mavväbäha-mapunarävitti siddhigai-nämadheyam thanam sampattanam, namo jinänam, jia-bhayänam. 9. je a aiyä siddhä, je a bhavissanti-nägae käle. sampai a vattamänä, savve ti-vihena vandämi. 74 Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ I bow down to you, Arihanta Bhagawän. You are the source of true spiritual knowledge and You establish the four-fold Jain Sangha. So, You are called Tirthankar. You attain Keval-jnän on your own without the guidance of a spiritual Guru. You exemplify the best and most fearless human being. You are the most respected supreme entity of the universe. You are the benefactor of the universe. You are like a lamp of knowledge which illuminates and spiritually enlightens the universe. You bestow fearlessness. You bestow true understanding of the nature of the soul and right path leading to liberation. You bestow the ultimate refuge to all living beings. You bestow right faith. You are the preacher and the guide of true religion. You have ended the cycles of birth and death in all four realms (human, animal, subhuman, and heaven), and you help others do the same. Thus, you are the beholder of the Dharma Chakra and are like the supreme king (known as Chakravarti). You are the beholder of everlasting perfect knowledge (Keval-jnän) and perfect perception. You are free of imperfectness. You have achieved the status of a Jin (conqueror of four passions viz. anger, ego, deceit, and greed), and You help others achieve the same. You have attained perfect perception, and You help others attain the same. You have attained Moksha, and You help others attain Moksha as well. I bow down to Tirthankar Bhagawäns, who know and perceive all. Oh! Tirthankar Bhagawän, You have attained Moksha, the abode of everlasting bliss, which is free of sufferings, and from where no one has to return to four realms of life. I bow down to Tirthankar Bhagawäns, the conqueror of all fears. Oh! Tirthankar Bhagawän, I bow down to you with my thoughts, speech, and body. I bow down to all who have attained Moksha, those who will attain Moksha and those who are Tirthankars at present. ce 012 75 Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Now recite the following Sutras. जावंति चेइआई, उड्ढे अ अहे अ तिरिअ-लोए अ. सव्वाइं ताइं वंदे, इह संतो तत्थ संताइं. jävanti cheiäim, uddhe a ahe a tiria-loe a. savväim täim vande, iha santo tattha santäim. I am bowing down to all the currently existing idols of Jineshvar Bhagawan anywhere in the upper part of the universe, this middle part of the universe and the lower part of the universe. इच्छामि खमा-समणो! वंदिउं, जावणिज्जाए निसीहिआए, मत्थएण वंदामि जावंत के वि साहू, भरहेरवय-महा-विदेहे अ. सव्वेसिं तेसिं पणओ, ति-विहेण ति-दंड-विरयाणं. jävanta ke vi sähu, bharaheravaya-mahä-videhe a. savvesim tesim panao, ti-vihena ti-danda-virayānam. Sädhu Mahäräj and Sädhviji Mahäräj do not commit any sinful activities in their thoughts, speech, or bodily actions. They do not cause others to commit sinful activities or praise others who do commit sins. I bow down in my thoughts, by my speech and by my body to all Sädhu Mahäräj and Sädhviji Mahäräj present anywhere in Bharat Kshetra, Airävat Kshetra, and Mahä Videha Kshetra. Now we recite Namorhat Sutra, which is a Sanskrit version of Navakär Mantra. नमोर्हत्-सिद्धा-चार्योपाध्याय-सर्व-साधुभ्यः. 