Oh! All twenty-four Tirthankars, your souls are free from the bondage of karmic particles, and thus you are free of old age as well as cycles of birth and
death. You have propagated the religious order. I praise all of your virtues, offer my obeisance to you, and worship you. Please bestow upon me the sense to attain perfect knowledge (Keval jnän), which shall lead to ultimate
liberation. You have achieved liberation and therefore, you are praised, worshipped and offered obeisance to by the entire universe. Please bestow upon me the right faith (Bodhi), perfect spiritual health, and the highest state of contemplation.
Oh! Tirthankar Bhagawän, you are purer than the full moon, brighter than the sun, and more serene and deeper than the ocean. Oh! Siddha Bhagawan,
please bestow upon me the ultimate Siddhärtha (salvation).
Now that we have atoned ourselves, we will begin Chaitya Vandan.
Chaitya Vandan:
First, we seek permission to do Dev Vandan by bowing down while reciting following:
इच्छामि खमा-समणो! वंदिउँ, जावणिज्जाए निसीहिआए,
मत्थएण वंदामि.
Ichchhämi khama-samano ! vandium, javanijjäe nisihiäe, matthaena vandämi.
Oh! Bhagawan! I wish to offer my obeisance to you. I am giving up all sinful activities to the best of my abilities, and I am bowing my head down to you.
इच्छाकारेण संदिसह भगवन् ! चैत्यवंदन करूं?
Ichchhäkärena Sandisaha bhagavan ! Chaitya-vandan Karun?
Bhagawän, with your permission, may I perform Chaitya Vandan (Dev