I now want to absolve all those sins committed by me (as mentioned in previous sutra) by repentance. To purify my soul and to make it free of the pain (caused by practicing religion without right faith, practicing religion just for the show and practicing religion for worldly gains.) and, to completely destroy all the sins committed by me, I shall now perform Käyotsarga.
In order to repent for that, we will now do Käusagga by reciting following Sutra.
अन्नत्थ सूत्र
अन्नत्थ-ऊससिएणं, नीससिएणं, खासिएणं, छीएणं, जंभाइएणं, उड्डुएणं, वाय-निसग्गेणं, भमलीए, पित्त-मुच्छाए
सुहुमेहिं अंग-संचालेहिं, सुहुमेहिं खेल-संचालेहिं, सुहुमेहिं दिट्ठि-संचालेहिं. एवमाइएहिं आगारेहिं, अ-भग्गो अ-विराहिओ, हुज्ज मे काउस्सग्गो जाव अरिहंताणं भगवंताणं, नमुक्कारेणं न पारेमि ताव कायं ठाणेणं मोणेणं झाणेणं, अप्पाणं वोसिरामि.
annattha-usasienam, nisasienam, khäsienam, chhienam, jambhäienam, udduenam,
väya-nisaggenam, bhamalie, pitta-mucchäe suhumehim amga-sancälehim, suhumehim khela-sancälehim, suhumehim ditthi-sanchälehim evamäiehim ägärehim, a-bhaggo a-virähio, hujja me käussaggo jäva arihantänam bhagavantänam, namukkärenam na päremi täva käyam thänenam monenam jhänenam, appänam vosirämi.
I shall now engross myself in complete Käyotsarga (meditation) except for breathing in and out, coughing, sneezing, yawning, belching, letting bodily gas out, dizziness or fainting, and subtle movements of body, phlegm, and eyes.
I shall terminate my Käyotsarga by offering obeisance to Arihanta Bhagawän (by saying, "Namo Arihantänam" aloud). Until then I shall not speak, be motionless in the same place, and renounce all other bodily and mental