1. namorhat-siddhä-caryopädhyaya-sarva-sädhubhyah. 1. 76 Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ I bow down to Arihanta Bhagawan, Siddha Bhagawän, Ächärya Mahäräj, Upadhyay Mahäräj, and all Sädhu and Sadhvi Mahäräj. Now is the time for a Stavan, a devotional song in praise of Tirthankar Bhagawän. Uvasaggaharam Stotra is a Stavan, which is a very significant Mantra in Jainism. Its importance as a Mantra is second only to Navakär Mantra. This Stotra is an obeisance to Bhagawän Pärshvanäth. उवसग्ग-हरं पासं, पासं वंदामि कम्म-घण-मुक्कं. विसहर-विस-निन्नासं, मंगल-कल्लाण-आवासं. 1. विसहर-फुलिंग-मंतं, कंठे धारेइ जो सया मणुओ. तस्स गह-रोग-मारी, दुइ-जरा जंति उवसामं. 2. चिट्ठउ दूरे मंतो, तुज्झ पणामो वि बहु-फलो होइ. नर-तिरिएसु वि जीवा, पावंति न दुक्ख-दोगच्चं. 3. तुह सम्मत्ते लद्धे, चिंतामणि-कप्प-पायव-ब्भहिए. पावंति अविग्घेणं, जीवा अयरामरं ठाणं. 4. इय संथुओ महायस! भत्ति-ब्भर-निब्भरेण हिअएण. ता देव! दिज्ज बोहिं, भवे भवे पास! जिण-चंद!. 5. uvasagga-haram pasam, päsam vandämi kamma-ghana-mukkam. visahara-visa-ninnäsam, mangala-kalläna-äväsam. 1. visahara-phulinga-mantam, kanthe dhärei jo sayä manuo. tassa gaha-roga-märi, duttha-jarä janti uvasämam. 2. chitthau dure manto, tujjha panāmo vi bahu-phalo hoi. nara-tiriesu vi jivä, pävanti na dukkha-dogachcham. 3. tuha sammatte laddhe, chintamani-kappa-päyava-bbhahie. pävanti avigghenam, jivä ayarämaram thänam. 4. iya santhuo mahäyasa! bhatti-bbhara-nibbharena hiaena. tä deva! dijja bohim, bhave bhave päsa! jina-chanda!. 5. Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Oh! Shree Pärshvanäth Bhagawän, I bow down to you. Even your caretaker Yaksha Pärshva can nullify the unfavorable situations caused by other people and/or other elements. You are free of all karmas. You can nullify the poison of the most poisonous snake. You are the abode of bliss and unending happiness. By faithfully reciting 'Visahara Fullinga Mantra,' people can cure their misfortunes, chronic illness, plague, and other fatal diseases and febrile illnesses In addition to reciting this Mantra, even offering our sincere obeisance to you is a cause of a good fortune. Those who offer sincere obeisance to you with deep faith will enjoy a life free from suffering and bad luck in all future human or animal lives. Attaining right knowledge and right faith, as you preach, is more precious than Chintamani and Kalpa Vruksha. When one attains right knowledge and right faith, one attains Moksha without difficulty, wherein there is no old age or death. Oh! Universally revered Pärshvanäth Bhagawän, I eulogize you with a heart full of devotion. Oh! Jineshvar Pärshvanäth Bhagawän, I wish for right knowledge, right faith, and right conduct in all my future lives. Now we will recite the Jay Viyaraya Sutra. In the first half of this Sutra, we wish for several qualities listed in the explanation of this Sutra. We recite this section of the Sutra with folded hands touching the spot on the forehead between two eyebrows as illustrated in following picture. This spot is called Äjnä Chakra, which means 'decision-making circle'. 78 Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Now recite the following Sutras. जय वीयराय! जय वीयराय! जग-गुरु !, होउ ममं तुह प्पभावओ भयवं!. भव- निव्वेओ मग्गाणुसारिआ इट्ठफल-सिद्धी. 1. लोग-विरुद्ध-च्चाओ गुरु-जण-पूआ परत्थ-करणं च. सुह-गुरु-जोगो तव्वयण - सेवणा आ-भवमखंडा. 2. वारिज्जइ जइ वि नियाण-बंधणं वीयराय ! तुह समये. तह वि मम हुज्ज सेवा, भवे भवे तुम्ह चलणाणं. दुक्ख-क्खओ कम्म-क्खओ, समाहि-मरणं च बोहि-लाभो अ संपज्जउ मह एअं, तुह नाह! पणाम- करणेणं. 4. सर्व-मंगल-मांगल्यं, सर्व-कल्याण-कारणम्. 3. प्रधानं सर्व धर्माणाम्, जैनं जयति शासनम्. 5. jaya viyaräya! jaga-guru!, hou mamam tuha ppabhävao bhayavam!. bhava-nivveo maggänusäriä itthaphala-siddhi. loga-viruddha-chchäo guru-jana-puä parattha-karanam cha. suha-guru-jogo tavvayana-sevanä ä-bhavamakhandä. värijjai jai vi niyäna-bandhanam viyaräya! tuha samaye. taha vi mama hujja sevä, bhave bhave tumha chalanänam. dukkha-kkhao kamma-kkhao, samähi-maranam cha bohi-läbho a. 1. 79 2. sampajjau maha eam, tuha näha! panäma-karanenam. 4. sarva-mangala-mängalyam, sarva-kalyäna-käranam. pradhänam sarva dharmänäm, jainam jayati shäsanam. 5. 3. Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Oh! Vitaräga Paramätmä! Oh! Spiritual preceptor of the universe, through your teachings, incessantly throughout this life and in all future lives, I wish to: Detach myself from worldly life. Lead my life on the path of right conduct, as you preached. Attain salvation. Lead a life of high morals and ethics. Be respectful to and take good care of Guru Mahäräj and elderly people. HABe helpful to and of service to others. Be in close touch with the right spiritual Guru. Follow the instructions and orders of the Guru. Oh! Vitaräga Paramätmä, I am aware that your teachings advise against asking anything from you. In spite of this, I wish to be of service to you at your feet for this life and all my future lives. Oh! Bhagawan I bow down to you and further long for: Freedom from the cycles of birth and death, which cause ultimate unhappiness. Eradication of my karmas A peaceful death in perfect equanimity. Right knowledge, right faith, and right conduct. Jain Darshan and the Jain way of life are the most auspicious. They are the source of ultimate bliss (Moksha). They are the best and the greatest among all religious philosophies. We complete this Chaitya Vandan by doing a Käusagga. For that purpose, we now recite the following Sutra. 80 Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अरिहंत-चेइयाणं अरिहंत-चेइयाणं, करेमि काउस्सग्गं. 1. वंदण-वत्तिआए, पूअण-वत्तिआए, सक्कार-वत्तिआए, सम्माण-वत्तिआए, बोहि-लाभ-वत्तिआए, निरुवसग्ग-वत्तिआए. 2. सद्धाए, मेहाए, धिईए, धारणाए, अणुप्पेहाए वड्ढमाणीए, ठामि काउस्सग्गं. 3. arihanta-cheiyanam, karemi käussaggam. _1. vandana-vattiäe, puana-vattiäe, sakkära-vattiäe, sammäna-vattiäe, bohi-läbha-vattiäe, niruvasagga-vattiäe. 2. saddhäe, mehäe, dhiie, dhäranäe, anuppehäe vaddhamänie, thami käussaggam. Oh! Arihanta Bhagawan, I wish to perform Käyotsarga to offer my obeisance to you; worship you; express my reverence to you; respect you; attain right knowledge, right faith, and right conduct; and attain salvation. I am doing this Käyotsarga with an ever-increasing level of faith, intellect, peaceful mind, determination, and contemplation. Now we recite the following Sutra. अन्नत्थ-ऊससिएणं, नीससिएणं, खासिएणं, छीएणं, जंभाइएणं, उड्डुएणं, वाय-निसग्गेणं, भमलीए, पित्त-मुच्छाए. 1. सुहुमेहिं अंग-संचालेहि, सुहुमेहिं खेल-संचालेहिं, सुहुमेहिं दिहि-संचालेहि. - 2. एवमाइएहिं आगारेहिं, अ-भग्गो अ-विराहिओ, हुज्ज मे काउस्सग्गो. 3. जाव अरिहंताणं भगवंताणं, नमुक्कारेणं न पारेमि. 4.. - ताव कायं ठाणेणं मोणेणं झाणेणं, अप्पाणं वोसिरामि.- 5. 81 Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ annattha-usasienam, nisasienam, khäsienam, chhienam, jambhäienam, udduenam, väya-nisaggenam, bhamalie, pitta-muchchhäe. 1. suhumehim amga-sancälehim, suhumehim khela-sanchälehim, suhumehim ditthi-sancälehim. 2. evamäiehim ägärehim, a-bhaggo a-virähio, hujja me käussaggo. jäva arihantänam bhagavantänam, 3. namukkärenam na päremi. 4. täva käyam thänenam monenam jhänenam, appänam vosirämi. I shall now engross myself in complete Käyotsarga (meditation), except for breathing in and out, coughing, sneezing, yawning, belching, letting bodily gas out, episode of dizziness or fainting, and subtle movements of body, phlegm and eyes. 5. I shall terminate my Käyotsarga by offering obeisance to Arihanta Bhagawän (by saying "Namo Arihantänam" aloud). Until then I shall not speak or move and renounce all other bodily and mental activities. Now, recite Navakär Mantra once in your mind and terminate Käusagga by saying 'Namo Arihantänam' aloud. Then recite the following prayer: कल्लाण-कंदं पढमं जिणिंद, संतिं तओ नेमि-जिणं मुणिंदं. पासं पयासं सुगुणिक्क-ठाणं, भत्तीइ वंदे सिरि-वद्धमाणं. 82 kalläna-kandam padhamam jinindam, santim tao nemi-jinam munindam. päsam payäsam sugunikka-thänam, bhattii vande siri-vaddhamänam. Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ With true devotion, I bow down to the first Tirthankar, Shree Rushabha-dev Bhagawan, who is the source of prosperity; to Shree Shänti-näth Bhagawän; to Shree Nemi-näth Bhagawan, who is like a supreme monk; to Shree Pärshvanäth Bhagawan, who enlightens the universe and is the abode of supreme virtues; and Bhagawän Shree Mahävir-swämi. Now, bow down while reciting Khamäsamana Sutra इच्छामि खमा-समणो! वंदिउं, जावणिज्जाए निसीहिआए, मत्थएण वंदामि. ichchhämi khamä-samano ! vandium, jävanijjäe nisihiäe, matthaena vandämi.1. Oh! Bhagawan! I wish to offer my obeisance to you. I am giving up all sinful activities to the best of my abilities, and I am bowing my head down to you. Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ STAR SAOB T HELISTABASE DESC TE TEST B030808OIB: SANIR a n det store Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Conquer anger by forgiveness, pride by humility, deceit by strait-forwardness and greed by contentment. Das-vaikälik 8/39 That by which we know the truth, control the restless mind, and purify the soul is called knowledge. Mulächär 5/70 Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ नमो अरिहताणं / नमो सिद्धाणं / नमो आयरियाणा तमो अरिहंताणं / नमो सिद्धाणं / नमो आयरियाणं नमो उवज्झायाणं / नमो लोए सव्वसाहणं एसो त उवज्झायाणं / नमो लोए सव्वसाहणं एसो पी नमुक्कारो, सव्वपावप्पणात मालपावरणासणो ।मंगलाणं च सव्वेसि पढम हवइ सहन साहितापमो सिद्धा उज्यात मोलोए सपदमाहवामानामा APERS नमो लोए तप्पणासण याणमा पर सव्वसाहण उलझायाणं / नमो लोग समावणमणो ।मंगलाण तालिममा सहकारी, सव्वपावप्पणाम सर्वसि नमो अरिहंताणं / नमोतिविण पटम हवइ मंगलं तमो सिद्धा नमो उवज्झायाणं / नम नमो आयरियाणं / नमो च नमुक्कारों, सव्वपावप्पा व्वसाहणं एसो पच नम् पढम हवड़ मंगलं / / मंगलाणं च सव्वेसि, पढम द्वाणं / नमो आयरियाण अरिहंताणं / नमो सिद्धाणं नमोलोए सव्वसाहणं ।एसो पत्र / उवज्झायाणं / नमो लोए स ण एसी पंच नमक्कारी सम्पविपणासणो मिगलाण चासि नमक्कारो, सव्वपावप्पणासणी गलाच सव्वेसि पढम ... अस्तिता / वड मंगलम Non-Attachment (Aprigraha) Non-Violence (Ahimsa) Multiplicity of Views (Anekantvad) ISBN1-59406-075-4 9781594060755